Ольга Николаевна
Группа:Команда портала
Регион:не указан
Past Continuous tense

Казахстан, Алматинская область, Алакольский район

ГУ «Достыкская средняя школа с дошкольным миницентром»

Учитель английского языка

Абдуразахова Ботакоз Умирзаховна

6a form

The number of the lesson: 49


The plan of the lesson


The theme of the lesson:

Past Continuous tense

The result of the lesson:

Pupils can make up dialogue using Past Continuous tense, they can write correctly sentences without teachers help, they can write sentences using Past Continuous tense, such sentences as: I was writing a letter at 7 o’clock last night.

He was not working in the garden.

What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday at 4 o’clock.

We were talking on the phone when my friend came into the room.

My brother was watching TV , when I came into the room.

My mother was cooking in the kitchen when I came home.

The type of the lesson:

Review lesson.

The methods of the lesson:

Grammar practice, group work, answer questions, critical thinking, case study.

Other materials

The plan of teaching, English book of the 6th form, grammar books.

Teaching aids:

Cards, pictures, stickers, token’s pen and others.

Procedure of the lesson

Organizing moment:

Teachers activity. Pupils activity.

Who is on duty today? I am on duty today.

Who is absent today? All are present

What day is it today? The 11th of March

What date is it today? It is Tuesday

What month is it now? It is March

What season is in now? It is spring

What is the weather like for today? The weather is cold and windy.

Is it cold? Yes, it is.

Is it raining? No, it is not.

Is it snowing? No , it is not

Is it windy? Yes, it is

Is it foggy? No, it is not.

Is it hot? No, no

Is it warm? Of course, no

Checking up pupils homework

What was your homework for today? Ex -4, 9, 10 p 145.

O’K, let’s begin, then. May I read?

Review lesson

Pupils, look at the board, How we use the Past Continuous tense : was, were +speaking verbs. Pupils look at the picture, you must make up dialogue using these pictures.

1ST group

- Hello, Mark

-Hi, Willy. What were you doing at 4


- I was reading an interesting book

About Harry P.

-Is it very interesting?

- Of, course and you?

-I was playing computer games.

2nd group

-Good- afternoon, Miss

-Good- afternoon, Mister Ben

-Where were you going at 5 o’clock

yesterday evening ?

- I was going to the cinema

What kind of film were you


-I was watching horror films.

Sing a songs

Teacher was singing these song with pupils.

Hello, my friend,

The sun was shining

The sky was smiling

Hello, my friend , hello

The sun was shining

The sky was smiling

Be bright, my friend, be bright.

Doing exercises


Ex-1 Make up sentences using Past Continuous tense.

Looking at the photo pupils think where and what they are then ask questions below:

What were they doing this work?

Where are the people?

1st group My friend was playing tennis with me at 7 o’clock.

My father was watching films at 7 o’clock yesterday.

2nd group I was playing football with my mates. She was cooking dinner in the kitchen.Pupils answer these questions

Conclusion of the lesson

  1. Listen and say CD 3-4 Track Episode 2 ex 2
  2. Play the CD again stop after every line and ask the pupils to repeat dialogue.
  3. Teacher gives pupils a list of paper

Pupils were speaking about these dialogue

And also they answer teachers questions.


If you like our lesson you will stick this smiling on the board, if you do not like, you will stick that smiling.

Evaluation pupils knowledge

Teacher will be given 3 different figures to the pupils.

Pupils will be given 3 different figures.

Red figure means 5

Yellow figure means 4

Black figure means 3

Giving homework

Make up dialogue using Past Continuous tense, to learn by heart all new words.

Pupils have you got any questions? lesson is over, have a nice day, good-bye , pupils.

No, you have not .

Good-bye, teacher.

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