Ольга Николаевна
Группа:Команда портала
Регион:не указан
"Фонетический материал для выработки правильной артикуляции у учащихся".

Россия, Санкт-Петербург

ГБОУ СОШ № 570

Учитель английского языка

Анучина Наталья Сергеевна

"Фонетический материал для выработки правильной артикуляции у учащихся"

Первое знакомство с языком происходит на звуковом, фонетическом уровне, поэтому формирование произносительных навыков на начальном этапе обучения является одной из основных задач. Если не уделять произношению должного внимания, то артикуляционный аппарат учащихся привыкнет к неправильной артикуляции звука, не сможет правильно интонировать свою речь. Начальный этап первого года обучения иностранному языку является для учителя наиболее ответственным, так как он во многом определяет успех дальнейшего обучения. Учащиеся не очень любят повторять отдельные звуки и слова, но с увлечением это делают, если они содержатся в скороговорках или рифмовках.

На своих уроках я использую следующий фонетический материал для выработки правильной артикуляции у учащихся.


He laughs best who laughs last

Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последний.

Too good to be true.

Невероятно. Слишком хорошо, чтобы можно было поверить.

Choose a book as you choose a friend.

Выбирай книгу, как ты выбираешь друга.

The early bird catches the worm.

Кто рано встает, тому бог дает.

First come, first served.

Кто первый пришел, тому первому и подали.

Better late than never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Haste makes waste.

Поспешишь - людей насмешишь.

Keep kind in mind.

Думай о хорошем.

To make both ends meet.

Сводить концы с концами.

Out of sight, out of mind.

С глаз долой, из сердца вон.

To be up to the ears in love.

Быть влюбленным по уши.

To beat the air.

Толочь воду в ступе.

Time cures all things.

Время все лечит.

Пословицы на согласные звуки

Haste makes waste.

Поспешишь - людей насмешишь.

Saying and doing are too things.

Сказать и сделать - две разные вещи.

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

Была бы охота, а возможность найдется.

No song, no supper.

Под лежачий камень вода не течет.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Где хотенье, там и уменье.

Health is above wealth.

Здоровье выше богатства.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Чтобы узнать каков пудинг, надо его отведать.

There is no place like home

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Tastes differ.

На вкус и цвет товарища нет.

Deeds, no words.

Нужны дела, а не слова.

No news is good news.

Нет новостей- хорошие новости.

Like falker, like son.

Каков отец, таков и сынок.

Яблоко от яблони далеко не падает.

Rome was not built in a day.

Не сразу Москва строилась.

Рим был не за один день был построен.

Promise little, but do much.

Обещай мало, делай много.

Better late than never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Neither fish, nor flesh.

Ни рыба, ни мясо.

Nothing venture, nothing have.

Ничем не рисковать, значит ничего не иметь.

Волков бояться - дров не иметь.

Кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанское.


5, 6 класс:


Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!


Hand up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Stand up,

Hands to the sides

Bend left,

Bend right.

Hands on hips

One, two, three, hop,

One, two, three, stop.

Stand still!


One, one, one:

Little dog run.

Two, two, two:

Cats sees you.

Three, three, three:

Birds in a tree.

Four, four,four:

Rats on the floor.


Butterfly, butterfly,

Where do you fly,

So quick and so high

In the blue, blue sky?


Tip, tip, toe, here we go;

Tip, tip, toe, quite slow;

Tip, tip, toe, across the floor;

Tip, tip, toe, by Mother’s door.


I like to run

Out in the sun.

It’s such a fun

To run, to run!


Rain, Rain,

Go away,

Come again,

Another day:

Mary and I

Want to play.


I have two legs

With which I walk;

I have a tongue

With which I talk,

And with it too,

I eat my food

And tell

If it’s bad or good.


There is a little girl

And she has a little curl,

Right down the middle of her forehead.

When she is good,

She is very, very good.

But when she is bad,

She is horrid.


It’s fun to be this,

It’s fun to be that,

To leap like a lamb,

To climb like a cat;

To swim like a fish.

To hop like a frog,

To trot like a horse,

To jump like a dog.


In the spring,

In the spring,

Sweet and fresh is everything.

Winter winds are no more blowing,

In the fresh is everything!

In the spring,

In the spring,

Sweet and fresh is everything.


Bend your head,

Bend your knees,

Grow as tall

As New Year trees.


New Year Day, happy day,

We are all glad and very gay!

We all dance, and sing, and say,

“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”


The sun is shining,

The flowers are blooming;

The sky is blue,

The rains are few.

The sky is blue,

The rains are few.


The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing;

The ground is white,

All day and all night.

The ground is white,

All day and all night.

7 класс.



How are you, My dear sister, Sue?

Very well, thank you,

And how are you, dear Jane?

Thank you, I am all right, too.



Every week has seven days

Which I spend in different ways:

On Monday I ride a bike,

On Tuesday I take a hike,

On Wednesday I draw or write,

On Thursday I fly a kite,

On Friday I cook,

On Saturday I read a book,

Qn Sunday I go away or swim or play.

Every week has seven days

Which I spend in different ways.


Morning exercises

Stand up. Sit down.

Arms up. Arms down.

Jump, jump, jump,

Run, run, run -It's fun!


Little Miss Fair

Sits on the chair

Eating her fish and chips.

Then comes a spider

And crawls behind her

And frightens her out of wits.


"Busy Friends"

I'm calling my friends At half past three.

They've very busy, They can't come to me:

Pete is reading a book, Kate is learning to cook,

Pat is feeding her cat, Jack is tidying his flat.


I like going to school

I am learning to write

And I am learning to spell

And my teacher says

That I am doing well!


Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.

Fuzzy Wuzzy didn’t have hair.

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fyzzy,

Was he?


In Winter and in Spring

"In winter I ski and skate,"

says little Kate.

"In summer I like to swim,"

says little Jim.

"And what do you do in spring?"

"I spring we dance and sing."


There was a great doctor from London

Who was like a king in his kingdom:

He had patients around

And he was no doubt,

A very nice doctor from London!


Charmy Barby was a doll.

Charmy Barby had a ball.

Charmy Barby wasn't very small,

Was she?


The boy who was tall

Jumped over the wall,

He didn’t fall-

He got the ball!


A plane is faster than a train.

A bike is slower than a train.

A duck is bigger than a frog.

A cat is weaker than a dog.


I've met my friend -

I'm so glad.

I've cleaned my flat -

I'm so glad.

I've bought a new hat -

I'm so glad.

I've washed my cat -

I'm so glad.


Dear Patty

Dear Patty-Patty-Pat,
Why are you so sad?

Because I've lost my cat.

Poor Patty-Patty-Pat!

Dear Patty -Patty-Pat,
Why are so glad?

Because I've found my cat.

Lucky Patty-Patty-Pat!


The cat has slept in a hat.

The parrot has eaten a carrot.

The frog has found a log.


I'm calling good morning,

Good morning to you.

This bright sunny morning

How arc you? I'm calling good morning,

Good morning to you.

This bright sunny morning

Quiet well, and you?


I thought a thought

But the thought I thought

Was not the thought

I thought I thought


Oh, look at the moon!

She is shining up there.

Oh, mother, she looks

Like a lamp in the are!


Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day,

Little Johnny wants to play.


At 9 o'clock in the morning

Mr Boring was snoring,

Mr Bumping was jumping,

Mr Freezing was sneezing,

Mr Wishing was fishing.


What were you doing at one?

1 was lying outside in the sun.

What were you doing at three?

1 was watching TV.

What were you doing at four?

1 was sweeping the floor.

What were you doing t eight?

1 was learning to roller-skate.


Five little mice

Were walking to town,

Their coats were grey,

Their eyes were brown.


The book was read

The pet was fed.

The work was done.

The song was sung.


What are little boys are made of?

Cars and nails, little dog’s tails.

That’s what they’re made of.

What are little girls are made of?

Sugar and spice and all that’s nice.

That’s what they’re made of.


Cat, Cat, eat that rat!

Dog, Dog, catch the frog!

Hen, Hen, take my pen!

Cock, Cock, break that lock!

Fox, Fox, sit in that box!

Fish, Fish, jump in the dish!

Ball, Ball, jump over the wall!

Bear, Bear, give me a pear!


The Wind Mill

When the wind blows,

Then the mill goes.

When the wind drops,

Then the mill stops.

Now the wind is blowing,

So the mill is going.


Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;

All the King's horses and all the King's men

Couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty together again.


New things to learn,

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New books to read,

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this glad New Year!


Robert Rowley rolled around roll round,

A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round.

Where is the found roll Robert Rowley rolled round.


Whistle, daughter, whistle,

Whistle, daughter, dear.

I cannot whistle, mummy,

I cannot whistle, clear.

Whistle, daughter, whistle,

Whistle for a pound.

I cannot whistle, mummy,

I cannot make a sound.


Breakfast in the morning.

Dinner in the day,

Tea comes after dinner,

When it's time to play.

Supper in the evening,

When the sky is red,

Then the day is over

And we got to bed.


She saw a fish on the seashore

And I’m sure the fish she saw on the seashore was a saw-fish.


One, two, what must I do?

You must jump,

You must play.

You must do it every day.


The wind is cold.

The sky is blue.

Winter is coming.

What are you going to do?


There was a young lady from Spain

Whose language was not so plain.

When they asked: "Do you like it?"

She answered: "I doubt it".

That evasive young lady from Spain.


Kate, don't go to bed late.

Wake up bright

In the morning light,

To do what's right

With all you might.


Diddle, diddle, dumpling,

My friend Tom

Went to bed with his boots on,

One sock off, one sock on.

Diddle, diddle, dumpling,

My friend Tom.


Hearts like doors

Will open with ease

To very, very little keys.

And don't forget

That two of these

Are "Thank you very much"

And "Please".


Betty is a funny girl.

She thinks The sun is gold,

The moon is cheese.


The Lost Shoe

Betty Blue has lost her shoe.

What can little Betty do?

Buy another shoe.

She has got another shoe.

And now she can walk in two.


Three little ghosts

Are sitting on the posts.

They are drinking coffee

And eating cheese toasts.


Rat-a-tat. Who is that?

Only my grandmother's cat.

What do you want?

A cup of milk?

Where is your money?

In my pocket.

Where is your pocket?

1 forgot to take it.

Oh, you, silly cat!


If the weather is good,

I'll go to the wood.

If the weather is.bad,

I'll stay in my flat.

If the weather is wet,

I won't fret.

If the weather is cold,

I won't scold.


Oh, where, oh, where is

My little dog Jack?

Oh, where, oh, where is it

With its ears so big

And its tail so long?

Oh, where, oh, where is it?


She swam in the river,

I swam in the sea-

That was the reason

We couldn’t agree.

They shared the cake.

My aunt took one piece,

My brother took the another,

My dog came late

And took the plate.


Dear Daisy dropped a doll.

Busy Betty bought a ball.

Lazy Larry lay in bed.

Cunning Carrol caught a cat.

Pretty Pearl picked up the doll.

Happy Harold hid the ball.

Noisy Nick upset the bed.

Proud Paul let out the cat.


Oh, where, oh, where is

My little dog Jack?

Oh, where, oh, where is it

With its ears so big

And its tail so long?

Oh, where, oh, where is it?


If the weather is good,I'll go to the wood.

If the weather is.bad, I'll stay in my flat.

If the weather is wet, I won't fret.

If the weather is cold, I won't scold.


Doctor John Foster

Got lost in the frog.

He broke his glasses

And stepped on a frog.


Let's Make Soup

How much salt should I put in the soup?

Just a little, not too much.

How many potatoes should I put in the soup?

Just a few, not too much.


Policeman, policeman, don't catch me.

Catch that boy behind the tree.

He stole sugar, I stole tea.

Policeman, policeman, don't catch me!


Where are you going,
My pretty girl?

I'm going to the shop
To buy a doll.

Where are you going,
My pretty boy?

I'm going to the shop
To buy a ball.

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