- Манусаджян И.А.
- Учитель английского языка
- МБОУ СОШ №27
- г. Мытищи, Московская область, Россия
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I Организационный момент: 1 минута
Tutor: Good morning (take your sits)
We are very glad to see you here today.We will have an unusual lesson, I assure
you. But first of all let's greet our respectable guests Elena Nikolaevna and Elena
Anatolevna. We also have a fairy with us today. It’s Julia Ivanovna.
Well, let's start. Guys can you tell me what month is it now?
P1. It is October.
Tutor: Yes,great. What holiday are the British people celebrating at the end of
P2.It is Halloween. Слайд номер 1-2
II Речевая подготовка: 2 мин
Tutor: Yes, of course. Now have a look at the sheets of paper which you have or at
the blackboard. Let's read together. Слайд номер 2 ( Фонетическая зарядка)
Halloween, Halloween, magic night.
We are glad and very bright.
We all dance and sing and recite,
“Welcome! Welcome! Halloween night!”
Very good, thank you.
Fairy: Chidren, as we are talking about Halloween, what do YOU know about it?
(You can have a look at the blackboard)
P1 We all dance and sing and recite
P2The Symbol of the holiday is a pumpkin
P3 People wear scary masks and costumes.
Fairy: Really? What kind of costumes?
P3 They wear costumes of ghosts, witches, goblins, dragons.
Fairy: Thank you for your answers, you are right.
III Введение лексического материала: 5 минут
Tutor: Now look at the blackboard and let's try to guess the meanings of these
words. They are connected with Halloween. Слайды номер 3,4 ( Лексический
материал) What is that?
a candle
a bat
a spider
a spirit
a broom-stick
a face paint
a wig
a skeleton
a zombie
trick or treat
All Saints' Day
So, let’s pronounce the words and word combinations all together. Thank you.
IV Закрепление лексического материала: 8 минут
Fairy: You have learnt some new words and now it means we can finally start our
team work. Your first step is to show how well you’ve remembered the words.
In this magic Halloween box you need to find the new words, but be careful, we
will count only the new words. You will have 2 minutes to fulfill the task. Good
(Слайд 5, показывает правильные слова) So, we are ready to check, give
yourself plusses and minuses for the right answers.
We have come to the second step now you will need to put the words from the
magic box into the text. You will have 2 minutes for this task.
The time is up, we are checking again. We will read the sentences and give plusses
and minuses. (Слайд 6, показывает текст)
Read the first sentence, please.
Thank you very much.
V История праздника: 7 минут
Tutor: You did a great job and I suppose it's high time to learn some new
information about the holiday. Am I right, class?
Class: Yes.
Tutor: We have 2 specialists from Great Britain, they know about Halloween
everything. Your are welcome, Ann and Alex. ( Проектная деятельность
учащихся в виде презентации)
Ann: 2 слайда. Alex: 2 слайда
Tutor: Thank you, dear specialists, take your sits. Now we’ll see how our teams
will pass the third step. Here are the questions to the presentation on the history of
Halloween. You will have 2 minutes to finish the task.
The time is up, let’s check. Read the sentences with the right variants. Слайд
Don’t forget to put plusses and minuses.
Great, thank you.
VI Зарядка 2 минуты
Fairy: Boys and girls you are the best are you tired, let's have rest. Stand up, please
and sing our favourite song, Trick ot Treat. Включается клип с песней. До 1:36
VII Конкурс костюмов: 13 минут
Fairy: Oh, I can see with my eyes that you look gorgeous tody, you are wearing
beautiful costumes. Hmm…I have an idea, why not choose the best costume. Dear
teams, please send us your best fellows wearing costumes.
Use your cards to represent yourselves. (Участники получают карточки, с
помощью которых должны рассказать о себе)
Thank you. Now we will vote for the best costume. You can’t vote for your team
member. (Учащиеся голосуют с помощью стикеров, прикрепляя их на доску)
Let’s count all together to find out who has the best costume.
So the winner is… And the winner of the whole competition is team … Now,
choose a participation card for each group.
VIII Как сделать тыкву своими руками? 2 минуты
Tutor: WOW! How many pumpkins you have. Just look around they are
everywhere. Guys, and do you want to know how to make a pumpkin by yourself.
P1: Yes.
Tutor: You are lucky we have a pumpkin specialist, too. Danila, can you please tell
us, we are looking forward to it.
Danila. ( Ученик выходит со своей тыквой и рассказывает как он ее делал)
Завершающий этап.
IX Подведение итогов: 5 минут
Tutor: Unfortunately our party is coming to its logical end, and we want to
summarize the work we have done. Was there anything new for you today?
Did you like our Halloween party, class?
Class: Yes.
Would you like to tell a foreigner about any Russian traditional Holiday, as we did
it today? If yes, send your ideas to our e-mails. Here they are at the blackboard, if
you forgot them.
Fairy Where are your cards, by the way?! (Дети показывают карточки)
Great! What phrase do we have, now with all the cards?
P1 Trick or Treat.
Fairy: What? I don't hear you?
Class: Trick or Treat.
Tutor: Ok, ok, we have a special pumpkin pie for you. And…a Halloween menu
with the recomendation from on how to make a pumpkin and 2 recipes of pumpkin
Help yourselves.