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Шумская Оксана Александровна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:город Валуйки Белгородская область
Открытый урок «Телевидение. Реклама: плюсы и минусы." 9 класс

Тема урока: Телевидение. Реклама: плюсы и минусы.

Цели: социокультурный аспект-знакомство с рекламой на русском и британском телевидении

Развивавающий аспект-развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания высказывания; развитие качеств ума (логичность, доказательность, критичность.)

Воспитательный аспект-формирование способности к критическому мышлению; развитие умения сотрудничать

Учебный аспект-развитие речевых умений.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор, аудиокурс к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева для 9 класса, видеоролик с рекламой на русском и английском языках.

Ход урока:

I. Приветствие. Речевая зарядка.

Good morning, students. Today we’ll continue to speak about TV

First, answer my questions:

1) Do you have a TV set at home?

2) Television is one of the most popular mass media. Is it so?

3) What TV channels are popular in Russia?

4) Which of the aims of television do you think is the most important?

(to instruct, to inform, to entertain, to distract).

5) I f you controlled a television channel, what sort of programmes would you put on it?

II. Повторение пройденного.

1) Let’s check your vocabulary. Take card #1. Do the c-stairs puzzle . Work in pairs.

Are you ready?

2) On our previous lessons we spoke about advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. Take card #2 and seperate the ideas into 2 columns. Write guickly.

III. Основная часть.

1) Today we are going to speak about the most irritating thing on our TV. We’ll speak about advertising. --Do you know, what other words can we use to say “реклама” (Advertising-commercial-advert-ad) --What do you usually do, when they show a commercial: do you switch off TV or change the channel or watch it? --Do commercials irritate you? Do you have a favorite ad?

2) Now , take card #3. The first group must copy out the arguments for advertising, the second - against it.

I give you 2 minutes.

Now time is over. Let’s check. What phrases can we use to prove good points of advertising, what-bad points?

3) Работасучебником “Happy English 4” для 9 класса (КузовлевВ.П.)

Open your book on page 84 ex 5. Read 2 texts and be ready to answer my questions:

-Whose opinion is the first one?

-Is she for of against advertising?

-What annoys her most of all?

-Do you agree with Rose?

-What about the second text, whose opinion is it?

-Is he for or against adverts?

-What does he say about watching TV?

- What irritates him?

-What does he do during commercial interruption?

4) Аудирование.

Now, let’s listen to one opinion. This is Ted’s opinion.

-What is the best thing on TV for Ted?

-What does he think about ads?

-What is watching commercials for Ted? (It is like watching a thrilling television serial)

5) Просмотр рекламных блоков и практика в устной речи.

I want you to watch a commercial , which you know very well, because you can watch it almost every day.

-What do you think about it? Use the words from card # 3

Now , one more commercial. What is advertised? Do you like it?

So ,you have read, listened and watched some material about ads. What can you say about advertising?

Phrases on page 85 will help you.

p.85 ex.4)

IV.Заключительный этап.

You have worked hard and have come to different conclusion about ads. Thank you for the lesson. Good luck!

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