Мачурина Т.Б.
учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
с углубленным изучением
английского языка» г. Перми
OBJECTIVES: - to make pupils gather information about the country using authentic reference books and materials;
- to teach pupils make up a socio-cultural profile of Australia;
- to make up a habit of listening and understanding of authentic audio and video materials;
- to create a video image of Australia;
- to make pupils compare and analyze the stages of their study of English-speaking countries and plan their further work.
TECHNIQUES: - pair work and group work;
- discussion;
- solving a quiz;
- filling in a profile card of a country;
- decision making.
MATERIALS: - a map of Australia;
- reference books and materials;
- video — film;
- pictures;
- magazines.
ACTIVITY I: Watching and listening comprehension.
The teacher reminds pupils that they continue studying English-speaking countries and stimulates their interest to Australia offering them to watch an extract from the video-film “Mystery of Australia”. While watching pupils are asked to answer the questions:
-Why is this country considered to be so mysterious?
-How did it happen?
After watching pupils answer the questions. Their possible answers are:
-Australia has a unique wild life, animals and plants can’t be found anywhere else in the world.
-The continent separated from the other ones millions years ago and developed independently.
ACTIVITY II: Solving a cultural quiz.
The teacher suggests pupils solving a quiz bout Australia to see how much they know about it.
Checking the quiz up the teacher asks pupils to explain some of their answers.
ACTIVITY III: Filling in a profile card of the country.
To enrich the knowledge of pupils about the geographical position of Australia, they are offered to fill in a profile card of the country, finding necessary information in authentic reference books and materials.
ACTIVITY IV: Pair and group work, brainstorming.
The teacher tries to make pupils understand that there are still a lot of questions they can not answer, asking them questions like:
- Can you explain why the country is called Oz or the Lucky country?
- Can you name any famous people of Australia?
- Who rules the country? Etc.
The pupils come to the conclusion that their knowledge is not enough. First in pairs, then in 2 groups they discuss what other problems they should study to enrich their knowledge. The result of their work can be given in the form of a “spider-net”.
HOME-TASK: The teacher asks the pupils to study the words connected with geographical position of the country.(ex.12,p.294 of the textbook) and, continuing discussing the nick-names of the country, write down a story “Why the country is called the OZ country (or Lucky country)” (in about 200 words).