Россия,Приморский край,г.Владивосток
Учитель английского языка
Климова Елена Михайловна
Цели и задачи урока:
Раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями), картинки в учебнике, учебник.
Home Reading Lesson Part 2 «Bob, the hedgehog, and his friends»
1. Приветствие и организационный момент.
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have Home Reading Lesson. We’ll continue working over the second part of the story «Bob, the hedgehog, and his friends».
2. Речевая зарядка.
Before working at the second part I want to know how well you remember the first part.
Answer my questions:
I see you know the first part well and now we’ll read and translate the second part.
Did Tom like a new house? Why?
3. Введение нового лексического материала.
There are a lot of new difficult words in the text. I’ll read the word and you’ll repeat it after me all together. Open your books at p.89
4. Развитие навыков чтения. Работа с текстом.
- Работапо 1 абзацу.
Turn back the p.86. Read and translate the first passage.
- Работапо 2 и 3 абзацам.
We are not going to read and translate next two passages. Look through them. Look at the board and correct the mistakes.
I likes our house very much. It have got three bedroom upstairs, and a bathrooms. Downstairs there are a liveing rooms, an dining rooms and a kitchen.
- Работапо 4 абзацу.
Agree or disagree with statements:
- Работапо5абзацу.
Look through the next extract. Look at the board, complete the sentences, read and translate them.
- Работапо 5 абзацу.
Look through the fifth passage. Fill in the gaps with the right answers in your papers. Read and translate sentences.
a) plant the trees
b) cut the grass
c) cut the grass and remove the bushes (+)
a) sleep
b) play hockey
c) play football (+)
a) horse
b) computer
c) playground (+)
5. Физкультминутка.
6. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением конкретной информации.
- Работапо 6 абзацу.
Look through the next passage. Complete the sentences in your papers, read and translate them.
- Работапо7абзацу.
Find, read and translate the sentences to illustrate the picture on p. 87
- Работапо 8 абзацу.
Find the extract on p. 88, beginning with the words There are… Read and translate.
Answer my question:
Did Bob like Tom’s brothers? Why?
- Работапо9абзацу.
Read and translate the sentences to illustrate the picture on p. 88
- Работапо10абзацу.
Translate sentences from Russian into English with the help of the next passage.
- Работапо11абзацу.
Complete the sentences, changing the Russian words into English in your papers. Read and translate them.
- Работапо 5 абзацу.
Look through the last passage. Put the sentences in the correct order. Read and translate them in your papers.
7. Подведениеитоговурока. Домашнеезадание.
Did you like the story? Why? I hope you liked the story. You were active today and worked hard. Please, write down your home task. The lesson is over. Good - bye.