Мир учителя
Группа:Мир учителя
Страна:Страны СНГ
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lesson study

Казахстан, Талдыкорган

СШГ №14

Руководитель:Абилова Зиялы Алтаевна, учитель математики,стаж работы 12 лет, категория первая.

Менти: Нурахметова Қырмызы Нурахметовна, учитель иностранного языка, стаж работы 5 лет, категория 2.

Ментор:Садуова Гульнара Белесбаевна,учитель математики, стаж работы 31 год,категория высшая.

ПО коучингу информация

Джамбаева Багдат Адылгазиевна,

учитель начальных классов, стаж работы 18 лет, прошла трехмесячные курсы 2 уровень, категория высшая

Lesson 6

Тақырыбы: Достар туралы

Мақсаты: танымдылық және іздену әрекеттері арқылы «Достық» ұғымының лексикалық мағынасын кеңейту.


Білімділік: оқушыларды ауызекі тілде сөйлеуге, досына мінездеме бере алуға үйрету.

Дамытушылық: проблемалық ситуациялар арқылы сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету, алған білімдерін шығармашылық жұмыстарда дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: топпен жұмыс істеу арқылы бір-бірін бағалау, сөйлеу мәдениетіне және мейірімділікке баулу.

Сабақ түрі: білім мен дағдыны бекіту сабағы

Сабақ әдісі: экстраактивті әдіс

Сабақ барысы:

  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

a) Greeting.

- Good afternoon, my friends! Glad to see you.

- Take your seats.

- Is anybody absent?

b) Introducing the class with the aims of the lesson.

- The title of our lesson is “Friends”. The aim of our lesson is to improve our speaking, thinking habits and using our lexical knowledge in different situations.

c) Dividing the class to groups.

- I need two groups at the lesson. There are two colours of circles on the table and you should to change you like. Red colour is the first group and blue colour is the second group.

  1. Warm up. Today we are going to talk about “Friendship and our friends”. Please, answer to my questions

- What is friendship?

- When and why do we need friends?

- How to be a real friend?

- Name some books or films you remember about friendship.

- What are your favourite books or films about friendship?

  1. Name the adjectives on the pictures.

(hardworking, brave, lazy, rude, strict, boring)

  1. Values Ladder

Draw 5 stairs and write on each stairs what characteristics your friend must have.

- Say what kinds of people you like / you don’t like. Explain why.

- Describe the kind of person you‘d like to make friends with. Why?

- Describe an ideal family.

- Say what characteristics are necessary for being friends.

- You can use these words and expressions: it is important, it doesn't matter, I think a friend should (be), I think a friend shouldn't, I agree, I don't agree, as a rule


  1. Reading and speaking.

to let somebody down — біреуді подводить
to stand by somebody — біреугу демеу беру
to be selfish — өзімшіл болу

a bit — аздап
to talk something through — талқылау
through thick and thin — қандай жағдай болмасын

Look at the screen. There is a story about friends. What are the friends going to do.

  1. Answer the questions
  2. What is more important for Misha: his friend or the treasure?
  3. Why does Misha think that Rob is his friend?
  4. What does Misha respect about Rob?
  5. What Misha doesn’t like about Rob?
  6. In what tense the sentences : I have written a letter to boss. But we haven’t finished the story yet.

  1. Writing

Make up sentences with these words.

  1. Differential tasks.
  2. Write an essay “My friend”.
  3. Make some sentences about your friends.
  4. Write a sentence about your friend.

  1. Cinquain for theme “Friend”

The first line is one word.

The second line contains two adjectives.

The third line has three verbs

The fourth line has four or more words that make a complete sentence.

The fifth line is one word.

10. Giving marks.

11. Home task: write an essay “My friend”.

List of marks

Surnames of pupils

Warm up

Name the adjectives by pictures

Values Ladder

Reading and speaking

Answer the questions


Individual task


Overall scores

Lesson: 7


Менің досым таңертеңнен бері кітап оқып отыр

Мақсаты: оқушыларға Present Perfect Continuous Tense (созылыңқы осы шақ) туралы түсінік беру .


Білімділік: Етістіктің шақтарын сөйлеу әрекетінде қолдану дағдысын қалыптастыру.

Дамытушылық: шығармашылық және логикалық ойлау қабілетін, сөйлемдерді сауатты аудару және жазу, есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: шет тілін үйренуге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, бір-біріне деген сыйластыққа және досын зейін қойып тыңдауға баулу.

Сабақ түрі: жаңа білімді меңгеру сабағы

Сабақ әдісі: сыни тұрғыдан ойлауды дамыту элементтері

Сабақ барысы:

  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

a) Greeting.

- Good afternoon, my friends! I am glad to see you.

- How are you today?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

b) Introducing the class with the aims of the lesson.

- The title of our lesson is “My friend has been reading since morning”. The aim of our lesson is to introduce you with the new grammar material. And at the end of the lesson you will be to say some sentences in the PPC Tense. For this purpose we have to pass some steps in our lesson.

c) Dividing the class to groups.

- I need two groups at the lesson. There are some cards in the box. You have to change the cards without looking.

- 1st group — adjectives

- 2nd group - nouns

  1. Brainstorming. “What are these young people doing now?”

- Оқушылар Present Continuous шағын пайдаланып жауап береді.

  1. He is reading a book.
  2. She is playing the guitar.
  3. She is listening to music.

- What has happened?

1. I have broken a cup.

2. We have built a house.

3. She hasn’t done her homework.

  1. New lesson
  • We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the Present Perfect Continuous.
  • Actions over a period of time that has recently ended

He has been playing the piano since 3 p m

He hasn’t been playing the piano since 3 p.m.

Has he been playing the piano since 3 p.m.? — Yes, he has.

For 10 minutes since 3 o’clock all day

  1. Answer the questions
  2. How long have you been learning English?
  3. How long have you been playing tennis?
  4. How long has she been working in the garden?
  5. How long has he been living in Taldykorgan?

  1. Creative activities

Each group has to defence a project about Present Perfect ContinuousTense. .I’ll give you a poster and you have 4 min.

Now the members of one group move to other group and you have to explain your point of view to the members of other group. 1 min.

  1. Question-answer.
  2. How many clocks are there in your textbook on p.25?
  3. How many members are there in your group?
  4. Make a sentence. They/swim/2 hours
  5. He has broken a cup. In what tense is the sentence?
  6. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  7. What is a translation of “brave”?
  8. What is a translation of “treasure”?

  1. Reading and speaking

There is a lion lying at a small airport in South Africa. Planes can`t leave because the lion is in the way! The lion has been lying there since 9 a.m. But no one wants to move them! The passengers have been waiting for five hours! The manager of the airport thinks the lion is enjoying the sun and will move when the sun goes down. Until then, everyone must wait!

Find the sentences in the PPC Tense and translate.

  1. Test
  2. Giving marks

10. Home task: ex.7 p.26

List of marks

Surnames of pupils



Answering to questions



Reading and speaking


Overall scores

List of marks

Surnames of pupils



Answering to questions



Reading and speaking


Overall scores

Lesson: 9


Хат алысатын дос.

Мақсаты: ағылшын тілінде досына хат жаза алу, шығармашылық-танымдық қабілеттерін дамыту.


Білімділік: хаттың азмұнына қарай сұрақ қоя білу және жауап беруге, қателерін түзете алуға, қажетті ақпаратты алуға үйрету.

Дамытушылық: диалогтық, монологтық қабілеттерін, есте сақтау, сауатты жазу және бақылаушылық қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: шет тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттыру, оқушылардың жауапкершілігі мен бір-біріне деген достық қарым-қатынасты дамыту.

Сабақ түрі: аралас сабақ

Сабақ әдісі: экстраактивті әдіс

Сабақ барысы:

  1. 1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

a) Greeting.

- Good afternoon, my friends! Glad to see you.

- Take your seats.

- Is anybody absent?

b) Introducing the class with the aims of the lesson.

- The title of our lesson is “Having pen-friends”. The aim of our lesson is to improve our speaking, thinking habits and at the end of the lesson you will be able to write a letter to your pen-friend.

c) Dividing the class to groups.

- I need three groups at the lesson. You should change a paper with closed eyes and unite with the same colours. Now you have to make a quotation .

1) A good friend is as the sun in winter.

2) Actions speak louder than words.

3) One for all, all for one.

  1. 2. Game “Pink sunglasses”
  2. 3. Lexical exercise.

Today I have got a surprise for you. Try to guess, what I have got in my magic box. Yes, I’ve got many letters for the each of you. So today we shall learn how to read and write letters.

Do you like to write letters?

Do you like to read the letters?

Do you like to post the letters?

Do you like to get the letters?

Do you like to send letters?

  1. 4. New words

Emotionally — әсерлі

Properly — дұрыс, жөнді

Culturally — мәдениетті

an experience — өмірлік тәжірибе

to respect — сыйлау, құрметтеу

to enclose - салу (хатқа)

Make some sentences with the new words.

- How do we write letters to our friends?

- What about do we write to our friends?

- What do send our to friends?

  1. 5. Reading and speaking.

Read “A letter to a pen friend”

Can you find any mistakes?

When do you use a capital letter?

What is her name?

Where is she from?

What does she do?

Where do her parents live/

Where does she live?

  1. 6. Creative work
  2. Make an envelope yourselves.
  3. Write a letter to your friends.

And now we will write the letter to your pen friends.

  1. Send your letters.

  1. 7. Crossword
    1. By this thing we write. - Pen
    2. We need to send a letter. - Envelope
    3. What we glue to envelope. - stamp
    4. Pets - cat
    5. By this thing we draw and then we can rub off. — pencil.
    6. What do we send to our pen-friends? - letter
    7. A friend of man. - dog

  1. 8. Let’s play the game “We make a flower”.

Now tell me please, what kind of persons are your friends, children?

  1. My friend is brave, because…
  2. My friend is calm, because…
  3. My friend is hardworking, because…
  4. My friend is so active, because…
  5. My friend is energetic, because…
  6. My friend is very helpful, because…
  7. My friend is happy, because…

  1. Giving marks.

10. Home task: ex.9 p.32

Find some proverbs about friends

Lesson 10


Дос туралы

Мақсаты: тапсырмаларды орындау арқылы оқушылардың коммуникативтік қабілеттері қалыптасады.


Білімділік: жаңа ситуациялық жағдайларда алған білімдерін қолдана алу, шақтарды сөйлем құрылымында дұрыс пайдалана білу.

Дамытушылық: байланыс орната білуін, ұқсастық пен айырмашылықтарын ажырата білуге үйрету және ойлау, ауызекі тілде сөйлеуін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: достықтың жақсы қабілеттерін таңдай алуға, ұйымшылдыққа және жауапкершілікке тәрбиелеу.

Сабақ түрі: бекіту сабағы

Сабақ әдісі: экстраактивті

Сабақ барысы:

  1. 1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

a) Greeting.

- Good afternoon, my friends! Glad to see you.

- Take your seats.

- Is anybody absent?

b) Introducing the class with the aims of the lesson.

- The title of our lesson is “Friends”. The aim of our lesson is to improve our speaking, thinking habits and using our lexical knowledge in different situations.

c) Dividing the class to groups.

- I need three groups at the lesson. There are three types of shapes on the table and you should to change you like.

1) Square

2) Circle

3) Triangle

And now take places with the same shape.

  1. 2. Game “Pink sunglasses”
  2. 3. Checking the hometask.

a) Write on the papers 2 questions from the text in the Present Prefect Continuous Tense.

b) Today I have got a surprise for you. Try to guess, what I have got in my magic box. Yes, I’ve got many letters for the each of you. At the last lesson we have learnt how to write letters and you have to And I have some new proverbs for you. Look and match them! answer to your friends.


A man is known…

buy friendship

Money can’t…

by the company he keeps

A true friend…

is to be one

The only way to have a friend…

is the medicine of life

d) And now, what sayings about friends and friendship have you found at home?

  1. Friendship Cake. And today you can choose any home task you like: to write your special recipe for friendship or to read the text about friendship

  1. 5. Having a rest
  2. 6. Crossword
  • By this thing we write. - Pen
  • We need to send a letter. - Envelope
  • What we glue to envelope. - stamp
  • Pets - cat
  • By this thing we draw and then we can rub off. — pencil.
  • What do we send to our pen-friends? - letter
  • A friend of man. — dog

  1. 7. Listening

Friends will be friends,

When you're in need of …(1) they give you …(2) and …(3),

Friends will be friends,

When you're through with life and all …(4) is lost,

Hold out your …(5) cos friends will be friends right till the end.

  1. 8. Making a story
  2. Giving marks.

10. Home task: ex.17, 20 p.34

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