Тунгишбаева Алия Куатбаевна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:Южно-Казахстанская область,город Шымкент, поселок Майбулак
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Why is water important?"

Lesson: English

Form: 5 b


Unit 5. Step three. Why is water important?


To practice the vocabulary on theme Why do we need water?, to give practice in reading and answering the question, to give practice in grammar practicing: how much, how many, to give practice in speaking using grammar.

Result of training:

Ss will be able to know vocabulary on theme Why do we need water?, to read and answer the question, to use grammar : how much, how many, to speak using grammar.

Key ideas:

Coffee, tea, liquid, milk, mineral water, juice, water.


АяповаТ., English grammar


Cards, dictionary, Table (I know, I want to know, It was interesting to…)

Lesson procedure


Time: 45 minutes

Teacher’s action

Pupils’ action

I. Organization moment.

3 minutes


Setting the aims


II.Warming up

4 minutes

1) Asks Ss to guess the words : coffee, tea, liquid, milk, mineral water, juice, water

2) Game “Guess what it is”

1) Answer the question and share the opinions

2) Play the game

III. Reading

10 minutes

Divides Ss into four groups

2)Shows the video about water

3)Asks Ss to read, translate and answer the question.

4)Individual work. Ss write the sentences individually.

1)Work in groups

2)Read the text, translate and answer the question

3)Work individually

IV. Grammar practicing

15 minutes

Gives words and asks Ss to write them in the correct How much? or How many?

2)Work in group to make up the dialogue.

Work in group to do the task

2)Make up the dialogue

V.Physical exercise



Asks Ss to sing the song ‘If you happy’

. Sing the song

VI. Reflection

3 minutes


Gives the Table(I know, I want to know, It is interesting )

Giving feedback and assessments

Fill the table (I know, I want to know, It is interesting )

VI. Giving hometask

Ex 6,7,8 (writing)

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