link3600 link3601 link3602 link3603 link3604 link3605 link3606 link3607 link3608 link3609 link3610 link3611 link3612 link3613 link3614 link3615 link3616 link3617 link3618 link3619 link3620 link3621 link3622 link3623 link3624 link3625 link3626 link3627 link3628 link3629 link3630 link3631 link3632 link3633 link3634 link3635 link3636 link3637 link3638 link3639 link3640 link3641 link3642 link3643 link3644 link3645 link3646 link3647 link3648 link3649 link3650 link3651 link3652 link3653 link3654 link3655 link3656 link3657 link3658 link3659 link3660 link3661 link3662 link3663 link3664 link3665 link3666 link3667 link3668 link3669 link3670 link3671 link3672 link3673 link3674 link3675 link3676 link3677 link3678 link3679 link3680 link3681 link3682 link3683 link3684 link3685 link3686 link3687 link3688 link3689 link3690 link3691 link3692 link3693 link3694 link3695 link3696 link3697 link3698 link3699 link3700 link3701 link3702 link3703 link3704 link3705 link3706 link3707 link3708 link3709 link3710 link3711 link3712 link3713 link3714 link3715 link3716 link3717 link3718 link3719 link3720 link3721 link3722 link3723 link3724 link3725 link3726 link3727 link3728 link3729 link3730 link3731 link3732 link3733 link3734 link3735 link3736 link3737 link3738 link3739 link3740 link3741 link3742 link3743
Ольга Николаевна
Группа:Команда портала
Регион:не указан
"Добро пожаловать в Лондон"

Россия,Республика Татарстан, г. Тетюши

МБОУ "Тетюшская СОШ №1 им. П.С. Ханжина"

Учитель английского языка

Самойлова Алла Николаевна

"Добро пожаловать в Лондон"

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока:

Образовательные: 1. Углублять и расширять знания учащихся по данной теме; 2. Систематизировать уже имеющиеся знания по теме; 3. Продолжать знакомить с историческими, культурными, географическими реалиями страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающие: 1. Формировать и развивать интеллектуальную атмосферу на урок; 2. Развивать познавательные умения: задавать и отвечать на вопросы, рассуждать, искать нужную информацию, понимать наглядные пособия; 3. Развивать познавательные и мыслительные процессы.

Воспитательные: 1. Воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка; 2. Воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка; 3 Воспитывать осознание важности человека в исторических событиях.

Сопутствующая задача — развитие умения читать, понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации, обобщать изученную информацию с помощью тренировочных упражнений.

Средства обучения:

-учебные пособия: учебник «Английский с удовольствием. EnjoyEnglish.»М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Данисенкоидр.;

-оборудование: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, доска, английский через skype, интерактивная доска.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Фонетическая зарядка.
  3. Речевая зарядка.
  4. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Проверка домашнего задания.
  5. Лексический тест.
  6. Физкультминутка.
  7. Знакомство с новым материалом.
  8. Закрепление темы урока.
  9. Подведение итогов.

Ход урока.

  1. - Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. I think you are ready to begin the lesson. At the lesson we’ll speak about London. The first complete the phonetic exercise. Look at the board, please. And repeat after me.
  2. [I] — English, Great Britain, visit

[/\] – London, Londoner, much, lovely, country

[eI] – famous, favorite, stadium, Great Britain, Wales

[ ]- England, Englishman, Scotland, Northern Ireland.

3. Look at the multimedia desk and say “What is it?”

- I think this is Big Ben.

OK! How is this building called?

- This building is called Westminster Abbey.

That’s right! What is the name of the park?

- The name of the park is Hyde Park.

OK! How is the Queen’s residence in London called?

- The Queen’s residence in London is called Buckingham Palace.

Good! And what is the name the Queen of England?

- Her name is Elizabeth II.

Very good!!! What other popular places of London do you know?

- I know the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Nelson’s Column and etc.

4. Tell me about London (homework). Please, keep to the plan (наинтерактивнойдоске).

  1. London is the biggest city in Britain.
  2. There are many interesting places there.
  3. The place in London I would like to visit.

For example, London is the capital of England. I think London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. There are many interesting places there: Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge etc. I would like to visit Big Ben. Big Ben is really a bell. The bell is over two meters tall and chimes every quarter of an hour…etc.

5. Good for you! Look at me, you can find the paper with this test. Try to find the right answers.


1. Big Ben is …

a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.

2. Backingham Palace is…

a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.

3. Westminster Abbey is a large…

a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.

4. The Tower of London was…

a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress , a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.

5. Ravens must live in…

a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge.

6. Are you tired? Let’s play! Listen the poem, please.

Hands up! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Clap! Clap!

Hands on the head! Hop! Hop!

Hands on the hips! Hop! Hop!

7. Thanks. Sit down, please. I would like to introduce you to the royal family and the queen of England now. Look at the multimedia desk and listen. (Презентацияокоролевскойсемье).

-Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) is Queen of sixteen sovereign states, and their respective overseas territories and dependencies. She holds each crown and title equally; however, she is most directly involved with the United Kingdom, her oldest realm and the place of residence of the Royal Family.

-In 1945, Elizabeth joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service to help in the war effort. She trained side-by-side with other British women to be an expert driver and mechanic. While her volunteer work only lasted a few months, it offered Elizabeth a glimpse into a different, non-royal world.

-They fell in love and wanted to get married. Before they got married, he renounced his royal title as a Prince of Greece and Denmark, became a British subject, and adopted the surname of his uncle Louis Mountbatten. He was named Duke of Edinburgh shortly before they got married but was not made a Prince of the United Kingdom until 1957. They got married on November 20, 1947. One year later, they had a son, Charles Philip Arthur George. In 1950, they had Anne Elizabeth Alice; in 1960, Prince Andrew; and in 1964, Prince Edward.

-Her Majesty The Queen’s title in the United Kingdom is: “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.

-The Queen takes a keen interest in horses and racing. Her Majesty's first pony was given to her by her grandfather, King George V, when she was four years old. This was a Shetland pony called Peggy. The Queen continues to ride at Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor.

The Queen also takes a keen interest in horse breeding. Horses bred at the Royal studs over the last 200 years have won virtually every major race in Britain. The Queen has about 25 horses in training each season.

-The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign, starting with Susan who was a present for her 18th birthday in 1944. A good proportion of these have been direct descendants from Susan. Her Majesty currently has five corgis — Monty, Willow, Emma, Holly and Linnet.
-British Queen Elizabeth II is a the real queen of hat style. It is almost impossible to see Elizabeth II bareheaded in public events. We say “Queen” — mean the hat, we say “hats” — mean the Queen Elizabeth II.

The British Queen is always elegant and always wearing a hat.

8. Thank you for your attention. Please answer the questions about what you heard.

- What is the Queen husband’s name?




- How many childrendoes the Queen have?




- What is the Queen’s hobby?

a.Horses and cats

b.Dogs and mice

c. Horses and dogs

9. Подведение итогов урока.

And now we know about places of interests in London. We know how to find a way. You’ll do your homework. Talk about the places you would like to visit (ex.28, p.69).

Our lesson is over. Thank you for our lesson.

See you soon later. Good buy.

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