link8784 link8785 link8786 link8787 link8788 link8789 link8790 link8791 link8792 link8793 link8794 link8795 link8796 link8797 link8798 link8799 link8800 link8801 link8802 link8803 link8804 link8805 link8806 link8807 link8808 link8809 link8810 link8811 link8812 link8813 link8814 link8815 link8816 link8817 link8818 link8819 link8820 link8821 link8822 link8823 link8824 link8825 link8826 link8827 link8828 link8829 link8830 link8831 link8832 link8833 link8834 link8835 link8836 link8837 link8838 link8839 link8840 link8841 link8842 link8843 link8844 link8845 link8846 link8847 link8848 link8849 link8850 link8851 link8852 link8853 link8854 link8855 link8856 link8857 link8858 link8859 link8860 link8861 link8862 link8863 link8864 link8865 link8866 link8867 link8868 link8869 link8870 link8871 link8872 link8873 link8874 link8875 link8876 link8877 link8878 link8879 link8880 link8881 link8882 link8883 link8884 link8885 link8886 link8887 link8888 link8889 link8890 link8891 link8892 link8893 link8894 link8895 link8896 link8897 link8898 link8899 link8900 link8901 link8902 link8903 link8904 link8905 link8906 link8907 link8908 link8909 link8910 link8911 link8912 link8913 link8914 link8915 link8916 link8917 link8918 link8919 link8920 link8921 link8922 link8923 link8924 link8925 link8926 link8927
Давыдова Вероника Горяевна
Должность:не указана
Страна:Российская Федерация
Регион:не указан
Урок-путешествие "A tour to London"


Класс: 5 (ФГОС).

Тип урока: Урок-путешествие

Цели урока:

1. Развитие логического и критического мышления.

2. Формирование социокультурной компетенции сквозь призму восприятия достопримечательностей Лондона, как достояния британской культуры

3. Воспитание у обучающихся интереса к изучению английского языка, овладение им как средством общения, познания, самореализации.

Задачи урока:

1. Распознавать и употреблять в речи основные значения изученных ранее лексических единиц по данной теме.

2. Читать текст страноведческого характера с полным его пониманием.

3. Рассказывать о столице Великобритании, опираясь на иллюстрации.

4. Прогнозировать содержание звучащего текста по его началу.

5. Учить обучающихся работать в группе, создавая карту Лондона.

Оснащение урока: учебные пособия, рабочая тетрадь №1, аудиоприложение (CDМР3), тематические картинки, презентация «Достопримечательности Лондона».

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент (приветствие учителя и учеников)(Слайд1):

1. T: Good morning, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you!

Cl: Morning, we are glad to see you too!

T: How are you?

Cl: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I am OK, thanks.

T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.

What is the date todayWhat season is it now? What is the weather like today?

T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard. Who can tell me what is the name of this famous pop-group?(Слайд2)

P1: The Beatles.

T: Yes, you are right. The Beatles are on Abbey road. And now let's watch what is the weather like there? We have a chance! Look at the on- line picture.

(Развитие навыка устной речи по теме «Погода». Переходим на страницу http:// Ученикам предлагается устно ответить на вопросы слайда.)

T: Now you are on Abbey Road. Answer, please, whatistheweatherlikehere on Abbey Road? (Is it rainy? Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it windy? Is it warm or cold?(Слайд3)

2. T: We ’d like to start our lesson with the words:

The more you live, the more you travel,

The more you travel, the more you see,

The more you see, the more you learn.

T: This is the motto of the lesson.Please repeat after me. Let’s translate it.

3. T: Our today's lesson is unusual. We've received an invitation. Our friends invite us to visit them. So we are going to make a trip to a wonderful country with two groups: let's sing a song about our trip.(поют песню"The bus is driving")(Слайд4)

The bus is driving

and we are smiling.
Hello, my friends,
Hello, my friends!

The sun is shining,
The stars are smiling.
Hello, my friends,

We go to London,

To see the wonders.

With you, my friends!

With you!

We'll be together

In any weather

With you my friend

With you

4. T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard, please. (видеофильм о Лондоне).Now we are in London! Tell me, please:

-What is the name of this country?

-How do think, what is the topic of our lesson?

(ученики определяют тему, ситуацию урока, вместе с учителем формулируют задачи урока):

P1: The name of the country isEngland.

P2: The topic of our lesson is "A tour to London"(Слайд5)

T: Right you are, the topic of our lesson is "A tour to London "

The aim of our lesson is to know more about London.

5. T: Tell me please what we'll learn at this lesson?(Слайд6)

What we will learn to:

·to tell about London;

·to listen and read the dialogues about London;

·to name different places to visit in London;

·to read some information and do some tasks;

  1. Фонетическая разминка:

T: As you know London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It has a lot of interesting historical and modern places to visit.

Look at the pictures and find the second part of the names (на доске):

  1. Big
  2. Trafalgar
  3. Buckingham
  4. Westminster
  5. The Houses of
  6. The Tower of

a. Palace

b. London

c. Ben

d. Square

e. Abbey

f. Parliament

  1. Речевая разминка

T: I want you to answer my questions:

1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

2. What language do they speak?

3. In what river is London situated?

4. Would you like to visit London

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования (Слайд7)

T: Now, open your books at page 99, ex. 42.

Listen to the dialogue. You will hear students talking about London. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Физкультминутка

T: I am a little tired, students. And you may be too. Let’s have a break.

Up down up down

Which is the way to London town

Where where up in the air

Close your eyes and you are there

  1. Развитие навыков письменной речи (Слайд8)

T: On your tables you can see the sheets of paper. Please, write down words connected with London.The task for you is to put the letters in these words in the right order.

umsemu (museum)

bebay (abbey)

retteha (theatre)

distamu (stadium)

liaparmetn (parliament)

nemaic (cinema)

legalry (gallery)

aresqu (square)

Работа с текстом. Развитие навыка чтения. (Слайд9)

На экране фото «TowerBridge» и текст об этом мосте.

T: Friends, there is the text about Tower Bridge. But rain drops have washed some letters and we can’t understand the text. Will you help us to read it?

· This is Tower Bridge, built in 1894.

· It is next to the Tower of London.

· It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames.

· It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames.

  1. Let’s play “What is on the picture?”(Развитие навыков устной речи)

T: Do you know the sights of London well? Then guess them! Would you like to visit them? Use the necessary words:

(I think …)

(I would visit…, I would like to see…? I would like to visit…)

(Продолжаем «путешествие». Проверяется, насколько хорошо обучающиеся визуально знают достопримечательности Лондона (страноведческий аспект). Затем смотрят на доску, где находятся фотографии достопримечательностей и соотносят с их названиями). (Слайды 10-17)

  1. Защита проекта

a) of the most famous clock in the world, it's the symbol of London.

b)..........the London home of the British Royal family.

c)..........the buildings in which the British Parliament sits.

d).........a big wheel on the south bank on the Thames.

e).........the most famous London's bridge.

f) ancient fortress in London.

g).........London's central square.

  1. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока

T: Now, tell me please what can you do.

Now I can:

· tell about London;

·listen and read the dialogues;

·name different places to visit in London;

·read some information and do any tasks;

·answer the questions;

·complete any sentences with the information;

·put the letters in the words in the right order.

  1. Заключительный этап урока

T: I want you to visit London some day and to see all these sights with your own eyes. Thank you for your work. I want to know your impressions about the lesson. It’s very important for me. Fill in the form, please.(Детям предлагается заполнить оценочный лист(Приложения) (Слайд18)

T: Your home task will be ex. , p. 110.

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