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Группа:Мир учителя
A Job for Life

Қазақстан,Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы,Шымкент қаласы

№104 Е.Юсупов атындағы жалпы орта мектеп

Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

Халикова Г.С.

Purpose: Development of communicative competence of students through the use of ICT on the theme «Work / Job / Professions».

Objectives of the lesson:

Education: to develop the skills of monologue speech and writing; intensify previously studied vocabulary on the topic «Work / Job / Professions» in speech and writing; ability to develop the skills to communicate in English - dialogue speech. Improve grammar skills have to / should.

Educational: To develop the intellectual abilities of students; ability to provide the main form, to compare and analyze.

Educational: To develop students' independent thinking, to promote vocational guidance of pupils, generate demand for the practical use of the language.ХОД УРОКА

I. Greeting. Warm-up.

1) Saying compliments.

T: Hello, everybody. I hope our gests will have an enjoyable time with us.

Our goal is to get to know as much as possible about different kind of profession, about abilities, skills and to make a plan about your future profession.

We are going to have a lesson-discussion, a business game where various jobs will be discussed. You know that people must be tolerant to each other, so let’s start with saying compliments .

(Учащиеся бросают друг другу небольшой мяч и говорят комплименты)


P1 - Lera, you look wonderful today.

P2 - Thanks, you are very kind. Jane, your smile is so charming.

P3 - Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. Etc.

2. Speak on the topic

Let’s read these quotations and explain them.

If a man wishes to improve himself, let him improve his work. Труд — это лучший инструмент для самосовершенствования. Develop yourself: abilities, skills, talents.

Qualifications save explanations. Профессионализм говорит сам за себя.

If you are a skilled person you shouldn’t explain that you work well only do all the best.

A worker should be given his pay.Трудящийся достоин пропитания.

Gess the topic of our lesson.

First of all, I`d like to find the difference between the words: work / job / profession.

Work — means to have a job, to do the job that you are paid for.

Profession — a job that needs a special education and training. If you want to get good profession you should study a lot.

Study the combination: by profession/choose smth as a profession.

Here are the examples: What is your mother by profession? Will you choose law as a profession?

Job — the regular paid work that you do for an employer.

Study the expressions: get/find, take/accept, Saturday/summer/holiday job

Study the examples: Did you work a holiday job this summer?


3) Discussing problem questions.

T: Well, friends, I see that choosing a profession is very important to you. You know there are highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring jobs. Now I’d like you to answer the question: Which is more important — a high salary or satisfaction? My job, for example, is not highly-paid, but it is extremely interesting. What’s your opinion of the problem? What profession will you never choose?

(Во время дискуссии учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по данной проблеме, в случае необходимости корректно перебивают друг друга, продолжают беседу).


- Sorry for interrupting

- Let me say my say

- I am of a different opinion

- I don’t think so

- I fully agree with you

- To a certain extent you are right, but …etc.

4) Speaking about plans for the future.

T: I suppose you’ve made up your mind as to the future profession. Will you speak about it?

(Монологические высказывания учащихся об их планах на будущее.)

5) Group work — discussing problem questions.

T: You know that on the way to your future career you'll come across some obstacles and hardships which have to be overcome. What are the problems that you’ll have to cope with and how are you going to do it?

(Учащиеся произвольно делятся на 2 группы. Группа 1 называет трудности, которые ожидают молодых людей, группа 2 предлагает пути решения проблем.)

6) Application for a job.

T: How clever and jolly you are. So, you are not students any longer. You are young specialists. What do you do next?

P1: We apply for a job.

T: What do we call a person who applies for a job?

P2: An applicant.

T: What does an applicant do?

P3: Writes a letter of application and CV.

T: What shall we write in the letter of application?

(Учащиеся рассказывают, что нужно указывать в заявлении при устройстве на работу и в резюме.)

7) Interpreting the picture.

T: Have a look at the picture. What is depicted here and what do you think is wrong?

(Картинка из учебника “New Millenium English “ 11-й класс, стр. 48. Картинку можно отсканировать на компьютере и повесить на доску.)

8) Role-play.

A job interview. P1 — employer, P2 — applicant.

(Диалоги готовятся заранее. Каждой паре необходимо обыграть различные ситуации, н/п, человек, устраивающийся на работу, ведет себя развязно, или наоборот, слишком робко; работодатель часто перебивает посетителя и т.д. ; а также ситуации, когда беседа ведется корректно. Учащиеся смотрят диалоги друг друга и обсуждают, что было правильно, а что нет в данных ситуациях.)

T: Imagine that you are administrators on professional personnel recruitment. Have a look at the information about the applicants and say which of them you’d hire to work as a teacher in a children’s camp.

(На доске карточки с информацией о претендентах. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение.

Jane Willson, 19 –

- has been a baby-sitter for 2 years;

- loves children, likes reading to them, playing games.

Rose Brown, 21 -

- an Arts student, has a rich imagination;

- good at literature, music, painting;

- has a younger sister, looks after her.

John Rick, 20 -

- very sociable, the soul of a company;

- plays the guitar and sings well;

- has never worked with children.

Linda Green -

- would like to be independent of her parents and is ready to do any job;

- responsible and reliable;

- has an experience of working with children, but isn’t keen on this kind of job.)

- I would hire …because…

- First of all…,then…

- Moreover…

- The most suitable person for the job is …

9) Language work.

Say it in one word:

to move someone to a more important job, position in a company (to promote);

money, usually added to pay as a reward for good work (bonus);

a period during each day or night when workers in a factory or hospital etc., are at work (shift);

the act of being in charge of a group of workers and being responsible for making sure that they do their work (supervision);

something that tests strength, skill or ability (challenge);

extra things such as luncheon vouchers or free medical insurance over and above basic pay (perks);

someone who is being trained for a job (trainee);

someone who has recently joined a group of people or organization (recruit).

III. Conclusion.

Writing a sinkwein poem.

(Синквейн — это пятистишие, где первая строка — одно ключевое слово, определяющее содержание синквейна. Вторая строка — два прилагательных, характеризующих данное понятие. Третья строка — три глагола, показывающих действие понятия. Четвертая строка — короткое предложение, в котором автор высказывает свое отношение к проблеме. Пятая строка — одно слово, обычно существительное, через которое человек выражает свои чувства, ассоциации, связанные с данным понятием. Например,


Интересный, запоминающийся

Вдохновил, заинтересовал, запомнился

Я получила удовольствие


Так как урок был посвящен выбору профессии, я предложила ребятам придумать синквейн о профессиях, например,


Caring, attentive

Examines, treats, cures

Helps people

Дети выполняют подобные задания с большим интересом.)

T: Thanks a lot for your work at the lesson. I enjoyed it.

(На уроке также можно обсудить положительные и отрицательные моменты в профессии учителя, продавца, доктора и т.д. Можно предложить ребятам рассказать о какой-либо профессии, используя только существительные или только глаголы и т.д.

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