link8496 link8497 link8498 link8499 link8500 link8501 link8502 link8503 link8504 link8505 link8506 link8507 link8508 link8509 link8510 link8511 link8512 link8513 link8514 link8515 link8516 link8517 link8518 link8519 link8520 link8521 link8522 link8523 link8524 link8525 link8526 link8527 link8528 link8529 link8530 link8531 link8532 link8533 link8534 link8535 link8536 link8537 link8538 link8539 link8540 link8541 link8542 link8543 link8544 link8545 link8546 link8547 link8548 link8549 link8550 link8551 link8552 link8553 link8554 link8555 link8556 link8557 link8558 link8559 link8560 link8561 link8562 link8563 link8564 link8565 link8566 link8567 link8568 link8569 link8570 link8571 link8572 link8573 link8574 link8575 link8576 link8577 link8578 link8579 link8580 link8581 link8582 link8583 link8584 link8585 link8586 link8587 link8588 link8589 link8590 link8591 link8592 link8593 link8594 link8595 link8596 link8597 link8598 link8599 link8600 link8601 link8602 link8603 link8604 link8605 link8606 link8607 link8608 link8609 link8610 link8611 link8612 link8613 link8614 link8615 link8616 link8617 link8618 link8619 link8620 link8621 link8622 link8623 link8624 link8625 link8626 link8627 link8628 link8629 link8630 link8631 link8632 link8633 link8634 link8635 link8636 link8637 link8638 link8639
Мачурина Татьяна Борисовна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:Россия,Пермский Край, г. Пермь
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме"Australia - the upside down world"




Мачурина Т.Б.

учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории


с углубленным изучением

английского языка» г. Перми

OBJECTIVES: - to make pupils gather information about the country using authentic reference books and materials;

- to teach pupils make up a socio-cultural profile of Australia;

- to make up a habit of listening and understanding of authentic audio and video materials;

- to create a video image of Australia;

- to make pupils compare and analyze the stages of their study of English-speaking countries and plan their further work.

TECHNIQUES: - pair work and group work;

- discussion;

- solving a quiz;

- filling in a profile card of a country;

- decision making.

MATERIALS: - a map of Australia;

- reference books and materials;

- video — film;

- pictures;

- magazines.

ACTIVITY I: Watching and listening comprehension.

The teacher reminds pupils that they continue studying English-speaking countries and stimulates their interest to Australia offering them to watch an extract from the video-film “Mystery of Australia”. While watching pupils are asked to answer the questions:

-Why is this country considered to be so mysterious?

-How did it happen?

After watching pupils answer the questions. Their possible answers are:

-Australia has a unique wild life, animals and plants can’t be found anywhere else in the world.

-The continent separated from the other ones millions years ago and developed independently.

ACTIVITY II: Solving a cultural quiz.

The teacher suggests pupils solving a quiz bout Australia to see how much they know about it.

Checking the quiz up the teacher asks pupils to explain some of their answers.

ACTIVITY III: Filling in a profile card of the country.

To enrich the knowledge of pupils about the geographical position of Australia, they are offered to fill in a profile card of the country, finding necessary information in authentic reference books and materials.

ACTIVITY IV: Pair and group work, brainstorming.

The teacher tries to make pupils understand that there are still a lot of questions they can not answer, asking them questions like:

- Can you explain why the country is called Oz or the Lucky country?

- Can you name any famous people of Australia?

- Who rules the country? Etc.

The pupils come to the conclusion that their knowledge is not enough. First in pairs, then in 2 groups they discuss what other problems they should study to enrich their knowledge. The result of their work can be given in the form of a “spider-net”.

HOME-TASK: The teacher asks the pupils to study the words connected with geographical position of the country.(ex.12,p.294 of the textbook) and, continuing discussing the nick-names of the country, write down a story “Why the country is called the OZ country (or Lucky country)” (in about 200 words).

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