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The theme of the lesson. Show “40 million”

Год: 2013

Страна: Казахстан


№70 Жанқожа батыр атындағы мектептің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Қызылорда облысы, Қазалы ауданы, Әйтеке би кенті

Grade: Among 11th form

The theme of the lesson. Show “40 million”

2.The objectives of the lesson.

1. to speak in English more develop pupils speaking habits, teach pupils how to use much money in their life in a right order

4. to teach them to be a good and rich businessmen in future.

3.Visual aids. Interactive board, money, presents, diploma, microphone, recorder

4.Type of the lesson. Play lesson

5.Kind of the lesson. Untraditional

6.The method of the lesson. Question and answer, comparison, searching

7.Connection of the lesson. History, environment, grammar rule

8.A form of the lesson. Group work

9.The outline of the lesson.

Dear gests, teachers, pupils and participants. Today we are going to have a competition which is called “40 million”. Why we take this competition. Firstly it is modern and new. Secondly, we want to show our knowledge in English. The aim of this competition is to speak in English more, to develop pupils speaking habits, to teach pupils how to use much money in their life in a right order and to teach them to be a good and rich businessmen in future.

Now let`s begin our competition. I want to invite the participants of today`s party.

First group is ….. Erekash Akhylbech and Madina Meruert

Second group is…… Kyrgyzbai Gaziz and Bahitbeck Daurenbeck

Third group is…. Kuanbai Ercebulan and Mengdybai Meyerman

Now I explain the rule of today`s competition.

First you should introduce your group.

Second we are going to our play. Here we have some changes from TV show. Here each group has 8 question. Who has right answer they will take the money from your opponent. At the end of play who has much money they will be winner. Now let`s begin our competition. I wish you good luck. Each group should introduce themselves. If we have already finished introducing let`s go on to our questions. Here you should choose your category. Each category has 4 answers then we put our question. You have only one minute for your thinking and putting your money. Which category do you want? Here we have 5 categories. They are grammar, vocabulary, history, country studying, different questions. Ok, choose.

1.Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

Winston Churchil General Washington Abraham Lincoln Admiral Nelson

2.By whom was written “an American tragedy”

Mark Twain Theodore Dreiser Jack London Robert Burns

3.When did the great fire of London take place?

1566 1516 1666 1856

4.What is the name of “Ulster”

Britain Northern Ireland Wales Scotland

5.What is the national emblem of Scotland?

The rose the thistle the daffodil the shamrock

6.Which of these names are the biggest state of the USA?

Arizona Florida Alaska California

7.Which of these money is the British money?

Dollars pounds franks crones

8.When did the United States win its Independence?

1680 1881 1776 1784

9.What beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?

Sutherlands Anchel Niagara Boyoma

10. Who is the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty?

Michelangelo Eiffel Bartholdi Lincoln

11.A Red dragon is the symbol of which country?

Northern Ireland Wales Southern Ireland England

12. In whose hands is the state power in Britain?

The queen or the king Parliament Liberal party Conservative party

13.Who wrote the novel “Sister Carrie”

Charles Dickens Somerset Maugham Theodore Dreiser Alan Marshall

14.Lewes Carroll was the pen-name of …..

Rudyard Kipling Samuel Clemens Charles Dodge son John Reed

15.The national flower of Wales

Rose daffodil thistle daisy

16.The real name of Mark Twain is…..

Samuel Clemens Conon Doyle Dodge son O` Henry

17.Robinson Crusoe met his friend ____________ on the island.

Monday Friday Wednesday Saturday

18.The “Speaker`s Corner” in London is situated in

The Westminster Abbey The Trafalgar Square Hyde park The Tower of London

19.Australia is famous for its…

Horses cows lambs sheep

20.”To be , or not to be” That is the question of –

Hamlet Othello King Lear John Griffith

21. “частные школы” переведите

Infant junior private primary

22.Where did the Titanic sink?

Pacific Atlantic Arctic Indian

23.When did the Titanic sink?

1905 1952 1912 1877

24. Who was the building of Westminster Abbey started by?

Henry III George III William II Edward II

25.How many houses does the USA consist of?

1 2 3 4

25.What is the oldest royal residence of the UK?

Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace Big Ben The Tower of London

26.The retirement of Britain for men and for women.

60,57 60,58 65,60 60,60

27.What is the full name of Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth Mary Ann Elizabeth Alexandra Ann Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Elizabeth Mary

28.Queen Elizabeth was born in ….

April May January July

29.Who choose the member of the house of Commons?

Electors Prime Minister Queen House of lords

30.She was __________ to the University and granted a scholarship.

Received adopted admitted entered

31.She came to work……

Where as Tom didn`t because she was ill despite her cold in case they come

32. “College open to visitor Tues-Sat afternoons only” means

You should come another day You can come five days a week

You should come later this afternoon We can tell you about places to visit

33.I will _______ you the news later.

Say speak talk tell

34. “to rush” means

Сбежать отправиться торопливо войти, ворваться оказаться

35.без царя в голове — means

Indian summer to catch one`s eye to be an airhead to be in the hole

36. a flock of ……

Flowers birds cows bees

37.Dad can`t come to the phone because he ______ the dinner.

Will cook is cooking cooks cooked

38.Mario went on holiday to France _________ he met a woman called Claudia.

Which where who because

39. The antonym of the word “intelligent”

Stupendous clever stupid moral

40.How can you translate the word “воспитывать”

Bring down bring up bring off bring out

41.Choose the antonym of the word “generous”

Happy dull gullible greedy

42. “ругать” what is in English

To tell off to tell down to tell up to tell for

43.What is the word “to leave”

To abandon to lie to remain to go out

44.The synonym of the word “limit”

Endless disallow spirit restriction

45.Which of these words are the right variant of the word “сравнительный”

Superlative comparative comparably comparative

46. “get on with” means

Ладить приказать бегать помочь

47. “to give in” means

Спорить возвращать закончить сдаваться

48. to be going — it is ….

Gerund Continuous Indefinite Active Participle1 Participle2

Now let`s check our money. Who has much money he is the winner of our competition. Now I have some presents for you. Let me give them to you. Now pupils we have a good rest I think. Thank you for knowledge. You show your knowledge in a high level I think. You very active. I think you know more information about English. Now guest thank you for your coming and for your attention. The lesson is over. And let`s another work which I have prepared. It is my video rolling.


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