Шумская Оксана Александровна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:город Валуйки Белгородская область
Открытый урок «Зачем мы изучаем английский?»

Открытый урок

«Зачем мы изучаем английский?»

Подготовила : Шумская О.А.


1.Развитие навыков устной речи по теме « Изучение иностранного языка».

2.Тренировка и активизация лексических навыков.

3.Развитие навыков чтения с целью понимания основной информации.

4.Формирование навыков аудирования.


1. Образовательная:

  1. тренировка произносительных навыков;
  2. развивать умение коллективной, познавательно — поисковой деятельности;
  3. развивать умение кратко высказываться на данную тему: выражать свое мнение по поводу необходимости изучать английский язык;
  4. развитие коммуникативных умений (отвечать на вопросы), развитие навыков аудирования
  5. развитие грамматических навыков.

2. Воспитательная:

  1. воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
  2. воспитание культуры общения;
  3. воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  4. формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.

3. Развивающая:

  1. развитие внимания, памяти.

Оснащение урока:

  1. доска, магнитофон, мультимедиа проектор
  2. карточки с упражнениями
  3. УМК “Enjoy English” 7 класс, рабочая тетрадь


Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests here. But don’t be afraid. Take it easy, feel comfortable and try to show all your knowledge.

The topic of our lesson is “Why do we learn English? So at our lesson we’ll speak, answer the questions, read and listen the texts on our theme.


Answer, please, my questions

1. Do you like English?

2. Why do you like English? ( It’s easier than other subjects I am leaning at school.)

3. And what about you, …..?

4. Can you say that English is useful when you travel?

5. What English-speaking countries do you know?

6. English language an international language nowadays? Do you agree with me? Why do you think so?( It is the international language of businesspeople, politicians, sportspeople, scientists, doctors and students)

7. Is it easy for you to learn English? (To tell me the truth, I don’t enjoy learning this language. English grammar is very difficult.)

8. What is the best way to learn grammar? (I think the best way to learn grammar is to practice a lot and learn the grammar rules.)

9. Do you have English every day?

10. What do you like to do at the lesson?

The English language is very popular nowadays.

11. Can you say why you study English? (I want to have good work in the future/ I want to visit Great Britain. I want to live abroad. It is important to learn English nowadays because it is popular. I want to understand people who speak British English.)

2. Просмотрвидеоролика.

Look at the bb and you will see a short video and learn the reasons why young people from different countries to learn English language.

- Do you like this video?

- Do you understand thisinformation?

- What said the young people about why they are learning English? (It’s important for my career. It’s international language. It’s important for my business. I want to travel. I met my husband because I speak English.)

3. Актуализациянавыковдиалогическойречи.

Look at the papers on your desks. Let's begin to read these expressions one after another in a chain.

  1. useful when you travel
  2. to get a better job
  3. to communicate with people from all over the world
  4. to understand films and songs in English
  5. to study it at the university
  6. to study abroad
  7. to live in an English-speaking country
  8. to like the language
  9. it’s easier than other subjects

Do you understand all these expressions?

And now ask each other the question: Why learn English? Make up the short dialogues and using these answers. Youhaveonly 30 seconds.

4.Развитие навыков устной речи по теме « Изучение иностранного языка»

Let's build a schedule (ˈʃedjuːl) and find out the most popular reasons for learning English in your class.

1. How many pupils think that English is useful when you travel?

2. Who believes that it will help to get a better job in the future?

3. Who wants to communicate with people from all over the world?

4. Who wants to understand films and songs in English?

5. Who learns English to study it at a university in the future?

6. Who wants to study abroad?

7. Who wants to live in an English-speaking country?

8. Who likes English?

9. Are there any pupils who think that it’s easier than other subjects?

Строим график и определяем самые популярные причины для изучения английского языка. График строится на доске: на оси абсцисс делениями обозначены причины, на оси ординат — количество учеников, которые выбрали ту или иную причину.

And now name the most important reasons for learning English in your class?

5. Физкультминутка.

If you want to be healthy and active you must do exercises every day. And now it’s time to have rest. Will you stand up?

Hands on the head

Hands on the hips

Hands on the table

Hands like this (любоедвижение)

Hands on shoulders

Hands up and down

Hands behind the head

And sit down!

6. Практикаваудировании.

And now open your books p. 45 ex. 46. You must listen to the students talking about their reasons for learnig English. After the listening you must answer the question: Why do these teenagers learn English? (Текст в книге для учителя)

7.Презентация Владимировой Вики на тему « Иностранный язык в моей жизни»

And now Vica will show us her presentation and tell usWhy she learns English?

- Did you like your presentation?

- Why? (I liked her presentation because Vica has good pronunciation. I liked her presentation because her speech was fluent. Your pronunciation was very interesting and colorful. Vika was like an English girl.)


And now let’s to do ex. 42 p. 44 and find the reasons which we didn't use during our lesson.


Our lesson came to an end. So, children, you must answer me all together

Is it necessary to teach English? — Yes, it is. It is necessary.


Ex.50 p.46

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