link8928 link8929 link8930 link8931 link8932 link8933 link8934 link8935 link8936 link8937 link8938 link8939 link8940 link8941 link8942 link8943 link8944 link8945 link8946 link8947 link8948 link8949 link8950 link8951 link8952 link8953 link8954 link8955 link8956 link8957 link8958 link8959 link8960 link8961 link8962 link8963 link8964 link8965 link8966 link8967 link8968 link8969 link8970 link8971 link8972 link8973 link8974 link8975 link8976 link8977 link8978 link8979 link8980 link8981 link8982 link8983 link8984 link8985 link8986 link8987 link8988 link8989 link8990 link8991 link8992 link8993 link8994 link8995 link8996 link8997 link8998 link8999 link9000 link9001 link9002 link9003 link9004 link9005 link9006 link9007 link9008 link9009 link9010 link9011 link9012 link9013 link9014 link9015 link9016 link9017 link9018 link9019 link9020 link9021 link9022 link9023 link9024 link9025 link9026 link9027 link9028 link9029 link9030 link9031 link9032 link9033 link9034 link9035 link9036 link9037 link9038 link9039 link9040 link9041 link9042 link9043 link9044 link9045 link9046 link9047 link9048 link9049 link9050 link9051 link9052 link9053 link9054 link9055 link9056 link9057 link9058 link9059 link9060 link9061 link9062 link9063 link9064 link9065 link9066 link9067 link9068 link9069 link9070 link9071
Доспаева Венера Нурлыбековна
Должность:не указана
Регион:не указан
Открытый урок по английскому языку "Шоппинг"

Akmola region

Zharkayn district

Tasty-Taldy secondary school

Dospayeva Venera

the 7 th«A» grade

The theme of the lesson: Shopping in Britain

The aim of the lesson: - To enrich word-stock of pupils on the theme

"Shopping in Britain.”

The tasks of the lesson:

1. To get acquainted the pupils with the new words

on the theme "Shopping in Britain” , to introduce with new markets in Britain, speech in groups, reading the dialogues, audio work, pair work, thinking. 2. To develop pupils’ oral speech, writing, reading, understanding, skills and habits, memory, knowledge about Britains shopping.

3. To bring up the pupils to be polite and kind and their friendship atmosphere.

Result: Pupils must be able to speak on the theme "Shopping in Britain.”

using the active vocabulary.

Form of the lesson: Mixed

Visual aids: slides, flipcharts, cards, active board, books.

Methods of the lesson: Elements of creative thinking, group work, listening, translating, reading, speaking.

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh language, geography.

Lesson procedure

I. Organization moment

T: Good morning, dear children!

S: Good morning, dear teacher!

Good morning, Good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher,

We are glad to see you!

T: Thank you, children, sit down please. What day and date is it today?

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What month is it now?

2) Checking up the home task

3) Brainstorming















III. The new theme.

New words

Listen to audio material and repeat after teacher. Open your copy books and write down the new words.

• Shops

• Post office

• Bakery

• Greengrocers

• Chemist’s

• Jeweler's

• Butcher’s

2)Work with slides.

3) work with flipcharts.

Speaking about High Street.

IV. reading the text.

Read the text about shopping in London.

Shopping in London.

Oxford Street is a very big and popular shopping centre in London. There are clothes shops and shoe shops, book shops and dress shops.

One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street is Selfridges. It has more that 300 departments on 6 floors, 2.500 employees (people who work there) and every day more than 100.000 people from all over the world walk its doors, eat in its 5 restaurants and use its four lifts and three escalators.

In the early days there were gardens on the roof and many people came and looked at the famous Selfridges lifts. Today it is famous for its window displays at Christmas.

Selfridges is a very expensive department store that is why most Londoners have to go to cheaper shops: Marks and Spencer’s for clothes and supermarkets for food.

Supermarkets have become very popular with shoppers. They sell not only food, but also ready made clothes, toys and other goods. They are self-service shops.

V.Individual work.



VI. group work.

Each group make a list ok Kazakhastans and Russian labels/clothing companies.


Ex-8, p 93.

1)Can you _____me 10 pounds untill the weekend?

2) I would like to borrow Mr.Andrewscamera , but I don’t suppose he wants to _______________it to me.

3) Don’t ______________money to Peggy1 she always forget to pay you back.

4) Why don’t you _____ Jacks bicycle . Im sure he wouldn’t mind.

5) dad, can I _________your car for the evening?


2-borrow, lend



5- borrow

Pair work.

Each pupil write and say about his/her shop.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->1) <!--[endif]-->Aigul and Bekzat present their shop.

Shop of clothes.

2)Gulzat and Timur play role of shopkeeper and visitor.Greengrocers.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->3) <!--[endif]-->Madiand Islamkarimare in Restaurant. Madi is a waiter. Islamkarim is a guest.


1.Do you like shopping?

a)Yes, I do. B)No, I haven’t c)Yes, I like shops.

2.What shop did you visit?

a)I visited supermarkets B)I visited Marks and Spencer’s for clothes


The most popular shopping street is oxford street.

Әлемге әйгілі сату орталығы Оксфорд көшесі.

Home task- p98 to write and learn words.

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