link7776 link7777 link7778 link7779 link7780 link7781 link7782 link7783 link7784 link7785 link7786 link7787 link7788 link7789 link7790 link7791 link7792 link7793 link7794 link7795 link7796 link7797 link7798 link7799 link7800 link7801 link7802 link7803 link7804 link7805 link7806 link7807 link7808 link7809 link7810 link7811 link7812 link7813 link7814 link7815 link7816 link7817 link7818 link7819 link7820 link7821 link7822 link7823 link7824 link7825 link7826 link7827 link7828 link7829 link7830 link7831 link7832 link7833 link7834 link7835 link7836 link7837 link7838 link7839 link7840 link7841 link7842 link7843 link7844 link7845 link7846 link7847 link7848 link7849 link7850 link7851 link7852 link7853 link7854 link7855 link7856 link7857 link7858 link7859 link7860 link7861 link7862 link7863 link7864 link7865 link7866 link7867 link7868 link7869 link7870 link7871 link7872 link7873 link7874 link7875 link7876 link7877 link7878 link7879 link7880 link7881 link7882 link7883 link7884 link7885 link7886 link7887 link7888 link7889 link7890 link7891 link7892 link7893 link7894 link7895 link7896 link7897 link7898 link7899 link7900 link7901 link7902 link7903 link7904 link7905 link7906 link7907 link7908 link7909 link7910 link7911 link7912 link7913 link7914 link7915 link7916 link7917 link7918 link7919
Группа:Мир учителя
Урок-викторина на тему "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland"

Казахстан,Акмолинская область,с.Новоишимка

Агротехнический колледж №9

Учитель английского языка

Фогус Вероника Геннадьевна

Оснащение урока-викторины

1.Карта Соединенного Королевства.

2.Эмблемы и флаги Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса, Северной Ирландии

3.Названия пяти секторов(разделов) под номерами

4.Цифровые табло (5 экземпляров –по числу разделов)

5. Подставки для крепления названий разделов и цифровых табло

6. Отпечатанные вопросы по пяти разделам.

7. Песочные часы (или гонг) для ограничения времени ответа.

8.Мантии-накидки и четырехуголки для участников игры, отвечающих на вопросы.

Правила урока-викторины

В игре принимают участие 3 группы студентов: ведущие, которые предъявляют задания (вопросы), участники игры, отвечающие на эти вопросы, члены жюри, которые оглашают количество набранных баллов каждым участникам игры.

Каждый ведущий имеет на своем столе название разделов с его номером и цифровое табло (они крепятся на спец.подставках), а также перечень вопросов по одному из пяти вопросов:

  1. General Information
  2. Geographical Position
  3. Places of Interest
  4. Famous People
  5. Political System

Участники игры знают названия разделов, но не знают, естественно, какие вопросы включены в эти разделы. Право каждого участника — назвать раздел и номер вопроса. Ведущий названного раздела предъявляет задание и зачеркивает на цифровом табло номер выбранного вопроса. Если участник дает правильный ответ, ему зачисляется балл (баллы). Выигрывает тот, кто наберет большее количество баллов.

После трех результативных ходов участник игры имеет право сам назначить «цену» своему ответу –увеличить ее в 2 раза по сравнению с номером соответствующего раздела. Но при этом , он должен помнить, что в случае неправильного ответа его очки «сгорают» в такое же количество раз. Данное условие приносит в ход игры оживление и участники охотно на него идут.

Содержание викторины

  1. 1. General Information

1.What is the official name of Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

2. Where is the United Kingdom situated? (On the British Isles)

3. What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

4. What is the capital of Britain? ( London)

5. What is the oldest part of London? (the City)

6. What is the mostly working-class part of London? (The East End)

7. What part of London is the symbol of wealth and culture? (the West End)

8. What is the official part of London? ( Westminster)

9. What river is the British capital situated on? ( On the Thames)

10. What is the capital of Scotland? ( Edinburgh)

11. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

12. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? ( Belfast)

13. What is the symbol of England? (the red rose)

14. What is the symbol of Scotland? (the thistle)

15. What is the symbol of Wales? (the daffodil)

16. What is the symbol of Northern Ireland? (the red hand and the shamrock)

17. What is the national costume of Scotland? (the kilt)

18. What is the national instrument of the Scots? ( the bagpipe)

19. What is Edinburgh famous for? ( for its music and theatre festivals)

20. What is Wales called? ( A “Land of Song”)

21. When do British people celebrate Christmas? (on the 25 th of December)

22. What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain? ( Roast turkey and pudding)

23. When did the Romans land on the British Isles? ( 2000 years ago)

24. What tribes invaded Britain from Denmark and Norway in the 9 th century ? (the Vikings)

  1. 2. Geographical Position
  2. Where do the British Isles he? (to the West of the continent Europe)
  3. What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by? ( By the Antlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea)
  4. What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by? (by the North Sea)
  5. What channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe? ( the English Channel)
  6. What are the largest islands of the British Isles? (Great Britain and Ireland)
  7. What mountains are there in England? ( The Pennine Chain)
  8. What mountains are there in Scotland? ( the Grampians)
  9. What mountains are there in Wales? (the Cambrian Mountains)
  10. What is the highest mountain peak in Wales? (Snowdon)

10. What is the highest mountain peak in Britain? (Ben Nevis)

11. What is the northern part of Scotland called? ( the Highlands)

12. What is the southern part of Scotland called? ( the Lowlands)

13. What is the longest river in Britain? (the Severn)

14. Why do the Britain people often talk about the weather? (it is changeable)

15. Where is it possible to see a lot of sheep and not many people? ( in North Wales)

16. What is the most famous forest in England? ( Sherwood Forest)

17. Who lived in Sherwood Forest ? (According to the legend, Robin Hood and his Merry Men lived there)

18. Why is it never too hot or too cold in Britain? ( it is because of the sea)

19. What is the mild and damp climate of the British Isles good for? (for agriculture: vegetable farming, sheep and cattle farming)

20. What is the worst thing about the climate of the British Isles? ( Frequent rain)

21. What is the best and driest season in Britain? (Spring)

22. What is Loch Ness famous for? ( for its legend about the monster)

23. What was built under the English Channel? ( the Channel Tunnel popularly known as the Chunnel)

24. Why is it possible to travel by water from one end of England to the other? (because many of the rivers are joined by canals)

25. What islands does Scotland include? (The Hebrides, the Orkey and Shetland Islands)

  1. 3. Places of Interest
  2. Where did most of the English Kings and Queens have their coronation ceremonies? (in Westminster Abbey)
  3. What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
  4. Where does the Prime Minister of Great Britain live? ( at 10, Downing Street)
  5. What is the official name of the parliament building? (Westminster Palace)
  6. Where are famous people of Great Britain buried? ( in Westminster Abbey)
  7. What was the Tower of London in the past? ( it was a fortress, a palace, a prison)
  8. What is the Tower of London now? ( it is a museum)
  9. What birds live in the Tower of London? ( Ravens)
  10. When was St.Paul’s Cathedral built? ( in the late 17 th and early 18 th century)

10. What is Hyde Park famous for? (for its Speakers’ Corner)

11. What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (Nelson’s Column)

12. What is Big Ben? (the bell of the clock on the Houses of Parliament)

13. What is Madame Tussaud’s famous for? ( for its wax figures of famous people)

14. What is Covent Garden in London? ( the name of the Royal Opera House)

15. What is Whitehall famous for? (for its government offices)

16. What park is London Zoo in? ( in Regent’s Park)

17. What is Piccadilly Circus famous for? (for its theatres and cinemas)

18. What does the Horse Guards mean? (the Queen cavalry)

19. What is Scotland Yard? ( the name of the police force in London)

20. What is the home town of William Shakespeare? ( Stratford-upon-Avon)

21. What is the town of Oxford famous for? (for its university)

22. How many colleges does Cambridge University consist of? (it consists of more than 30 colleges)

23. What was the first passenger railway in English and in the world? (the Liverpool and Manchester Railway)

24. What is the name of the famous stadium in London? ( Wembley Stadium)

25. What is Wimbledon associated with? (with lawn tennis)

  1. 4. Famous People
  2. Who printed the first English book? ( William Caxton)
  3. What was Geoffrey Chaucer? (the greatest English writer of the 14 th century)
  4. Who wrote the book called “Gulliver’s Travels”? ( Jonathan Swift)
  5. Which famous English writer’s name is Charles? ( Charles Dickens)
  6. Who wrote “Treasure Island”? (Robert Louis Stevenson)
  7. Who is known as the author of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”? (W. Shakespeare)
  8. Who wrote “Twelfth Night” (W. Shakespeare)
  9. What was Jerome’s best book that made him famous? (Three men in a Boat)
  10. Who is known as the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? ( D. Defoe)

10. What kind of writer was Herbert George Wells? (the writer of science fiction)

11. Who wrote “ The Invisible Man”? (Herbert George Wells)

12. Who is the creator of the characters of Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle)

13. Who wrote adventure about James Bond? (lan Fleming)

14. How many detective stories did Agatha Christie write? (75)

15. Who was the father of the historical novel in the world literature? (Walter Scott)

16. Where was Charlie Chaplin born? ( in London)

17. Who played the role of Scarlett in the screen version of “ Gone with the Wind? (Vivien Leigh, a British actress)

18. What were the Beatles? (Pop singers and composers)

19. Who led the parliamentary army during the Civil War in England? (Oliver Cromwell)

20. Who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar? (Admiral Nelson)

21. Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Christopher Wren)

22. Who discovered penicillin? (Alexander Fleming)

23. Whose portraits did Reynolds paint? (Portraits of the most famous people of his time)

24. What was John Constable famous for? (For his landscapes)

25. How was the last Russia Tsar’s family related to the British Royal Family? ( Alexandra, wife of the last Russia Tsar, was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria)

  1. 5. Political System
  2. What kind of state is Great Britain? ( A parliamentary monarchy)
  3. What is the head of the state of Great Britain? (The Queen)
  4. When did Princess Elizabeth come to the throne? (1952)
  5. Where did the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II take place? (in Westminster Abbey)
  6. Where are laws made in Great Britain? (in Westminster Palace)
  7. What are the Houses of the Britain Parliament? (the House of Lords and the House of Commons)
  8. How many members are there in the House of Lords? (more than 1000 members)
  9. How many members are there in the House of Commons? (650 members)
  10. Which House of the Britain Parliament is elected by the people? (the House of Commons)

10. What period are the members of the House of Commons elected for? (for 5 years)

11. Who is the chairperson of the House of Lords? ( the Lord Chancellor)

12. Who is the chairperson of the House of Commons? (the Speaker)

13. Why does the Lord Chancellor sit on a special seat called the Woolsack? (Wool made England rich)

14. How is the Speaker elected? ( he/she is elected by all the members of the House of Commons)

15. Who may put a bill before Parliament? ( any members of Parliament)

16. To whom are speeches addressed in the House of Commons? (to the Speaker)

17. What is the form of address to the Speaker? (“Mr.Speaker” or “Madam Speaker”)

18. When do members of each House meet in session? (At the end of October)

19. How long do session last? (for about 160 days a year)

20. When does a bill become an Act of Parliament? (after the Queen’s signature)

21. What are the 2 main political parties in Great Britain? (the Conservative Party and the Labour Party)

22. Which party is the government of the country formed by? (by the party which has the majority in the House of Commons)

23. Which party is the riling one in Great Britain nowadays? (the Labour Party)

24. Who heads the government of Great Britain ? (the Prime Minister)

Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present? (Tony Blair).

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