link5699 link5700 link5701 link5702 link5703 link5704 link5705 link5706 link5707 link5708 link5709 link5710 link5711 link5712 link5713 link5714 link5715 link5716 link5717 link5718 link5719 link5720 link5721 link5722 link5723 link5724 link5725 link5726 link5727 link5728 link5729 link5730 link5731 link5732 link5733 link5734 link5735 link5736 link5737 link5738 link5739 link5740 link5741 link5742 link5743 link5744 link5745 link5746 link5747 link5748 link5749 link5750 link5751 link5752 link5753 link5754 link5755 link5756 link5757 link5758 link5759 link5760 link5761 link5762 link5763 link5764 link5765 link5766 link5767 link5768 link5769 link5770 link5771 link5772 link5773 link5774 link5775 link5776 link5777 link5778 link5779 link5780 link5781 link5782 link5783 link5784 link5785 link5786 link5787 link5788 link5789 link5790 link5791 link5792 link5793 link5794 link5795 link5796 link5797 link5798 link5799 link5800 link5801 link5802 link5803 link5804 link5805 link5806 link5807 link5808 link5809 link5810 link5811 link5812 link5813 link5814 link5815 link5816 link5817 link5818 link5819 link5820 link5821 link5822 link5823 link5824 link5825 link5826 link5827 link5828 link5829 link5830 link5831 link5832 link5833 link5834 link5835 link5836 link5837
Айгуль Кенжетаева
Должность:не указана
Страна:Казахстан Павлодарская область г.Аксу с. Кызылжар
Регион:не указан
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8 классе "Лондон"

Английский язык 8 класс.Урок первый

Тема: Лондон- столица Великобритании.

Цели урока:

Обучающие: Совершенствовать речевую деятельность учащихся,

ознакомление с новой лексикой.

Развивающие: Развивать у учащихся коммуникативные, познавательные,

ассоциативные и поисковые навыки.

Воспитательные: Прививать уважение к культуре, истории, традициям

изучаемого языка. Воспитывать любовь к родному


Оснащение урока: карта мира, карта Лондона, интерактивная доска.

Стратегии: групповая работа, мозговой штурм, Инсерт, ассоциация, тест, эссе.

Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

Межпредметная связь: география, история, информатика.

Эпиграф: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”


Ход урока.

І. Организационный этап.

1. Приветствие.

- Good morning, dear friends! I’m very glad to see you happy and healthy at our English lesson.

Please answer my questions. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today?








-Guess the word: N –is the third letter.

L –is one letter before N.

D –is the letter after N.

O –is the letter between L and N.

N –is at the end.

O –is the letter after D.

-So, well done. I think you are ready to name the theme of our lesson. — London.

We are going to speak about one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the capital of Great Britain.

I want to read for you the quotation written by Samuel Johnson. I completely agree with him. And I wish you to visit London if only for once in your life.

(Цели урока)

3. Ассоциативная стратегия.

- What do you know about London?

beautiful city is situated





4. Достопримечательности Лондона.

- I propose you to work with the map. Can you name the places in London in the diagram below? Go to your active board and pull the right name under the photos. Use the words from the box:

St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London.


- I want to know how well your Geography is. Look at the board. Here you can see the map of the world. You have to complete this map with the capital cities of some countries. I name the capital and you put it to the right place.

Use the words below: Ankara, Tokyo, Madrid, Peking, Paris, Cairo, Sydney, Washington D.C., Astana, Moscow, London.

6. Аудирование.

Now I’m going to read the text “London” only once. Listen to me attentively and read it.

-Now, pupils, there are some new words in the text. Have you found them?

Good, look at the board:

To lie on — (is situated) -расположен

The Romans — римляне

Attraction — аттракцион

Sights - достопримечательности

Wheel — (колесо обозрения)

Double-deckers — двухярусный автобус

Tube (syn. underground)– метро (название метро в Лондоне)

А) Групповая работа учащихся. (Работа по методике «INSERT»).

Б) Заполнение таблицы:





В) Ответынавопросы.

- I think you are ready to answer some questions about this text.

1.What is the population of London?

2.Where is London situated?

3.What famous historic buildings do you know in London?

4.What parts in London traditionally divided into? What are they?

5.What is “Hamleys”?

6.Where does the Queen of England live?

7. Письмо: Тест.

- Now it’s time to do a short quiz on Britain’s capital. You have to name the right variant and to circle it.

1) Which is the most popular attraction in London?

a) the British museum b)Buckingham Palace c)Covent garden

2) Which is the busiest shopping street in London?

a) Regent Street b) Oxford Street c) Piccadilly Circus

3) London Underground is the … in the world.

a) fastest b) busiest c) oldest

4) How many bridges are there over the river Thames in London?

a) 17 b) 29 c) 11

-I give you the keys to this quiz. Look at the board and correct your answers.

keys: 1b,2b,3c,4b.

8. Написание эссе.

- I want you to write a short composition about London.

9. Заключение.

a)Домашнее задание: а) ex.6, p.128;

в) ex.7, p.129;

с) ex.9, p.129

b) Оценочный лист.

Имя: ______________

Выполнение д/з

Мозговой штурм


ИНСЕРТ стратегия




c) Рефлексия.

Now, please, give your own opinion about London. What sightseeing do you want to see if you are in London? Make sentences using the example.

Example: I’d like to go to London because I want to see (visit) Big Ben (Tower of London, etc.) The lesson is over. Good bye!

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