link7776 link7777 link7778 link7779 link7780 link7781 link7782 link7783 link7784 link7785 link7786 link7787 link7788 link7789 link7790 link7791 link7792 link7793 link7794 link7795 link7796 link7797 link7798 link7799 link7800 link7801 link7802 link7803 link7804 link7805 link7806 link7807 link7808 link7809 link7810 link7811 link7812 link7813 link7814 link7815 link7816 link7817 link7818 link7819 link7820 link7821 link7822 link7823 link7824 link7825 link7826 link7827 link7828 link7829 link7830 link7831 link7832 link7833 link7834 link7835 link7836 link7837 link7838 link7839 link7840 link7841 link7842 link7843 link7844 link7845 link7846 link7847 link7848 link7849 link7850 link7851 link7852 link7853 link7854 link7855 link7856 link7857 link7858 link7859 link7860 link7861 link7862 link7863 link7864 link7865 link7866 link7867 link7868 link7869 link7870 link7871 link7872 link7873 link7874 link7875 link7876 link7877 link7878 link7879 link7880 link7881 link7882 link7883 link7884 link7885 link7886 link7887 link7888 link7889 link7890 link7891 link7892 link7893 link7894 link7895 link7896 link7897 link7898 link7899 link7900 link7901 link7902 link7903 link7904 link7905 link7906 link7907 link7908 link7909 link7910 link7911 link7912 link7913 link7914 link7915 link7916 link7917 link7918 link7919
Ольга Николаевна
Группа:Команда портала
Регион:не указан
Конкурс на английском языке «Звездный час».

Россия, Тамбовская область

Жердевский р-он, г. Жердевка

Сукмановский филиал МБОУ Шпикуловской СОШ

Учитель английского языка

Троянова Светлана Павловна

Конкурс на английском языке

«Звездный час».

Конкурсные задания дают возможность детям повторить весь пройденный материал .Заранее готовятся: звёздочки ,квадратики из картона с цифрами 1 — 6 таблички .В конкурсе 4 тура и финал. Звёздочку получает тот ученик, который первым правильно ответил на вопрос. По окончании каждого тура из игры выбывает участник, который набрал наименьшее количество звёздочек.

Ведущий: Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers!

Today we are having a competition «The Star Hour».

Now the participants will introduce themselves.

(участники конкурса коротко говорят о себе по-английски, затем читают наизусть стихотворения ,поют песни на английском языке ,чтобы получить звёздочку).

1 тур. Страноведение.

Task1. Flags.

На доске помещены флаги стран, перечисленных ниже, в такой последовательности :

1. New Zealand, 2. Canada, 3. the UK, 4. Scotland, 5. Australia, 6. England.


1) Which is the flag of Australia?, 2) What country consists of 4 parts?, 3) What country lies to the north of the US?, 4) What country lies to the north of England?, 5) What country lies to the south of Scotland ?

Task 2 . Symbols .

На доске помещены такие эмблемы:
1. a red rose, 2. a thistle, 3. a shamrock, 4. a daffodil, 5. the bald eagle.


1) What is the national symbol of Scotland?, 2) What is the national symbol of Wales?, 3) What is the national symbol of England?, 4) What is the national symbol of Ireland?

Task 3 . LondonSights.

На доске почтовые открытки, на которых изображены :

1. Buckingham Palace, 2. Westminster Abbey, 3. St. Paul`s Cathedral, 4. The Tower of London, 5. The Houses of Parliament, 6. Trafalgar Square.


1) What building has Big Ben?, 2) It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasure. 3) What is a royal church? There are tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place.

Task 4. Holidays.

На доске открытки - поздравления с праздниками : 1. Christmas, 2. St. Valentine`s Day, 3. Easter, 4. Mother`s Day, 5. Halloween, 6. Father`s Day.

(учащимся предлагается описание нескольких праздников, с тем чтобы они назвали, о котором из них идёт речь).


1) This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February as a day of love and friendship.

2) People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is a roast turkey and a pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree.

3) Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this holiday.

4) Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghosts and go from house to house and say: « Trick or Treat.»

(ученик, у которого звёздочек меньше, чем у других, выходит из игры, получив приз за участие).

2 тур. История.

Task 1. Dates.

На доске написаны даты: 1. 1086, 2. 1564, 3. 1840, 4. 1653, 5. 1734, 6. 1553.


1) When did the first Englishman Richard Chancellor come to Russia?

2) When was the first treaty between England and Russia signed?

3) When did the first stamp « Penny Black» appear?

4) When was the first official document the Domesday Book written ?

Task2. Famouspeople.

На доске написаны имена выдающихся людей : 1. Armstrong, 2. Bell, 3.Hogarth, 4. Newton, 5. A. Conan-Doyle, 6. A. Christie.


1) Who was one of the best British artists ? He painted «Marriage a la Mode», «The Graham Children» and other pictures, which are kept in the National Gallery in London.

2) Who wrote 75 detective stories?

3) He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon.

4) Who invented the telephone?

(выбывает из игры ещё один участник с наименьшим количеством звёздочек).

3 тур. Аудирование.

Ведущий читает небольшие тексты. Дети должны догадаться, о чём этот текст. Первый догадавшийся приносит очко своей команде.

1) Musical instruments played especially in Scotland, in which air stored in a bag is forced out through pipes to produce the sound. (bagpipes )

2) A party at which meat is prepared over an open fire usually outdoors. (barbecue)

3) The British Broadcasting Corporation, the main British radio and television broadcasting company. ( the BBC).

4) Britain s most influential pop group, first performing in 1959 in Liverpool. The group included Paul MCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ring o Starr. (Beatles)

5) The clock in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London. Its sound is well-known all over the world, because it is broadcast by the BBC. Its tower is used as a symbol of London and Britain ( Big Ben ).

6) a sweet non — alcoholic carbonated drink of American origin.( Coca-Cola)

7) A person who spends most of the time watching TV (« couch-potato»).

8) 1 .a broadcaster who introduces records of popular music on a radio or television show, and talks in an entertaining way between records. (disc jockey, DJ)

9) Food such as hamburgers, fish and chips, pizzas and chicken that is quickly cooked and sold by a restaurant to be eaten at once or taken away.(fast-food)

10) A meal consisting of fish which is dipped into a mixture of flour and milk and then fried in oil, served with long, thin pieces of potato fried in oil. (fish and chips)

11) An international organization which actively works to protect the environment from harm. (Greenpeace).

12) Loud rock music with a strong beat and with the guitar sound increased by electric instruments. It attracts men more than women. (heavy metal ).

13) An extremely large gorilla in the 1983 film of the same name ,which terrorized the people of New York ,taking a young woman prisoner and climbing the Empire State Building holding her under his arm.(King-Kong)

14) The capital city of Great Britain. It is southeast England on the river Thames and is an important port and a centre for business ,industry and tourism .(London).

15) A plate — shaped piece of dough or pastry baked with a mixture of cheese, tomatoes and so on on the top. It was originally an Italian food but is now very popular all over the world. Some restaurants specialize in it and will deliver them hot to your door when you make your order by telephone. (pizza).

16) A place, not a club or hotel, where alcohol land light meals are served.(pub)

17) A game that is played between 2 teams of 11 players using a round ball that is kicked but not handled .(soccer)

4 тур. Грамматика.


(обе команды получают одинаковые карточки с предложениями, которые надо исправить).

1) I will do this work when I will be free.

2) When Sasha will leaves the plane, hell wait for his luggage.

3) Sasha will write a letter to Joey as soon as he will get to Atlanta.

4) If Sasha will comes to Washington, Joey will show him the city.

5) He will finish the crossword puzzle if you will help him.

(за каждую правильно исправленную ошибку команда получает балл).

Task 2.

Вставить в письмо нужные предлоги.

Dear Alison,

Thank you for your letter April 12 and your offer to meet me __ __ the airport. Many thanks___ your invitation to, stay ____ you and your family.

I`m flying____ Moscow _____New York and then ____ New York _____Atlanta.

I will fly _____Moscow _____Tuesday, May 11, and I will arrive ____ Atlanta _____8.00 p.m.

My flight number is 31.

Best wishes,



Ведущий: Make as many words as you can out of the word «Sportsmen».

(возможные ответы: sport, port, or, men, sort, to, ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most, on, no, not, pet, more, rest, nest, pen, note, top и т. д.).

Победитель конкурса получает приз.

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