Изжанов Эльдар Ауезович
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Регион:Атырауская область, Курмангазинский район,село Ганюшкино
Сценарий интеллектуального марафона по английскому языку «Знаете ли вы Великобританию?» для учащихся 9-11 класса.

Ведущий: Hello dear boys,girls and guests. Now you will see a competition called «Do You Know Great Britain? » Teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. It is devoted to the English-speaking countries. I’m sure you’ve read a lot of books and got useful information about the countries. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success.

And we have invited a competent jury. The members of the jury are…

1) Завуч по воспитательной работе –

2) Преподаватель английского языка-

3) Преподаватель английского языка-

1. Introducingcommands. Представление команд-участницигры

Ведущий: Now it’s time to introduce yourselves. Each member of your team must to introduce yourself .One of you in English, another of you in Kazakh and ones in Russian. (Максимальный балл 1 балл)


(Пока жюри подсчитывает очки звучит песня в исполнении школьной группы «Дарын»)

2. Intellectual test “Do you know Great Britain?”.

-The secondtour is called “Intellectual test”The first competition: “Do you know English-speaking countries?”

Ведущий: Now I am going to tell you how to play a game. Each team gets 1 point for every correct answer. If the answer is wrong, you get no points. The team, which gets the most points, wins.


(Пока жюри подсчитывает очки звучит песня в исполнении школьной группы «Дарын»)



Count the points

3. Dishes of Great Britain’s holidays

-In this tour you need to show a dish of national holidays of Great Britain and introduce how to make it.


(Пока жюри подсчитывает очки звучит песня в исполнении школьной группы «Дарын»)

4.Sound the dialogue

The next tour is Dialogue. You must to sound the dialogue with meaning. Please pay attention to the screen


Ведущий: Dear friends! It’s a pity but our competition has just finished. Let’s count the points. The 1st team has… points. The 2nd team has got… points. The team… is the winner. Thank you for coming and taking an active part in the game. You are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work. You know a lot about English-speaking countries. And I’m sure that your good knowledge of English will help you in your future life.

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