Бекетова Ирина Васильевна
Должность:учитель английского и немецкого языка
Страна:Российская Федерация
Регион:саратовская область город петровск
Тест по английскому языку для 7-8 классов по теме Passive Voice


Passive Voice

Variant I

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The book …(read) by me.

2) I saw the film which …(show) yesterday.

3) Natasha took to school a pen which …(give) to her on her birthday.

4) All trees in winter …(dress) in white.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that America …(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

7) The people …(inform) about the news.

8) The article …(write) in time.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The food …(cook)

2) The pictures …(draw)

3) The film …(watch)

4) The flowers …(water)

5) An animal …(take) at home.

6) The windows …(clean)

7) The books …(buy)

8) Our house …(build)

9) The homework …(do)

10) Thenewspapers …(read)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Работа сделана.

2) Молоко было выпито вчера.

3) Классная работа написана.

4) Зубы почищены и лицо умыто.

5) Книги положены на парту.

6) Телевизор включен.

7) Окнобылопомыто.

4. Переведите.

I would like to tell about the famous people of our country. There are a lot of them in our Motherland. And one of them is Mihail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great scientist, politician and poet. He began to work as a scientist when he was very young. He made a lot of great discoveries and after him The State University was named .Also, the famous person of our country is the great poet Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin. He wrote many wonderful poems, novels and stories. He loved Russian language very much. There are many other great poets and writers such as Anna Ahmatova, Aleksander Block, Fyodor Dostoyevskiy and many others. Well, Russian land is rich with talented people. Mendeleyev, the creator of his famous Table of Chemical Elements and Sergey Korolyev the creator of the first spaceship. But I think that the most famous and the most favorite person in our country was Yuriy Alekseyevich Gagarin. In his spaceship “Vostok” he fly around our planet. And there are a lot of other famous people and it is very difficult to name them all.


Passive Voice

Variant II

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The article …(write) by me.

2) My friend saw the comedy which …(show) two days ago.

3) A woman took to school a pen which …(buy) in the market.

4) All bushes in winter …(dress) in snow.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that Masha …(take) to the seaside by her parents.

7) We…(tell) about the news.

8) His book…(write) yesterday.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The porridges…(cook)

2) The photo …(do)

3) The TV …(watch)

4) The flowers …(cut)

5) A wild cat …(take) at home.

6) A song …(sing)

7) The story …(read)

8) The new school …(build)

9) All my exercises…(do)

10) The timetable …(prepare)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Рассказ написан.

2) Вся вода была выпита сегодня вечером .

3) Классная работа сделана.

4) Тетради куплены.

5) Билеты были проданы.

6) Стихотворение выучено.

7) Сумкабылаоткрыта.

4. Переведите.

The name of Rudyard Kipling is known thanks for his “Jungle book”, which include “Maugly” and other fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865. When he was a child his parents moved to India. His father was an artist and he opened a school of Arts in Bombey. At this time India was already invaded by Englishman.

During the war English soldiers were cruel and unmerciful to the native population and afterwards the majority of Englishmen were just the same. The father Kipling was quite unlike them. He was very kind and soft, he loved people and animals and taught his small son just the same. Little Rudyard began to speak the native language very early. (Nowadays this language is almost lost by people and the official language of India is English.) He loved Indian culture and tried to help the Indians to keep their culture and traditions. When Rudyard was 18, he entered the Cambridge University in Great Britain. Afterwards he lived and worked in different places in Great Britain and in America, but his heart was in India. Rudyard Kipling is famous as a writer and as a poet. He wrote a lot of poems, novels, stories and fairy tales, but the most famous of his works is “Jungle book” thecollection of fairy tales in several volumes


Passive Voice

Variant I

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The book …(read) by me.

2) I saw the film which …(show) yesterday.

3) Natasha took to school a pen which …(give) to her on her birthday.

4) All trees in winter …(dress) in white.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that America …(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

7) The people …(inform) about the news.

8) The article …(write) in time.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The food …(cook)

2) The pictures …(draw)

3) The film …(watch)

4) The flowers …(water)

5) An animal …(take) at home.

6) The windows …(clean)

7) The books …(buy)

8) Our house …(build)

9) The homework …(do)

10) Thenewspapers …(read)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Работа сделана.

2) Молоко было выпито вчера.

3) Классная работа написана.

4) Зубы почищены и лицо умыто.

5) Книги положены на парту.

6) Телевизор включен.

7) Окнобылопомыто.

4. Переведите.

I would like to tell about the famous people of our country. There are a lot of them in our Motherland. And one of them is Mihail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great scientist, politician and poet. He began to work as a scientist when he was very young. He made a lot of great discoveries and after him The State University was named .Also, the famous person of our country is the great poet Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin. He wrote many wonderful poems, novels and stories. He loved Russian language very much. There are many other great poets and writers such as Anna Ahmatova, Aleksander Block, Fyodor Dostoyevskiy and many others. Well, Russian land is rich with talented people. Mendeleyev, the creator of his famous Table of Chemical Elements and Sergey Korolyev the creator of the first spaceship. But I think that the most famous and the most favorite person in our country was Yuriy Alekseyevich Gagarin. In his spaceship “Vostok” he fly around our planet. And there are a lot of other famous people and it is very difficult to name them all.


Passive Voice

Variant II

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The article …(write) by me.

2) My friend saw the comedy which …(show) two days ago.

3) A woman took to school a pen which …(buy) in the market.

4) All bushes in winter …(dress) in snow.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that Masha …(take) to the seaside by her parents.

7) We…(tell) about the news.

8) His book…(write) yesterday.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The porridges…(cook)

2) The photo …(do)

3) The TV …(watch)

4) The flowers …(cut)

5) A wild cat …(take) at home.

6) A song …(sing)

7) The story …(read)

8) The new school …(build)

9) All my exercises…(do)

10) The timetable …(prepare)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Рассказ написан.

2) Вся вода была выпита сегодня вечером .

3) Классная работа сделана.

4) Тетради куплены.

5) Билеты были проданы.

6) Стихотворение выучено.

7) Сумкабылаоткрыта.

4. Переведите.

The name of Rudyard Kipling is known thanks for his “Jungle book”, which include “Maugly” and other fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865. When he was a child his parents moved to India. His father was an artist and he opened a school of Arts in Bombey. At this time India was already invaded by Englishman.

During the war English soldiers were cruel and unmerciful to the native population and afterwards the majority of Englishmen were just the same. The father Kipling was quite unlike them. He was very kind and soft, he loved people and animals and taught his small son just the same. Little Rudyard began to speak the native language very early. (Nowadays this language is almost lost by people and the official language of India is English.) He loved Indian culture and tried to help the Indians to keep their culture and traditions. When Rudyard was 18, he entered the Cambridge University in Great Britain. Afterwards he lived and worked in different places in Great Britain and in America, but his heart was in India. Rudyard Kipling is famous as a writer and as a poet. He wrote a lot of poems, novels, stories and fairy tales, but the most famous of his works is “Jungle book” thecollection of fairy tales in several volumes


Passive Voice

Variant I

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The book …(read) by me.

2) I saw the film which …(show) yesterday.

3) Natasha took to school a pen which …(give) to her on her birthday.

4) All trees in winter …(dress) in white.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that America …(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

7) The people …(inform) about the news.

8) The article …(write) in time.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The food …(cook)

2) The pictures …(draw)

3) The film …(watch)

4) The flowers …(water)

5) An animal …(take) at home.

6) The windows …(clean)

7) The books …(buy)

8) Our house …(build)

9) The homework …(do)

10) Thenewspapers …(read)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Работа сделана.

2) Молоко было выпито вчера.

3) Классная работа написана.

4) Зубы почищены и лицо умыто.

5) Книги положены на парту.

6) Телевизор включен.

7) Окнобылопомыто.

4. Переведите.

I would like to tell about the famous people of our country. There are a lot of them in our Motherland. And one of them is Mihail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great scientist, politician and poet. He began to work as a scientist when he was very young. He made a lot of great discoveries and after him The State University was named .Also, the famous person of our country is the great poet Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin. He wrote many wonderful poems, novels and stories. He loved Russian language very much. There are many other great poets and writers such as Anna Ahmatova, Aleksander Block, Fyodor Dostoyevskiy and many others. Well, Russian land is rich with talented people. Mendeleyev, the creator of his famous Table of Chemical Elements and Sergey Korolyev the creator of the first spaceship. But I think that the most famous and the most favorite person in our country was Yuriy Alekseyevich Gagarin. In his spaceship “Vostok” he fly around our planet. And there are a lot of other famous people and it is very difficult to name them all.


Passive Voice

Variant II

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The article …(write) by me.

2) My friend saw the comedy which …(show) two days ago.

3) A woman took to school a pen which …(buy) in the market.

4) All bushes in winter …(dress) in snow.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that Masha …(take) to the seaside by her parents.

7) We…(tell) about the news.

8) His book…(write) yesterday.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The porridges…(cook)

2) The photo …(do)

3) The TV …(watch)

4) The flowers …(cut)

5) A wild cat …(take) at home.

6) A song …(sing)

7) The story …(read)

8) The new school …(build)

9) All my exercises…(do)

10) The timetable …(prepare)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Рассказ написан.

2) Вся вода была выпита сегодня вечером .

3) Классная работа сделана.

4) Тетради куплены.

5) Билеты были проданы.

6) Стихотворение выучено.

7) Сумкабылаоткрыта.

4. Переведите.

The name of Rudyard Kipling is known thanks for his “Jungle book”, which include “Maugly” and other fairy tales. Rudyard Kipling was born in 1865. When he was a child his parents moved to India. His father was an artist and he opened a school of Arts in Bombey. At this time India was already invaded by Englishman.

During the war English soldiers were cruel and unmerciful to the native population and afterwards the majority of Englishmen were just the same. The father Kipling was quite unlike them. He was very kind and soft, he loved people and animals and taught his small son just the same. Little Rudyard began to speak the native language very early. (Nowadays this language is almost lost by people and the official language of India is English.) He loved Indian culture and tried to help the Indians to keep their culture and traditions. When Rudyard was 18, he entered the Cambridge University in Great Britain. Afterwards he lived and worked in different places in Great Britain and in America, but his heart was in India. Rudyard Kipling is famous as a writer and as a poet. He wrote a lot of poems, novels, stories and fairy tales, but the most famous of his works is “Jungle book” thecollection of fairy tales in several volumes


Passive Voice

Variant I

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The book …(read) by me.

2) I saw the film which …(show) yesterday.

3) Natasha took to school a pen which …(give) to her on her birthday.

4) All trees in winter …(dress) in white.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that America …(discover) by Christopher Columbus.

7) The people …(inform) about the news.

8) The article …(write) in time.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The food …(cook)

2) The pictures …(draw)

3) The film …(watch)

4) The flowers …(water)

5) An animal …(take) at home.

6) The windows …(clean)

7) The books …(buy)

8) Our house …(build)

9) The homework …(do)

10) Thenewspapers …(read)

3. Переведите на английский язык предложения.

1) Работа сделана.

2) Молоко было выпито вчера.

3) Классная работа написана.

4) Зубы почищены и лицо умыто.

5) Книги положены на парту.

6) Телевизор включен.

7) Окнобылопомыто.

4. Переведите.

I would like to tell about the famous people of our country. There are a lot of them in our Motherland. And one of them is Mihail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, the great scientist, politician and poet. He began to work as a scientist when he was very young. He made a lot of great discoveries and after him The State University was named .Also, the famous person of our country is the great poet Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin. He wrote many wonderful poems, novels and stories. He loved Russian language very much. There are many other great poets and writers such as Anna Ahmatova, Aleksander Block, Fyodor Dostoyevskiy and many others. Well, Russian land is rich with talented people. Mendeleyev, the creator of his famous Table of Chemical Elements and Sergey Korolyev the creator of the first spaceship. But I think that the most famous and the most favorite person in our country was Yuriy Alekseyevich Gagarin. In his spaceship “Vostok” he fly around our planet. And there are a lot of other famous people and it is very difficult to name them all.


Passive Voice

Variant II

1. Поставьте глаголы в PassiveVoice и переведите предложения.

1) The article …(write) by me.

2) My friend saw the comedy which …(show) two days ago.

3) A woman took to school a pen which …(buy) in the market.

4) All bushes in winter …(dress) in snow.

5) The first spaceship …(build) by Russian people.

6) Everybody knows that Masha …(take) to the seaside by her parents.

7) We…(tell) about the news.

8) His book…(write) yesterday.

2. Раскройтескобки, употребив Present Progressive Passive (is/are being done)

1) The porridges…(cook)

2) The photo …(do)

3) The TV …(watch)

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