Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:г. Липецк
Урок по английскому языку «Trouble shared» (Делимся проблемой)

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 7 классе


(Делимся проблемой)


преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Липецк 2016

Цели урока:

1. Учебные: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи. Научить писать письмо,

давая совет.

2. Развивающие:Развивать способность к функционально - адекватному

сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению.

3. Познавательные:Познакомить со способом написания письма,

содержащего совет.

4. Воспитательные: Воспитывать уважительное отношение к другой


Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, раздаточный материал.


I. Организационныймомент.

Т: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Т: Read and translate the words. (2 слайд)

III. Речевая зарядка.

Т:Let’s revise the second conditional. Answer the questions: (3 слайд)

1) What would you do if you missed the bus? (3 слайд-1)

2) What would you eat if you were at a café? (3 слайд-2)

3) What would you paint if you were a painter? (3 слайд-3)

4) What would you do if it were summer now? (3 слайд-4)

5) What would you do if you were a millionaire? (3 слайд-5)

6) What would you do if you had holidays now? (3 слайд-6)

7) What would you prepare for dinner if you were a cook? (3 слайд-7)

8) What would you do if your friend were ill? (3 слайд-8)

9) What would you buy if you had a lot of money?(3слайд-9)


IV. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

Т: Let’s learn some new words.(4 слайд)

Т:Your friend has written you a letter explaining that her sister, Judy, spends

all of her free time in front of the computer.(5слайд)

Т: Read the letter and put the paragraphs into the correct order.

(Keys:1-C 2-D 3-B 4-A)

Т:Read the letter again and answer the questions.

1) What is the main topic of each paragraph?

(Keys:Paragraph 1: writer offers encouragement; Paragraph 2: suggestion -

involve Judy in outdoor activity or sport; Paragraph 3: suggestion - get to

know Judy's friends/invite them to her house; Paragraph 4: closing remarks)

3) What reasons and/or examples does the writer give to support her


(Keys:Paragraph 2: examples - team sport, bicycle, swimming;

reason - she will become more active and meet other children of her own

age; Paragraph 3: examples - organise party/invite friends to play after

school; reason - it will help her become much more sociable).

4) Which expressions does the writer use to give advice?(6слайд)

(Keys:If I were you, I would … / Why don't you … ? /

I'd also suggest… / How about… ?)

Т:There are some other expressions which we can use to give advice.

Write them down.

Т:Read the comments about the problems some people face in their

neighbourhood, and complete the table as in the example.(7 слайд)

T: Check your answers. (8 слайд)

Т:What advice would you give these people about their problems?

E.g. If I were you, I'd ask them to turn the music down.

(Suggested answers:

• Why don't you ask them to keep the dog in the house when they go out?

• It would be a good idea to buy earplugs.

• If I were you, I'd complain to their parents.)

T: What are we going to write today?(A letter)

T: What kind of a letter? (An informal one)

T: What will the letter contain? (Advice)

T: Write down the topic of the lesson. (9 слайд)


V. Обучение написанию письма.

Т:Here is part of a letter you have received from your cousin Amy. Read the

extract and answer the questions.(Приложение:2). (10слайд)

(Keys:1-B 2-A 3-B 4-A)

Т:What advice would you give her?(11 слайд)

(Keys: 1, 4, 6.8)

Т:Which expressions would you use to give advice?

(Keys:If I were you, Why don't you, How about, etc)

Т: Now read the writing tip.

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