link15408 link15409 link15410 link15411 link15412 link15413 link15414 link15415 link15416 link15417 link15418 link15419 link15420 link15421 link15422 link15423 link15424 link15425 link15426 link15427 link15428 link15429 link15430 link15431 link15432 link15433 link15434 link15435 link15436 link15437 link15438 link15439 link15440 link15441 link15442 link15443 link15444 link15445 link15446 link15447 link15448 link15449 link15450 link15451 link15452 link15453 link15454 link15455 link15456 link15457 link15458 link15459 link15460 link15461 link15462 link15463 link15464 link15465 link15466 link15467 link15468 link15469 link15470 link15471 link15472 link15473 link15474 link15475 link15476 link15477 link15478 link15479 link15480 link15481 link15482 link15483 link15484 link15485 link15486 link15487
Максимов Александр Сергеевич
Группа:Команда портала
Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку
Россия, ЯНАО, г. Салехард
Учитель английского и немецкого языков
Исангулова Г. Р.

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку

Продолжительность выполнения работы — 1, 5 часа.

Количество баллов за работу


Кол-во баллов











Time: 20 minutes

Задание 1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями говорящего 1-6 и утверждениями, данными в списке А-G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

А Music E Shopping

В Restaurants F Architecture

С Sightseeing G Museums and Galleries

D Theatre







Задание 2

Вы услышите разговор двух друзей о фестивале. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-7 содержанию текста. Отметьте каждое утверждение TRUE, если оно соответствует содержанию текста, FALSE, если оно не соответствует или NOTSTATED, если в тексте нет точной информации. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1. Eisteddfod is the best-known festival in England.

1 ) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2 .The festival is held twice a year.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3 .The festival has a great medieval history.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4 .The festival takes place in the town.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5 .The Chief Druid is the main character of the festival.

1) True 2} False 3) Not stated

6 .The bard of the year is not awarded.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. Only folk art is presented at the festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Part II. Reading Comprehension

Time: 30 minutes

Задание 1

Прочитайте содержание экскурсий A-H. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-8 содержанию каждой из экскурсий и впишите соответствующую букву А, В, С и т.д. рядом с номером каждого из утверждений.


A Ancient and Modern Museum

This is a museum with a difference. Along with the usual historical exhibits, this museum features an up-to-date display of information technology.

В Trolland’s Caves

These caves are situated below the hills to the north of the city at the Widmore River. The caves are home to colonies of glow worms that shine like stars on the ceiling and walls of the caves, casting an eerie light on the many stalagmites and stalactites.

С Botanical Gardens

Besides the many exotic plants you can see in a botanical garden, these gardens feature native birds and other wildlife.

D Wax World

If you’re interested in seeing how people used to live and dress, Wax World is the place for you. Featuring over 100 wax models of famous people, this venue is the best for anyone interested in changing trends in clothing.

E The Central Art Gallery

The art gallery has six chambers each exhibiting paintings from different periods, from the Middle Ages to the present. The walking tour, recorded on tape, is for visitors interested in art history.

F Technology Park

In the planetarium you can observe features of the night sky, and learn about such historical events as the origin of stars. This excursion also includes a visit to the Satellite Mapping Centre.

G Parliament

Schoolchildren are met at the entrance by ushers who show them around the Houses. The tour includes the Hansard library, the grand lounge, government and opposition offices and the public gallery.

H The Light Fantastic

Find out about the fascinating process of candle making. This factor also holds the additional attraction of illustrating how candles and other wax products are made and the use of wax in the art of sculpture and decoration.

This excursion is for those who are interested in:

1 __________ history of art 5 _________ astronomy

2 __________ politics 6 _________ native wildlife

3 __________ clothing and fashion 7 _________ technological progress

4 __________ wax technology 8 _________ unusual nature

Задание 2

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы 1-5. Используйте не более чем три слова для каждого ответа.

Picasso Museum

Chateau Grimaldi, Antibes, France

The Picasso Museum of Antibes is housed in a beautiful old villa built on ground that was once occupied by the Romans.

Picasso himself lived in the house and painted there in 1946.

Guided tours can be organized on request. There are several programs

for children (aged 4-11) and workshop visit for school groups on

Wednesdays and holidays.

June 1 - Sept 30 10 am - 6 pm

Oct 1 - May 31 10 am - noon and 2-6 pm

Closed Mondays and holidays

  1. Where is the Picasso Museum?


Who once lived there?


When are children most welcome?


Which months is it open all day?______________________

5. How do you get a guided tour?


Part III. Use of English

Time: 20 minutes

Задание 1

Прочитайте приведённые ниже предложения 1-8. Употребите слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, в необходимой грамматической форме.

1. Му friend Alice is a __________________and honest person.


2 .Marco is an __________of a new cafe in the centre of town.


3 .We have got three ___________tomorrow.


4. It often ____________in Scotland in the winter.


5 .He wants some_____________ about London excursions.


6 .Her boy-friend is very_________________.


7 .The weather is ________________and cloudy.


8 .The Globe theatre is an amazing__________


Задание 2

Выберите правильный ответ:

  1. What’s the name of the London underground?

A Metro В Tube СSubway

  1. What London street is famous for shops?

A Oxford Street В Fleet Street С Lombard Street

  1. What is the Barbican?

A a river В an art centre C a pop group

  1. Which animal can look at the Queen?

A a dog В a cat C a lion

  1. Who wrote ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’?

A L. Carroll В О. Wilde C A. Milne

  1. What is English marmalade?

A apple jam В orange jam C sweets

  1. The traditional English drink is .

A coffee В cocoa C tea

  1. What river does London stand on?

A the Thames В the Severn C the Clyde

  1. Robert Burns is a/an poet.

A American В English C Scottish

10. The oldest university in Britain is in ____________.

A London В Edinburgh C Oxford

Задание 3

Вставьте правильный предлог

  1. Don’t look ___me! I am not guilty.

A for В after С at

  1. If I get early I’ll do a lot of necessary things.

A up В on С off

  1. Put the fire. We must go back.

A on В aside С out

  1. Is our plane taking now?

A off В out Сin

  1. Who turned the page of my book?

A over В up С off

  1. He called my returning back in time.

A in В for С out

  1. Talking should be an exercise _______the brain, not _______the tongue.

A of Вat С on

  1. It runs to the time when I was a schoolgirl.

A off В back Сafter

  1. He gave himself to be an artist. We didn’t be­lieve him.

A out В back С away

  1. I wonder what’s going here?

A at В on С by

Part IV. Writing

Time: 20 minutes

You are going to spend a weekend at your grandparents’ dacha. Write an e-mail to your pen friend Simona Grey; tell her about what you usually do at dacha, who you meet there, and why you like these weekends. Ask Simona about her plans for the weekend.

Write 35-40 words


  1. Аудирование

Задание 1













Задание 2

  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. True
  6. False
  7. Not Stated

  1. Чтение

Задание 1 Задание 2

1 E 1. Antibes или France

2 G 2. Picasso

3 D 3. Wednesday and holidays

4 H 4. June - September

5 F 5. (organized) on request

6 C

7 A

8 B

III. Лексика и грамматика

Задание 1 Задание 2 Задание 3

  1. friendly 1. B 1. C
  2. owner 2. A 2. A
  3. exams 3. B 3. C
  4. rains 4. B 4. A
  5. information 5. C 5. A
  6. romantic 6. B 6. B
  7. windy 7. C 7. A
  8. building 8. A 8. B

9 C 9. A

10 C 10. B

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