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Изжанов Эльдар Ауезович
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Регион:Атырауская область, Курмангазинский район,село Ганюшкино
“Kazakhstan is My Motherland”

Kazakhstan is My Motherland

Развивающая: формирование дальнейшего развития устойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка как средства общения. развитие объема памяти, самостоятельности, креативного мышления.

2. Образовательная: контроль умений высказываться самостоятельно, продуктивно, целостно, логично,приобщение к культуре своей республики, расширения кругозорав ходе приобретённых знаний.
3. Воспитательная: развитие у школьника желание и умение трудится в коллективе, привитие любви к родному краю, Родине.

Наглядность: картины с видами природы, фотографии, карточки с заданиями.

Учебные пособия: презентация PowerPoint по теме “ Sightsof London”, задания для учащихся, учебник, карта Казахстана.

Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, видеопроектор.


I. Организационныймомент

II. Brainstorming. (There is a map of Kazakhstan. Teacher asks some questions).

-Before we are begin our lesson let’sanswer to these questions

-T: Which countries map is this?

-T: What is the capital of this country?

-T: Who is the head of the state?

-T: Where is it situated? and etc..

-T: So, students, what do you think what are we going to speak about?

-P1, P2, P3,

-T: Yes, you are quite right. Today we are going to speak about Kazakhstan. I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb

There is no place like home.

How do you understand this proverb?

How do you translate it into your native language?

P-s: Қазақша: “Өзге елде сұлтан болғанша, өз еліңде ұлтан бол

Орысша: Вгостях хорошо,а дома - лучше

T: Yes right you are, there is no place like home.

What is the most expected event this year?(Какоесамоеожидаемоесобытиевэтомгоду?)

Мывступилив 20 годНезависимостинашейреспублики

Весь мир сегодня признает успехи Казахстана как демократического, правового, социального государства с рыночной экономикой. Их достижение стало возможно благодаря продуманной внешней и внутренней политике, эффективной деятельности Президента и Правительства. Сегодня перед всей страной стоят еще более масштабные задачи по дальнейшему осуществлению модернизационных преобразований, позитивное решение которых возможно только в условиях стабильности и межнационального согласия.

-Let’s continue our lesson with checking the home task

I. Checking up the home task

-You were given the task to prepare a report about Kazakhstan


(Ребятам было задано задание подготовить написать сообщение о Казахстане)

III. Основнаячасть. Работа с электронным учебником

IV. Введениеновыхслов

-Before reading the text let’s read the new words

1.Чтениетекста «Казахстан»

-And now put on your earphones and attentively listen to the speaker

Kazakhstan is a land of ancient civilization in the Central Eurasia. It is located almost in the centre of Eurasian landmass.

Its territory stretches from the lower reaches of the river Volga in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east. In the west and north, Kazakhstan borders with the Russian Federation, in the south- with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the east- with China. The total area covered by the republic is over 2,7 million square kilometers; France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Finland taken together would fit into the territory.

Kazakhstan is a multinational state with population of about 17 million people. Its population is made up of a hundred nationalities, but it is also the state of the Kazakh nation. The ethno-cultural affirmation of the Kazakh in no way restricts the national values and rights of other people who live or come to settle in the republic. The constitution guarantees the all-round development of all nationalities and citizens, and the creation of decent living conditions for everyone.

Administratively and territorially Kazakhstan is divided into 14 provinces and 2 cities. It comprises 5 economic regions: Western, Northern, Central, Southern, Eastern.

Kazakhstan has all kinds of climate except arctic, tropical, equatorial. There are four main vegetation-climatic zones: wooded steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert.

The wooded steppe zone is in the far north of the republic, the steppe zone covers large areas in the north, while the semi-desert climate occurs in the dry steppes in central part of Kazakhstan. The desert zone comprises much of the plains and consists of three types of desert: clay, sandy and stony.

The republic has almost 85,000 rivers, of which 8,000 are over 10 kilometers long. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Syr-Deriya, the Ural and some others. There are about 50,000 lakes in Kazakhstan, which are scattered throughout the country. The biggest lakes are in the southern half of the country — Balkhash, Alakol, Sasykkol near the JungarPass, and Markakol in the Altai. The largest salty lakes are the Caspian and the Aral seas.

In 1991 on the 16th of December Kazakhstan gained its independence.

-If you finished listen to the text, put off your earphones and let’s doing the tasks from this text

- One of you will do the task at the board and others doing in your notebooks


2.Вопросно-ответная беседа с электронного учебника

C) Filing in the blanks using vocabulary from the text.

1. Kazakhstan is located almost in the center of the Eurasianlandmass.

2. Kazakhstan is a multinational state with population of 17 million people.

3. The ethno-cultural affirmation of Kazakhstan in no way restricts the national values and rights of other people who live or come in the republic.

4. There are four main vegetation-climatic zones: wooded steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert

5. The desert zone comprises much of the plain and consist of three types of desert: clay, sandy and stony

6. There are about 50,000 lakes in Kazakhstan, which are scattered throughout the country.

-The next task

D) Answering questions.

1. Where is Kazakhstan located?

2. What countries does Kazakhstan border with?

3. What is the total area of Kazakhstan?

4. Is Kazakhstan a multinational state?

5. How many provinces are the in Kazakhstan? What are they?

6. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

7. How many rivers does republic have? What are some of them?

8. What are the biggest lakes of Kazakhstan?

9. When did Kazakhstan gain its independence?

- And now open your books at page 85 look at the exercise 12

Catch a mistake (Working with flipchart)

II. Make the sentences complete, using the words below.

1. Kazakhstan is situated in --------------------.
2. Our republic is ------------------- state.
3. The President of Kazakhstan is -------------.
4. There are ------------------ regions in the territory of Kazakhstan.
5. The largest river in Kazakhstan is ----------.
6. Astana is a ------------------- of Kazakhstan.
7. The state languages of our republic is ------.
8. Almaty is a ----------- center in our republic.

Cultural, Asia, independent, Kazakh, capital, nineteen, Nazarbaev, Irtysh

III. Catch a mistake.

1. Pavlodar is a capital of Kazakhstan.
2. Pushkin was a great Kazakh poet.
3. Aktau is a cultural center of Kazakhstan.
1. Kazakhstan is a small republic.
2. TahtarAubakirov is a President of Kazakhstan.
3. Kazakhstan is not independent republic.

1. Ili is the largest river in Kazakhstan.
2. Astana is an old town in Kazakhstan.
3. Abai is a first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.

IV. Go on the sentences.

Irtysh …
Nazarbaev …
Abai …

TahtarAubakirov …
Astana …
Almaty …
Semey …
Balhash …
Kazakhstan …

V. Match the names of the holidays and dates.
1 January • Independence Day
22 March •Constitution Day
8 March • New Year’s Day
9 May • Victory Day
30 August • Woman’s day
25 October • Nauryz
16 December • Republic Day


-And I want to conclusion our lesson with proverb, which was at the beginning of the lesson There is no place like home.

What proverbs about Motherland do you know?

Pupils are telling the proverbs about Motherland.

Setting the home task:

To write composition: "My motherland.”

The end of the lesson:


The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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