Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна
Должность:учитель английского языка
Регион:г. Липецк
Урок по английскому языку "Моя семья"

МБОУ гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

в 5 классе

«Каникулы в международном лагере»


учитель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Липецк 2016

Цели урока:

Учебная: Тренировать в чтении и устной речи. Познакомить с новой

лексикой. Научить писать личное письмо, сообщая новости.

Развивающая: Развивать способность к функционально - адекватному

сочетанию лексических единиц и логическому изложению.

Воспитательная: Воспитывать уважение к иноязычной культуре.

Познавательная: Познакомить с новым способом написания личного


Оборудование: компьютер,экран, презентация к уроку.

Ход урока.

I. Начало урока.

T: Good morning! I am glad to meet you. Today we`ll speak about holidays.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Now let`s train our tongues. I want you to read the words from the screen

now. Who can read them aloud? Let's read them all together in a whisper.

Can you translate them? Read the words in pairs, please. Now make up the

word combinations. (Слайд 2)

to spend to go to miss to take to enjoy to start to gather parents abroad a trip shopping holidays mushrooms care of

(Keys: to spend holidays, to take care of, to go abroad, to miss parents,

to start a trip, to enjoy shopping, to go shopping, to gather mushrooms.)

III. Речеваязарядка.

T: The next task for you is to use these words and word combinations and answer my questions:

- Where did you spend your last summer holidays?

- Do you take care of your granny?

- Will you go abroad next summer?

- Did you go shopping yesterday?

- Do you like to gather mushrooms?

- Did you have a trip last summer? When did you start it?

- Does your mother enjoy shopping?

- Can you gather mushrooms all day long?

IV. Закрепление навыков выражения согласия или несогласия.

T: Let`s play the game «Agree or Disagree».

- You spent your summer holidays in the country.

- You didn't go to the country in July.

- The weather was rainy last August.

- It was interesting to spend your summer holidays in the city.

- You visited your grandparents in June.

- You gathered mushrooms in July.


V. Тренировка навыков чтения и устной речи.

T: Today we’ll learn to write a letter giving news. Open your exercise booksand write down the topic of the lesson.

Holidays in an International Camp

Writing a letter to a friend from a camp giving news. (Слайд 3)

T: A boy, Ryan by name, is now in a summer camp. He wrote a letter to his

friend Angie. Before reading his letter, let`s learn some new words.

(Слайд 4)

T: Now read the letter and fill in the appropriate topic sentences. A topic sentence starts a paragraph. It is the summary of the paragraph or an introduction to the topic of the paragraph. There is one sentence you do not need.(Слайд 5). (Приложение) (Keys:1 С 2 A 3 E 4 В)

T: Replace the topic sentences in the letter with other appropriate ones.

(Keys:1.How's it going? 2. We have lots of activities throughout the day. 3. I can't wait until this weekend. 4. That's all my news.)

T: Read the letter again and answer the questions:

1 Who is the letter from? Who is the letter to? (The letter is from Ryan to Angie.)

2 How does the letter start/finish? (It starts with: Dear Angie and it ends with: Love,)

3 Which of the phrases can you use instead of Love? (Yours; Best wishes; Lots of love)

Yours Thanks again ..,

Best wishes .., Lots of love Fine …

4. Which paragraphs are about Ryan's daily routine/ fixed arrangements?

(Paragraph two is about Ryan's daily routine. Paragraph three is about Ryan's fixed arrangements.)

5. What tenses does Ryan use in these paragraphs? (He uses the present simple.

He uses the present continuous with a future meaning.)

6. Which paragraphs include Ryan's opening/ closing remarks? (Paragraph one includes Ryan's opening remarks. Paragraph four includes Ryan's closing remarks.)

VI. Обучениенаписаниюстатьи.

T: - Now look at the screen.Imagine you are at Sunrise summer camp. Read the advertisement and then choose activities from the advertisement to answer the questions: (Слайд 6)

1. What do you do at the camp in the morning? In the afternoon? In the evening?

2. What are you doing this weekend?

T: Read the plan of the letter. (Слайд 7) Write it down.

VII. Итоги.

T: What did we do today? What did we learn?

VIII. Домашняяработа.

T: Use your answers from Ex. 2 and the plan to write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her your news. (80 words) Use Ryan`s letter as a model.

(Слайд 8)


I. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan .Click On 2. Student’s Book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001.

II. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan. Click On 2.Teacher’s Book”. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001.

III. Е. В. Дзюина. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК

М.З. Биболетовой и др. Enjoy English 5 — 6 классы. — Москва: BAKO, 2012.

IV. Изображение: Nathan, Chris - Newbury: Express Publishing, 2001.


A. There's so much to do here that I don't know where to begin.

B. Well, that's all for now.

C. Hi, how are you?

D. It's the end of my first week here.

E. We're all looking forward to this weekend.

Dear Angie,

1) _ I'm having a great time here at summer camp. The place is lovely and the weather is good.

2) _ In the mornings we have Art lessons or we go swimming. In the afternoons we go canoeing or horse riding. Everyone looks forward to the evenings, when we all sit together around the campfire. We usually have a barbecue, sing songs or tell stories. It's just great.

3) _ We`ve got lots of exciting plans. On Saturday we're going rafting. We`re spending the whole day on the river and having a picnic lunch. Then on Sunday we're having a big party with live music and lots of food and drink. I can't wait!

4) _ See you in a couple of weeks.



Dear (friend's first name),

(Para 1) opening remarks - what the place/
weather is like

Main Body

(Para 2) what you do every day

(Para 3) what you are doing this weekend


(Para 4) closing remarks

(your first name)

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