Хмелюк Світлана Олексіївна
Должность:вчитель англійської мови
рок-розвага "Merry English"

Мета уроку:

активізація вивченої лексики та граматики в мовленні;

розвиток мовної здогадки та логічного мислення;

розвиток зацікавленості учнів до вивчення англійської мови;

формування вміння працювати в групі; виховання почуття колективізму;

розвиток уявлення, фантазії, творчих здібностей.


малюнки тварин;


маски тварин.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина уроку:

-GreetingandAim: Good morning!

P1:Dear guests!

P2:We are glad to see you at our English party!

P1:Be with us!

P2:Don't go away

P1:Please, stay!

- Warming up:

P1:Learn together with us and play!

We can read!

We can write!

We can speak English too!

We love learning English!

And what about you?

Dunno: Ой куди це я потрапив?

P2: What is your name?

Song: "What is your name?"

T: Where do you study?

Dunno:I study at school!

T: What language do you study?

Dunno:I study English!

Ps: I can read.

I can write.

I can sing.

I can jump.

I can play.

ІI. Оcновна частина уроку:

- Physical Activity:

Dunno: Як цікаво! Як багато ви знаєте! Я теж так хочу.

T: То лишайся з нами. Будь уважним і старайся…

Dunno: Старатися, а навіщо, я й так багато знаю! Ось наприклад: “Goodbye! ” –

це “Добрий ранок! ”

Ps:No, you are wrong. Goodbye”- це “До побачення!”

Dunno: Нy гаразд, буду старанним!

T: Тоді почнемо з веселої зарядки:

Stand up, sit down!

Stand up, sit down!

Stand up, turn around!

Clap your hands and sit down!

- Revising Vocabulary:

Т: Діти, виявляється наш Незнайко - художник! Нам в подарунок він намалював різних тварин, але хвилюється, що ви їх не розпізнаєте. Назвіть кого ви бачите на малюнках!


T: Діти подякуємо нашому гостеві за його подарунки. А тепер підкажіть нашому другові, що потрібно брати до школи.

Ps: A pen, a pencil, a book, a bag,a pencil-box…..

T: You see we know a lot about animals and school activities. And we know letters

very well!

P1: If you know the ABC, you can read books, write letters and words.

- Revising ABC:

P2: You can sing English songs and recite poems in English. And do you know that

the ABC has 26 capital and small letters?

P1: I think you do. So now you can see them all on this stage.

P2: Here are the letters, the ABC brothers and sisters.


A: What is it?

It is red and sweet,

And it is good to eat.

An apple

B: When I ride, I am all right,

When I stop, I flop

A bicycle

C: I can tell you all the day

Time to sleep

And time to play

A clock

D: I have a dog

His name is Jack

His head is white

And his ears are black.

E: “E” is for three and for eleven

But not for one, two, eight or seven.

F: Flowers here,

Flowers there

Flowers growing everywhere.

G: Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning, good morning

I am glad to see you!

H: Here is my left hand,

Here is my right

I can clap them with all my might

I: I have a mother and a father,

I have a sister and a brother.

J: Jump the rope, jump the rope

Jump, jump, jump

K: “K” is for a kite

And a big kangaroo.

L: Look to this side,

Look to that side.

The green says:”GO”

The red says:”STOP”

M: “M” is for mother

This is my mother, my sister, my


N: “N” is for Nelly and also for Nick

They have a book and a little chick

O: “O” is for box and also for fox

And little funny frogs

P: “P” is for pen. Have you a pen?

Yes, I have two, says little Ben.

Q: “Q” is for questions “Who? What?

and Why?

Who has a kitten? And Sam answers


R: Rain, rain goes away

Come again another day.

S: Spring is green, summer is bright

Autumn is yellow, winter is white.

T: “T” is for Tom. Tom likes a tram.

He takes a tram and goes to Sam.

U: “U” is for under but not for on

Nick is under, and who is on?

V: “V” is in five and also in seven,

It is in twelve and in eleven.

W: “Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?”

X: Six, six, six

Two and four are six

Y: “Y” is a yard for puppies to play

They like to play on a summer day

Z: I like to go to the zoo

Come with me to the zoo, to the zoo

- Poems:

T: Все було дуже цікаво але мені здається що хтось плаче. (Mouse appears)

Ps: Little mouse, little mouse, where is your house?

Mouse: I am a little mouse. Ihavenohouse!

T: Діти подаруймо для мишки будиночок!

Ps: This is a window!

This is a door!

This is a ceiling!

This is a floor!

Mouse: Oh, it is a nice house!

T: Come in,please!

Frog: Knock, knock

Mouse: Good morning

Frog: Good morning

Mouse: Who are you?

Frog: I am a frog!

Mouse: I am glad to see you.

Frog: So am I. May I come in?

Mouse: Come in please!

Hare: Knock, knock

Mouse: Good morning

Hare: Good morning

Frog: Who are you?

Hare: I am a hare

Mouse: I am glad to see you.

Hare: So am I. May I come in?

Mouse: Come in please!

Fox: Good morning

Animals: Who are you?

Fox: I am a fox

- Game — time:

Animals: Let's play the game” Fox and Hares”

I am a hare you are a fox

One two three you catch me.

(They play the game until Fox catches some “hares”)

Girl: Now it is the time for a merry play,

No more lessons for today.

T: Right you are. Now we can have a rest.

T: Ми прекрасно провели час. А за те що ви виросли такими розумними

кмітливими ви повинні подякувати своїм батькам і заспівати.


Dear mother, dear father,

I love you, I love you

Dear mother, dear father,

Do you love me too?

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