link6048 link6049 link6050 link6051 link6052 link6053 link6054 link6055 link6056 link6057 link6058 link6059 link6060 link6061 link6062 link6063 link6064 link6065 link6066 link6067 link6068 link6069 link6070 link6071 link6072 link6073 link6074 link6075 link6076 link6077 link6078 link6079 link6080 link6081 link6082 link6083 link6084 link6085 link6086 link6087 link6088 link6089 link6090 link6091 link6092 link6093 link6094 link6095 link6096 link6097 link6098 link6099 link6100 link6101 link6102 link6103 link6104 link6105 link6106 link6107 link6108 link6109 link6110 link6111 link6112 link6113 link6114 link6115 link6116 link6117 link6118 link6119 link6120 link6121 link6122 link6123 link6124 link6125 link6126 link6127 link6128 link6129 link6130 link6131 link6132 link6133 link6134 link6135 link6136 link6137 link6138 link6139 link6140 link6141 link6142 link6143 link6144 link6145 link6146 link6147 link6148 link6149 link6150 link6151 link6152 link6153 link6154 link6155 link6156 link6157 link6158 link6159 link6160 link6161 link6162 link6163 link6164 link6165 link6166 link6167 link6168 link6169 link6170 link6171 link6172 link6173 link6174 link6175 link6176 link6177 link6178 link6179 link6180 link6181 link6182 link6183 link6184 link6185 link6186 link6187 link6188 link6189 link6190 link6191
Чиркова Екатерина Юрьевна Tchirkova Yekaterina Yuryevna
Должность:учитель английского языка
Страна:Российская Федерация the Russian Federation
Регион:Удмуртская Республика п. Игра
My poems (Стихотворения собственного сочинения)

The stream of consciousness


All allies, please, ally.

Applyour rhyming method

But do not awry.

No, I don’t belie to what I buy,

It can really comply with my cry.

You can decry, defy and deny everything

But don’t let other people die.

Dry dye in your eye can’t let you

See a fly when you fry a pie.

“Goodbye!” says a guy who

Always greets you with his “Hi!”

His words sound so high!

In July I never lie in my lullaby

And never lie to a magpie.

It may imply that my pry will

Always pass by rye not nearby you.

I rely on God, he replies me “Retry!

Make a deep sigh, look at the sky.

It’s a little thing that can satisfy

You and signify.”

A sly spy looking at you from

Under the sky can specify,

Supply, testify and terrify at the

Same time thereby showing that

His thigh is tied with a tie.

Try to untie it but you can’t,

Then you’ll ask “Why?”

Maybe Wi-Fi is still wry,

That’s why.


Oh, what an air spring!

As if there was a sprite

Who brought a magic ring

And got rid of the blight.

I walked and met a spring

That turned into a kite

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And looked like a string

Till morning, till the light.


I’m walking along the street but not alone

In the world that I do not belong,

Will it really last lifelong?

I can’t wait for it so long,

I need to be very strong,

Please, God, prolong the singing of the song

That always sounds in a local restaurant,

Forgive me for everything if I’ve been wrong.


Making up a big charming chart

Is a really great but serious art.

It is famous worldwide

And cannot be denied.

People and charts are not apart,

Charts are people’s one part.

Never put them aside

‘Cause they’re often applied.

All that above sounds very smart

Everything told us my cousin Bart.


I am standing in a small hall,

I feel myself like a thrall.

The hall is where I must dwell,

Never complain, pray and yell.

I dream to see a waterfall

But I can’t do it, there’s a pall

In my eyes in the form of a shell

That’ll grow, get bigger and swell.

It’s only a nightmare’s brawl,

I have a doll to play, don’t appall.

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