Группа:Мир учителя
Revision lesson

Казахстан,Актюбинская область,г.Хромтау

Средняя школа №4

Учитель английского языка

Исмагулова Р.С.

Revision lesson


Утверждаю Зам.дирпо УВР:


TEACHER/УЧИТЕЛЬ: Ismagulova R.S. Исмагулова Р.С






How do you get to…

Type of the lesson

Revision lesson


Review of all material from the Unit. Speaking about future

Objectives - pupil’s will be able:

- speak about future plans. Make predictions.

- learn vocabulary connected with future

-develop speaking, logical thinking, reading skills and rise knowledge of studying foreign language


Pupils will be able to know the meaning of the new vocabulary

Can speak about their future plans

Read and understand the text and able to answer to the questions.


Discussing, methods of critical thinking,Problem solving, work in pairs, groups, assessment themselves

Assessment /

3 хлопка, самооценивание

Parts of the lesson


Teacher’s action Pupil’s action

Organization moment/


- Greeting

- Flash presentation How are you?

- Dividing into groups: Complete puzzles: Make pictures of bicycle, car, ship. Answer to the questions: Do you like this kind of car(bicycle, ship.) Do you have like this? If no have, do you want this kind of car(bicycle, ship.)?




Pupils watch video

Dividing into groups

Checking up home task


Speaking about Disneyland. Answer to the questions from the box.

Who created Disneyland? How old is Disneyland? What kind of place is Disneyland?

Is it a big or small park? When was the opening ceremony of this park? Do you want go there? Whom did he take to parks and playgrounds?


Pupils answer to the questions



Production work



Reading and speaking

Work in groups.

Writing task

Today we have unusual lesson, you see our guests and I think you’ll be very active. The theme of the lesson is revision- lesson and we’ll be speak about the future.

the aims of the lesson:

- speak about future plans, predictions.

-Review vocabulary connected with future, travelling, transport.

-develop speaking, writing, reading skills and logical thinking.

When we use Future Simple? When we want to say our future plans predictions.

And the 1st task: Look at pictures and say what is Jane going to do?

For e/g Picture number 1: Jane is going to take a shower at 8 o’clock.

Picture number 2 : Jane is going to cook a meal at 3 o’clock.

Listening: Holiday plan: Listen and read. Match the pictures with the questions. Then listen again and choose answer with Yes, I am or No, I am not

Have a rest: dancing The Hockey Pokey.

Make Posters: Pupils read the text and make posters.

1st Group: Mike: On weekend I am going to visit my grandmother. It’s her birthday. My sister and I have balloons. I am going to take birthday present for my grandmother. Mum and dad are going to buy flowers. We are going to my grandmother by car. We are going to take our dog.

2nd Group: Marat: On summer holiday he is going to Astana with his family. They have never been there. He is going to travel by train. Travelling by train very interesting and comfortable. In Astana he is going to see many interesting things. At first he want to go to the Zoo to see beautiful animals. After that he is going to visit Baiterk, Khan Shatyr and Asia park. Marat is going to visit his relatives. He thinks that his travelling will be very exciting.

3rd Group:Kate: She is 12. She likes sport. So on Saturday she is going to the stating rink near her house. After that she is going to help her mother at home to clean her room. At 4 o’clock Kate is going to do her home task. Then she is going to watch something interesting on TV. And she is going to play computer games with her little brother. Presentation posters.

Play game: nose to nose, back to back, hand to hand, foot to foot, head to head, cheek to cheek,

shoulder to shoulder

Different level task: 5 pupils do different level task

Other pupils: Look at Ann’s diary for next week. Then make sentences . After that say True or false? And correct sentences.

  1. On Monday Ann is going to play volleyball.----
  2. She is going to visit her grandmother on Sunday.+
  3. She is going to help mother on Friday.----
  4. Ann is going to meet friend on Tuesday.---
  5. On Thursday Ann is going to have a guitar lesson.+
  6. On Monday Ann is going to clean her room. +

Ex. 2p, 132 About Colin. Reading, acting a dialogue . True or False. Questions: Is Colin going to Japan or Spain? Why is he going to Spain? Where is he going after Spain? What is he going to do in Moscow? Who is going to travel with Colin? Is he going to Kazakhstan? And Why?How is he going to travel around the world?









Pupils make sent-s to the pictures

Pupils read and translate sent-s

Pupils work on the text

Work in pairs


Make a plan for summer holiday


Assessment: Pupils complete the chart.


Reflection: How do you feel at the end of the lesson? The island. you can see the islands on the sea, each island has its own name, write your names on the stickers and choose an island.

Flesh presentation.

1st Group: Mike: On weekend I am going to visit my grandmother. It’s her birthday. My sister and I have balloons. I am going to take birthday present for my grandmother. Mum and dad are going to buy flowers. We are going to my grandmother by car. We are going to take our dog.

2nd Group: Marat: On summer holiday he is going to Astana with his family. They have never been there. He is going to travel by train. Travelling by train very interesting and comfortable. In Astana he is going to see many interesting things. At first he want to go to the Zoo to see beautiful animals. After that he is going to visit Baiterk, Khan Shatyr and Asia park. Marat is going to visit his relatives. He thinks that his travelling will be very exciting.

3rd Group:Kate: She is 12. She likes sport. So on Saturday she is going to the stating rink near her house. After that she is going to help her mother at home to clean her room. At 4 o’clock Kate is going to do her home task. Then she is going to watch something interesting on TV. And she is going to play computer games with her little brother.

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