Илья Гашек
Должность:Системный редактор
Группа:Команда портала
The Coca-Сola Business in Kazakhstan

Казахстан, Мангистауская область, г. Жанаозен

Жанаозенская школа-гимназия

средство для стирки рабочей и спецодежды.

Учитель английского языка

Раметулла З.М.


  • Grammar: Present Simple
  • Vocabulary: To practice the useful words and phrases, vocabulary describing non-alcoholic beverages
  • Communicative tasks: Students can sum up their opinion about contribution of coca-cola and its ingredients


Learn more about joint venture enterprises


Learn and compare soft drinks and national drinks of Kazakhstan


Video presentation, ICT, songs, handouts, pictures


ICT, Critical thinking, Dialogic teaching, leadership, assessment of and for learning



Step 1. Org. moment

What date is it today?- Today is …

What is the day today? — Today is …

Who is absent? - … is absent.

What was your home task for today? — Our home task was …

Step 2. Organize well atmosphere in the class: Who likes what drinks … 3 min. — I like/ She or he likes …

Step 3. Groupings

Step 4. Identify these given verbs meanings

Home task

Key vocabularies: Read the words, practice the pronunciation

Brand, beverage, community, operate, authorize, distribution, joint venture, non-alcoholic, alcoholic


Task 1. Watch video «Globalization and Coca-Cola Company»(3 min.)

Task 2. Predict: What is the video about?


  1. Group work presentation

Themes: ‘The Coca-Cola business in Kazakhstan’ and ‘The Coca-Cola support and distribution’

Step 1. Make a poster about given themes 5 min.

Step 2. Present their poster. 5 min.

Step 3. Assess each group poster. 2 min.

  1. Project work.

Step 1. Ingredients of Coca- Cola, Fanta, Sprite, BonAqua, Shubat, Kymyz, Kozhe Ex. 3 p. 139 (5 min.)

Step 2. Share opinion: Which of them healthy and fizzy drinks?

III. “Black box” question game: Each group members take questions from the box and answer them.

  1. The coca leaf and the cola nutpictures. What do they mean?

Cola nitida Stevia


  1. Botanical: Cola nitida
    Family: Sterculiaceae (sterculia)
    Other common names: Kola Nut, African Cola Nut, African Kola Nut, Goora Nut, Gooroo Nut, Guru Nut, Bissy Nut, Gourou, Ombéné, Nangoué, Kokkorokou

The Cola Nut is a stimulant with more caffeine than coffee. It has been used for centuries in the tropics to endure hard work without fatigue, increase energy and even clear the mind. African Cola Nut is said to act as a stimulating tonic that generally imparts an overall feeling of well-being.

2. Erythroxylum Coca is a shrub growing native in the South-America. It grows to two to three meters long and has large, oval-shaped, dark green leaves which are well known for their stimulating effect.

Coca shrub

In ancient times coca was utilised for various medical uses, for example to relieve headache and to use as anaesthetic e.g. for broken bones.

The leaves of Coca plant are traditionally chewed or made into a herbal coca tea. The powerful stimulant drug Cocaine is made by chemically refining the leaves.

  1. Does Coca‑Cola contain alcohol? - Coca‑Cola is recognised as a non-alcoholic beverage and producers do not add alcohol as an ingredient.
  2. Is Coke halal? - The ingredients and manufacturing process used in the production ofCoca‑Cola are rigorously regulated by government and health authorities in more than 200 countries which have consistently recognised the drink as a non-alcoholic product. This includes countries where Islam is the major religion.
  3. Do producers use additives in Coca‑Cola?

-Producers do use additives in some of our drinks, including Coca‑Cola, to make sure they're the best possible quality for you. Additives are used to provide flavour and colour which contribute to the appeal and enjoyment of every can and bottle. And they're not necessarily artificial - traditional additives include sugar, spice and salt. Coca‑Cola has always been made with all natural ingredients, ever since it was first invented by Dr John Pemberton in 1886. As with all our ingredients, we only use additives that are known and proven to be safe.

5. What is stevia? -The stevia plant belongs to the chrysanthemum family, and is a unique source of intense, natural sweetness. Sweeteners made from the stevia plant have zero calories, and have been used in South America to flavour drinks for more than 200 years.

6. What does Fanta mean? - Pearl Harbor, German businessman sweetened the soft drink with saccharin and named it Fanta, after the German word for fantasy or imagination.

7. What do you know about BonAqua? - Its natural mineral composition remains unchanged, which means that each bottleBonAqua is the energy of the protogenic nature.

8. What does Sprite mean? - Sprite is a clear soda, lemon-lime flavored, caffeine free soft drink, produced by the Coca-Cola Company.

Warming up

Song 1.32 min.


Students learn and get more about advantages and disadvantages of soft drinks.


Assess of group, individual student assess by assessment sheets:

Grade:_______________ Name: ____________ Date: ______________


Well done









Information about Cola-cola company

Presentation of a poster

Compare ingredients

“Black box” questions


Students write their opinion or suggestion about the lesson (2 min.)

Home task

Ex.6 on page 139 Interview your partner.

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