Год: 2012
Страна: Казахстан
Казахстан,Кызылординская область,кент Айтеке би
Учитель англиского языка профессионального лицея №5
Избасханова Самал Сагинаевна
The theme of the lesson:
Work and Money
The aim of the lesson: To enlarge pupils vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation, to teach to work individually. To enrich students knowledge concerning the theme. Presentation of the new words, to explain the text.
The Type: New lesson
The kind: Information lesson
Visual aids: Interactive board
The plan of the lesson
Work, useful, money, redundant, admire, future, job.
III. Checking up home task Unit 5 Step 1
IV. Presentation of the new words:
Income [inkәm]-табыс
Fee [fi:]- қаламақы
Salary [sæləri]- жалақы
Wage [weidз]- еңбекақы
Bonus[bounәs]- сыйлық ақша
Scholarship [skoiarsip]- стипендия
V. To explain the text.
To read the text corrextly and discuss your ideas in your group with the rest of the class.
VI. to do exercise 1
Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the words from the box above.
Choose one of the jobs and put it in correct order.
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