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Жумаханова Данара Бейсенбаевна
Должность:не указана
Регион:не указан
Lesson 4. At school.

L e s s o n 4. A t s c h o o l.

(1 form)

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Бесқарағай ауданы,

Бөдене ауылы.

Жумаханова Данара Бейсенбаевна

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.

Пәні: Ағылшын тілі

Тақырыбы: Lesson 4. At school.


1. Educational: to revise pupil's knowledge on the themes '' My family'' and '' School things '' and the get more information on the theme ''At school ''

2. Developing: to develop pupil's speaking skill, to develop their vocabulary stock.

3. Up-brining : to enlarge and to develop pupil's interest ti learning English.

Form: new lesson.

Method: question — answers, group work.

Visual aids: slides, placards, markers, the interactive boards, pictures.

The procedure of tye lesson.

I. Organization moment.

1. Greeting.

2. T — Good day, children!

P — We say hello!

We say hi ,

Hello and hi,

Hello and hi.

3. Come to the board and take a ball, then throw it and who catches it, answers the question.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

What's your address?

4. Take the ballons you like.

Red ballons - '' My family''

Blue ballons - '' School things ''

5. Make an association and describe it.(work with pictures)

School things

6. Phonetic drill. The game '' Represent an animal''. I'll show the animals and you must listen the voice and learn it.

Ит ырылдайды [r-r-r], жылан ысылдайды [Ө-Ө-Ө], шыбын ызыңдайды [3- 3-3 ], мысық ашуланады [f-f-f], кірпі ысылдайды [p-p-p].

II. New lesson. At school. Lesson 4.

1. Ex. 1 p. 28. Look, listen and learn. Track 24.

Good morning, children — Қайырлы таң, балалар!

Sit down, please — Өтінемін, отырыңыз.

Open your books — кітапты ашыңыз.

Take your pens — қаламды ал.

Look at the board — тақтаға қара.

Stand up, please — тұрыңыз.

Good bye, children - сау болыңыз.

III. Ex.1 p. 17. Work book. Listen, choose and tick.

Good morning, children.

Open your book.

Stand up!

Look at the board.

Let's have a rest.

Stand up!

Sit down!

Open your book

Close your book

Take your pens

Open your copy — book

Take your pencils

Close your copy — books/

IV. Giving home task: to learn the new words by heart.

V. Evaluation.

T: Thank you for your work.

Stand up, please,

Raise your head,

Jump up high,

Wave your hand

And say '' Goodbye ''.

The lesson is over. Goodbye.

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