link2448 link2449 link2450 link2451 link2452 link2453 link2454 link2455 link2456 link2457 link2458 link2459 link2460 link2461 link2462 link2463 link2464 link2465 link2466 link2467 link2468 link2469 link2470 link2471 link2472 link2473 link2474 link2475 link2476 link2477 link2478 link2479 link2480 link2481 link2482 link2483 link2484 link2485 link2486 link2487 link2488 link2489 link2490 link2491 link2492 link2493 link2494 link2495 link2496 link2497 link2498 link2499 link2500 link2501 link2502 link2503 link2504 link2505 link2506 link2507 link2508 link2509 link2510 link2511 link2512 link2513 link2514 link2515 link2516 link2517 link2518 link2519 link2520 link2521 link2522 link2523 link2524 link2525 link2526 link2527 link2528 link2529 link2530 link2531 link2532 link2533 link2534 link2535 link2536 link2537 link2538 link2539 link2540 link2541 link2542 link2543 link2544 link2545 link2546 link2547 link2548 link2549 link2550 link2551 link2552 link2553 link2554 link2555 link2556 link2557 link2558 link2559 link2560 link2561 link2562 link2563 link2564 link2565 link2566 link2567 link2568 link2569 link2570 link2571 link2572 link2573 link2574 link2575 link2576 link2577 link2578 link2579 link2580 link2581 link2582 link2583
Айнура Атагараева
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Регион:Мангистауская область
Викторина по английскому языку "Who wants to win?"

The theme of the competition : “ Who wants to win ”

The aim : To check knowledge of the pupils of the 5th classes. Teach them to respect each other . Teach them to learn to save their time and use it properly.

The organization moment :

T: Good morning , dear teachers and pupils . Welcome to our competition which is called ‘Who wants to win?’Let me introduce you the stages of our competition:


Who is faster?

Grammar part

Who is smarter?

Captains’ part

1) Introduction

T: In this part every team introduces themselves .

5th “A ” - “Super team”

5thӘ” — “Friendship”

5th Б” — “Flowers”

5th “B” — “ Friends”

2) Who is faster?

1) Назовите слово со звуком [aɪ].

A big C tiger

B take D giraffe

2) Какое слово лишнее?

A. pig

B. cat

3) В каком слове буква «е» не читается? C hen

B. pen D like

4) Укажите, где необходимо окончание «-s».

A.six pig_ C. a big pig _

B. a cat _ D. a fat cat_

3) Grammar

Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

1. I … fine.

2. You … from England.

3. He … very strong.

4. My sister … busy.

5. I have a cat. It … fat.

6. Trees … green in spring.

7. My brother … good at school.

8. They … not good friends.

9. I … in class five.

Make correct sentences

1There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the

2 There, toys, are, in, box, the.

3 Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the

4 nice you are.

5 you how old are?

6 is she where?

7 good they friends not are.

4) Who is smarter?

T: You should solve these rebuses.

M=h c=h

5) Сaptains’ part

T : Make as much words as you can from this word:


T: Let’s count our balls. So I’ll tell you the winners .

The 1st place 5thБ

The 2nd place 5th “B”

The 3rd place 5th “A”

The 4th place 5thӘ

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