Мир учителя
Группа:Мир учителя
Страна:Страны СНГ
Регион:не указан
Daily life

Год: 2012

Страна: Казахстан

Казахстан,Кызылординская область,Казалинский район,кент Айтеке би

Учитеь англиского языка средней школы №216 имени К.Сатбаева

Мукаева Арай Муратовна



Form: 3 B


1.to develop the listening skills.

2. to work on reciting poems.

3. to improve pupils interest in learning English language

4. to develop capacity of working in group.



2. pictures of clocks

3. texts for Listening

4. pictures of family

Lesson Plan

I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the homework. Let's revise the members of family.

III.. Our lesson's theme is “Daily life” . At first talk about your daily life one by one in Kazakh. Now open your page 44 exercise 5 write down the new words.

Man [ mǽn]- ер адам

Men [ men] - ер адамдар

Get [ get]- ұйқыдан тұру

Woman [ 'wumən]- әйел адам

Women ['wumen] -әйел адамдар

Live [liv]- өмір сүру

Street [stri:t] -

Clock [klok] -көше

Usually ['ju:zuə] -әдетте

Home [houm]- үй

IV.Speaking exercise

Teacher: We have a guest today. But I wiil not say his name to you.you will learn his name from the riddle.Listen very carefully and say who he is.

It can tell you all the day,

Time to sleep and time to play. (the clock)

Teacher: Yes, you are right, it is the clock.Today we have an unusual clock Big Ben it is the highest clock in the world which is in London.

The Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,

Now it's eight o'clock.

What do you do, Nazikzhan

At eight o'clock?

Nazikzhan: I have breakfast at eight o'clock.

The Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,

Now it's nine o'clock.

What do you do, Daulet

At nine o'clock?

Daulet: I have my lessons at nine o'clock.

Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a competition.Please, form two teams and choose a captain of each.Name your teams and choose a motto.”Better late than never”, “Never waste time”

V.Games. “Sound-Word”. I will give each group words and transcriptions according to the theme.You should match them.For the right answer I will give the picture of a clock.

“Make a phrase”. Each group should complete the phrases below:

I team

II team


a shower




to bed


dinner (supper, lunch)


games (computer)


my homework

YI Exercise

Stand up!clap!clap!

Hands up!clap!clap!

Step!step!Hands down!

Clap!clap!Please sit down!

YII. Listening task.

Teacher: Now children listen and match the time with the text.


7 a.m

8 a.m

3 p.m

7 p.m

10 p.m

You should write just the numbers.

Text №1. At this time Berik washes his face and hands.He goes to bed. (10 p.m)

Text №2. At this time Berik gets up.He has bread and butter and a cup of tea. (7 a.m.)

Text №3. At this time Berik usually goes to school. (8 a.m)

Text №4 At this time Berik usually comes home from school. He plays football.(3 p.m)

Text № 5 At this time Berik is usually at home.He reads books. He plays computer.(7 p.m)

YIII.Grammar task on page 45 ex.8

IX.Competition of captains.

Teacher: Now, captains come to me.It is your time to help your teams.Your task is to recite a short poem about working day.

Getting up

When I get up in the morning

I'll tell you what I do

I wash my hands

And I wash my face.

]I clean my teeth till

They are shining white

Then I put on my clothes

And brush my hair

And I run fast downstairs.

Well done! Thanks for participating. Your marks…

X. Hometask to write about your day.

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