link4752 link4753 link4754 link4755 link4756 link4757 link4758 link4759 link4760 link4761 link4762 link4763 link4764 link4765 link4766 link4767 link4768 link4769 link4770 link4771 link4772 link4773 link4774 link4775 link4776 link4777 link4778 link4779 link4780 link4781 link4782 link4783 link4784 link4785 link4786 link4787 link4788 link4789 link4790 link4791 link4792 link4793 link4794 link4795 link4796 link4797 link4798 link4799 link4800 link4801 link4802 link4803 link4804 link4805 link4806 link4807 link4808 link4809 link4810 link4811 link4812 link4813 link4814 link4815 link4816 link4817 link4818 link4819 link4820 link4821 link4822 link4823 link4824 link4825 link4826 link4827 link4828 link4829 link4830 link4831 link4832 link4833 link4834 link4835 link4836 link4837 link4838 link4839 link4840 link4841 link4842 link4843 link4844 link4845 link4846 link4847 link4848 link4849 link4850 link4851 link4852 link4853 link4854 link4855 link4856 link4857 link4858 link4859 link4860 link4861 link4862 link4863 link4864 link4865 link4866 link4867 link4868 link4869 link4870 link4871 link4872 link4873 link4874 link4875 link4876 link4877 link4878 link4879 link4880 link4881 link4882 link4883 link4884 link4885 link4886 link4887 link4888 link4889 link4890 link4891 link4892 link4893 link4894 link4895
Мир учителя
Группа:Мир учителя
Страна:Страны СНГ
Регион:не указан

Казахстан, Алматинская область, г. Талдыкорган

Средняя школа №7 имени К.Ушинского

Учитель английского языка

Гакесеева Асида Турсыновна

Тема урока:


Обучающая цель урока:1.Ознакомить учащихся с Герундий. 2. Умение применять Герундий в предложениях. 3.Практическая работа.

Равивающая цель урока : Развитие умения применять Герундий в предложениях.

Воспитательная цель урока: Привить интерес к изучаемому языку.

Ход урока

1.Орг. момент 1 мин Беседа с дежурным

2.Повторение пройденной темы 5 мин

3.Проверка домашнего задания 6 мин

4.Повторение пройденных тем. 33 мин

Grammar: Gerunds. REMEMBER!

The underlined words in the text are Gerunds

… after finishing the University — после окончания университета

… started working — начал работать

… enjoys meeting people — нравится знакомиться с людьми

… thinks of changing her job —думает поменять работу

… stopped going to the theatre —перестал ходить в театр

The Gerund is a non-finite form of the verb. It has exactly the same form as the Present Participle: running, speaking, working. It can be used in the following ways:

a — as subject of the sentence: Dancing bored him.

b — as complement of a verb: Her hobby is painting.

с — after prepositions: He is fond of singing.

d — after certain verbs: dislike, enjoy, finish, forgive.


After finishing the University Jane moved to a new city and started working at a small firm. But she isn't happy about it! Though she enjoys meeting different people her job isn't very well paid.

Now she thinks of changing her job where she could earn a higher salary because her room needs redecorating and she would like to buy a car.

Also Jane understood that she can't get used to getting up early.

Jane speaks three languages, but she isn't very good at writing reports and she doesn't like working overtime.

She has stopped going to the theatres which used to be one of her greatest pleasures.

Her friends are far from her and she began missing them badly. Now she is looking forward to having a vacation.

Read. 9. Complete the sentences with suitable gerund:

go dancing, go skiing, go running, go shopping…

There are many expressions with go+ing form (gerund) like:

a. I went-------- yesterday but I didn't buy anything. b. When we were in Switzerland we went--------every weekend. c. He bought a yacht and went-------- in the Mediterranean. d. We had a wonderful rest on the beach. We went--------every day. e. He went-------- every morning. It's useful for health.

Remember!1.sailing c, 2. running e, 3. swimming d, 4. skiing b, 5. shopping a

10. Complete the sentences below using gerunds.

Model: I love to go to the movies. Going to the movies is great

a. Pupils of our class can easily read books in English. Reading books in English is-------. b. I like going to the beach at weekends. Going to------- is enjoyable. c. I dream to travel all over the world. -------all over the world is my dream. d. I find it difficult to do sums. --------is difficult.

Ex.11. Now write more sentences. This time write about your own feelings and opinions.

Example: / have difficulty in doing sums.

1.I'm very interested in------ (skiing, collecting stamps, taking photos). 2. I'm thinking of------ (going to France, learning Italian, visiting you next week). 3. Thank you for------ (bringing me a book, inviting me to the party, borrowing me your bicycle). 4.I'm looking forward to ------(having summer holidays, meeting my friend). 5. I'm keen on------ (taking care of animals, reading books, watching video). 6. I hate------ (going to the dentist, being ill, waiting for a bus).

5.Зак. этап урока 1 мин. Дом. задание. Подв. итога.

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