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Ольга Николаевна
Группа:Команда портала
Регион:не указан
Theme: There is, there are.

Казахстан, г. Шимкент,Сайрамский район,с. Сайрам

Школа гимназия им. Ю.Сареми №1

Учитель английского языка

Ибрагимшикова Динара Султанбаевна

Theme: There is, there are.

Time division

Summary box

Lesson aims:

  1. Speaking, to develop pupils oral speech
  2. Learn and practice new vocabulary
  3. Listening and reading
  4. To make a dialogue
  5. Act the dialogue

Key structure: There is there are

Key language: Are there? There are

Key words: frog, flower, bird, fish, present, card, sun, sky, cloud, tree, mouse, pond, garden.

Activity 1. Worm up:

Good afternoon

Good afternoon

How are you?

I’m very well

I’m very well

I’m very well

Then you

Good bye

Good bye

  1. I. Introduction of the new theme.

There is

There are.


There is a card

There is a clock

There are flowers

There are trees

  1. II. Ask children to read the words in the box. Ask the class Number.
    1. What are they? They are flowers. Repeat with the other object.

III. Children practice sentences in pairs.

a) Make their own examples

b) Children practice new words

  1. Listening the words
  2. Repeat with chars
  3. Read individual
  4. Make a sentences
  5. Children look at the poster and begin to listen dialogue.

Ask are they girls? No they aren’t. Are they boys? …

Activity 2.

Ask different children to read the word in the box. Children look at the pictures and decide which words from the box describe the pairs of clock.

Activity 3.

Children practice the conversation in trees.

Ex 2: p 68

Use the words from the box, and There are


p 69. p.b. Ex 4

Lesson materials:

Learn and practice new vocabulary

Listening and reading

To make a dialogue

Use the words from the box, and Thereare

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