Группа:Мир учителя
Conditional Sentences

Қазақстан, г. Шымкент

ОСШ №104 им. Е. Юсупова

Учитель английского языка

Халметова Махбуба Дадаметовна

Цель урока: Организовать проверку применения грамматических умений и навыков по теме «Conditional Sentences» в речи учащихся.

I. Практическая задача :

1. Обобщить грамматический материал по теме «Условные предложения».

2. Развивать устную речь учащихся с использованием условных предложений.

II. Общеобразовательная задача:

1. Способствовать расширению общего и страноведческого кругозора.

2. Развивать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся.

Ш. Развивающая задача:

1. Развивать логику мышления, память, творчество, самостоятельность и инициативу учащихся в процессе изучения грамматического материала.

2.Развивать познавательный интерес к изучению грамматики английского языка.

IV. Воспитательная задача:

1 .Способствовать развитию умений учащихся увлекать слушателей, нести индивидуальную ответственность за выполнение общей цели.

Ход урока:


Hello, everybody! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? - Who is absent? What date is it today? What was your homework?

- We had to translate English omens from English into Russian. We had to find our Russian omens and translate them into English.

- We had to make stories "If I won a trip". Thank you, sit down please.

б) Задачи урока.

Our lesson is unusual today because it is model. You see some guests at our lesson. They are English teachers from different schools of our region.

Our lesson is called "Conditional Sentences: it's difficult but interesting", that's why we are going to speak about conditional sentences, you'll try to use them in your speech, and you'll speak about English and Russian omens, you'll recite rhymes and you'll sing a song. Let's begin!

2.Мозговая атака «Всё об условных предложениях».

Now some minutes in Russian. Listen to me and answer my questions in Russian.

1. Из чего состоят сложноподчинённые условные предложения?

2. Что выражает придаточное предложение и главное предложение?

3. При помощи чего соединяется обычно придаточное предложение с главным предложением?

4. Что выражают условные предложения I типа?

5. Какие времена употребляются в условных предложениях I типа? Привести примеры:

If you finish your work, we shall play chess. (Как образуются Present Simple и Future Simple?)

6. Как переводятся на русский язык условные предложения I типа? Привести примеры:

He goes for a walk if he will do his homework. Он пойдёт гулять, если сделает дом. работу.

7. Что выражают условные предложения П типа?

8. Какие времена употребляются в условных предложениях П типа? Привести примеры:

If he asked me to help him tomorrow, I should help him. (Как образуется Past Simple?)

9. В какой форме употребляется глагол to be в придаточном предложении в условных предложениях П типа?

10. Как переводятся на русский язык условные предложения П типа? Привести примеры:

If I went to London next year, I should visit the Tower. Если бы я поехал в Лондон в будущем году, я бы посетил Тауэр.

11. Что выражают условные предложения Ш типа?

12. Какие времена употребляются в условных предложениях Ш типа? Привести примеры:

If I had met you in London last year, I should have showed you the Tower. Если бы я встретил тебя в Лондоне в прошлом году, я показал бы тебе Тауэр. (Как образуется Past Perfect?)

13. Как переводятся на русский язык условные предложения Ш типа? Привести примеры:

If I had gone to Moscow last year, I should have visited the Kremlin

14. Условные предложения П и III типов на русский язык переводятся одинаково: глаголами в прошедшем времени с частичкой «бы». Как определить, какому типу -второму или третьему - соответствует условное предложение? Дать примеры:

If I saw him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. (Conditional Sentence - II) Если бы я увидел его завтра, я спросил бы его об этом.

If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it. (Conditional Sentences -


Если бы я увидел его вчера, я бы спросил его об этом.

That'll do, thank you. I see you know well all types of Conditional Sentences.

^ 3. Работа таблице с условными предложениями - I.

Look at the blackboard. Conditional Sentences of the first type.

We use the Present Simple Tense in the Subordinate Clause and we use the Future Simple

Tense in the Principal Clause.

^ 4. Работа по карточкам с условными предложениями -I.

Let's do the following task.

You have got cards with sentences.

Look at them.Try to give the second part of the sentence. Think a little, I give you

some minutes.

- If you finish our lesson early today…

- If I quarrel with my parents…

- If my friends get into trouble…

- I'll eat my hat if…

- We shall be very happy if…

- Will you help me if… ?

Thank you, your sentences were interesting.

5. Знакомство с английскими приметами.

Listen to me and answer my questions:

- Do you believe in superstitions?

- Are you superstitious? Let's speak about omens:

"A Good Omen".

If you see a pin and pick it up All that day you will have good luck. If you see a pin and let it lay You'll have bad luck all that day.

^ 6. Приметы в стихах.

You prepared some omens in rhymes. Please recite them to us.

Хорошая примета.

Если увидишь булавку и её подберёшь, То весь день с тобой будет удача. Если увидишь булавку и оставишь её, То весь день тебя ждёт неудача.

Conditional Sentences -1:

If the rooster crows when he goes to bed, He'll get up with rain on his head.

If you mend you clothes on your back, You will leave much money to lack.

If you find even ash, or four-leafed clover, You will see your love before the day's over.

If you plant turnips on the twenty-fifth of July, You will have turnips, wet or dry.

If you wed in bleak November, Only joys will come, remember.

If you marry in Lent, You will live to repent.

If you wed when March winds blow, Joy and sorrow you'll both know.

Thank you, sit down please.

7.Перевод английских примет на русский язык:

You homework was to translate English omens into Russian:

Omens. Приметы.

- If you walk under the ladder, you will have bad luck Если ты пройдёшь под лестницей, то тебя ждёт неудача.

- If a girl catches the bride's bouquet after a wedding, she will be the next to marry. Если девушка поймает букет невесты после свадьбы, она следующая выйдет замуж.

- If you break a mirror, you will have seven years' bad luck.

Если вы разобьёте зеркало, то у вас будет семь неудачных лет.

Thank you very much. Sit down, please. Answer my questions, please:

- What is this song about ?

- What will you do if you fall in love?

^ 10. Подведение итогов работы с условными предложениями первого типа.

We have done a lot of exercises with conditional sentences of the first type.

Did you understand this grammar material?

Is it difficult to learn Conditional Sentences -1?

Is it interesting to learn these sentences?

It is very interesting to learn these sentences, isn't it?

^ 11. Работа с условными предложениями второго типа. Ролевое задание.

Look at the blackboard. Now let's work with conditional sentences of the second type. We use the Past Simple Tense in the Subordinate Clause and we use the auxiliary verbs should, would and the Infinitive without to of the notional verb in the Principal Clause. Let's play our role task that you had to do at home.

Listen to me, I'll repeat your task once more . Yesterday I bought a box of juice. At the back of the box I read : "Cut this label up and send it using this address: subscriber post-box 111, Moscow and you may to win a trip". What did I do? I cut this label up and sent it at once. Imagine that you did the same and one morning you'll see a letter in your post-box with the text: " Congratulations! You have won a wonderful trip. Were? You may choose yourself. For further details call 5-55-55". What would you do if you won this prize? Tell us about it. Work in groups of four. My colleagues, I ask you to help me. Т.К., listen to this group, please. Listen to each other and choose the best story.

Рассказы учащихся.

I've prepared this box of juice for our winner. My congratulations!

^ 12. Стихотворение "If all the sees were one see" (условные предложения П типа)

Conditional Sentences -II:

If all the seas were one sea,

What a great sea that would be!

If all the trees were one tree,

What a great tree that would be!

And if all the axes were one axe,

What a great axe that would be!

And if all the men were one man,

What a great man that would be!

And if the great man took the great axe,

And cut down the great tree,

And let it fall into the great sea,

If any of all these wonders

Should ever come about,

I should not consider them blunders,

For I should be Inside-Out!

If all the world were apple-pie,

And all the sea were ink,

And all the trees were bread and cheese,

What should be have for drink?

If wishes were horses

Beggars would ride;

If turnips were watches

What a splish - splash that would be! I would wear one by my side.

^ And if"ifs"and"ands" If the butterfly courted the bee, Were pots and pans

And the owl the porcupine; There'd be no work for tinkers!

If churches were built in the sea, (Из этого стихотворения вошло в русский язык

And three times one was nine; выражение "if ifs and ands were pots and pans" -

If the pony rode his muster; если бы да кабы).

If the buttercups ate the cows; To be worried, sir, by the mouse; If the cat had the dire disaster If mamma, sir, sold the baby To a gypsy for half-a-crown; If a gentleman, sir, was a lady-The world would be Upside-Down!

^ 13. Подведение итогов работы с условными предложениями второго типа.

We have spoken about the conditional sentences of the second type and we have used

them in our speech.

Did you understand this grammar material?

Is it difficult to learn Conditional Sentences -II?

Is it interesting to learn these sentences?

^ 14. Работа по таблице с условными предложениями Ш типа.

Look at the blackboard. Now let's work with conditional sentences of the third type. We use the Past Perfect Tense in the Subordinate Clause and we use the auxiliary verbs should, would and the Perfect Infinitive without to of the notional verb in the Principal Clause.

^ 15. Работа по карточкам «Сказка про Золушку».

All of you know very well the fairy tale about Cindirella. But imagine for a moment what would have been if Cindirella hadn't met a Fairy. You have got the cards where you can see expressions which you may use in your stories. I give you some minutes to make your stories " What would have been if Cindirella hadn't met a Fairy".

to meet a Fairy

to go to the ball

to meet the Prince

to fell in love with

to run home at 12 o'clock

to loose a glass slipper

to find Cindirella

to try on this glass slipper

to marry Cindirella

to have a happy end

Work in groups of four. N., you are a leader of this group. I give you some minutes to

make this story.

Рассказы учащихся.

Thank you. What group was the best?

^ 16. Подведение итогов работы с условными предложениями третьего типа.

Answer my questions:

Is it difficult to learn the Conditional Sentences -III?

Is it interesting to learn these sentences?

Did you understand this grammar material?

^ 17. Тест «Условные предложения»

You have a test now.

Test. I. Choose the right answer.

1. If I find your book, I........you.

a) should have called b) should call c) shall call

2.1.........you to the cinema if I had a spare ticket.

a) should take b) shall take c) should have taken

3. If he had gone to bed earlier yesterday, he........better.

a) will feel b) would have felt c) would feel

4. If it........these days, the harvest would be better now.

a) rained b) rains c) had rained

5. We shall go for a picnic if it.....fine tomorrow.

a) was b) would be c) is

6.1 would have invited him to join us if I........him.

a) met b) meet c) had met

II. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the proper tenses.

1.1 (not to do) it if you didn't ask me .

2. If it (to snow), the children will make a snowman.

3. Who would have played the piano yesterday if he (to be) ill?

Work in pairs, change your papers and check them, please. I give you the answers on the blackboard. Thank you very much.

III. Заключительный этап.

Подведение итогов работы. Оценивание. Рефлексия учащихся по уроку.

Did you like our lesson?

Why did you like it?

Was it interesting?

Do you like to learn Enlglish grammar?

Is it interesting to learn Conditional Sentences?

Is it difficult to learn Conditional Sentences?

May we change the title of our lesson and call it "Conditional Sentences: it's easy and


Thank you very much for the lesson, you have worked very well today.

but that isn't all. We have a holiday of English grammar today, that's why I'd like to give you my presents, that's for your group etc.

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