link2160 link2161 link2162 link2163 link2164 link2165 link2166 link2167 link2168 link2169 link2170 link2171 link2172 link2173 link2174 link2175 link2176 link2177 link2178 link2179 link2180 link2181 link2182 link2183 link2184 link2185 link2186 link2187 link2188 link2189 link2190 link2191 link2192 link2193 link2194 link2195 link2196 link2197 link2198 link2199 link2200 link2201 link2202 link2203 link2204 link2205 link2206 link2207 link2208 link2209 link2210 link2211 link2212 link2213 link2214 link2215 link2216 link2217 link2218 link2219 link2220 link2221 link2222 link2223 link2224 link2225 link2226 link2227 link2228 link2229 link2230 link2231 link2232 link2233 link2234 link2235 link2236 link2237 link2238 link2239 link2240 link2241 link2242 link2243 link2244 link2245 link2246 link2247 link2248 link2249 link2250 link2251 link2252 link2253 link2254 link2255 link2256 link2257 link2258 link2259 link2260 link2261 link2262 link2263 link2264 link2265 link2266 link2267 link2268 link2269 link2270 link2271 link2272 link2273 link2274 link2275 link2276 link2277 link2278 link2279 link2280 link2281 link2282 link2283 link2284 link2285 link2286 link2287 link2288 link2289 link2290 link2291 link2292 link2293 link2294 link2295 link2296 link2297 link2298 link2299 link2300 link2301 link2302 link2303
Шаймерденова Жулдыз Мажитовна
Должность:не указана
Регион:не указан
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Австралия и Новая Зеландия"

The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these countries.

  1. Vocabulary.



to appoint

to belong

to border




  1. Working with a text

Look at the texts, please.


The continent of Australia is situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The country’s official name is Commonwealth of Australia. It is unique, because it is at the same time a continent, the smallest one in the world.

Australia is a very young country. The explorers from Europe unanimously called it a wonderful continent. There are really a lot of wonders: strange animals and wildlife, unusually mild weather, warm winters and etc. Even the sun rises there in the west, which is strange for Europeans. Besides, there is great stock of mineral resources: gold, oil, coal and much more.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of six states: South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and Western Australia. There are not very many cities in Australia. Agriculture is very well developed there. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of wool. The largest and the most famous city is Sydney. It was the capital of the Olympic games in 2The 11 B class

Theme: Australia and New Zealand

Aims: Жаңа лексикалық тақырыппен және сөздермен танысу; жаңа тәсілдерді қолдану: ой қозғау, диалогтық оқыту; сұрақтарды құрастыруға үйрену; шеттілге сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction:

Good morning! Stand up. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today? Why?

Today we continue our talk about English-speaking countries. At the lesson we will learn some new information about them. We will check up your knowledge on this material.

  1. Warming up.

We told about English –speaking countries at the last lesson. What countries were we talking about ?

Ответыстудентов: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the USA.

What other English- speaking countries do you know?

Ответыстудентов: Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

At our lesson we will learn more about these c

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