link12096 link12097 link12098 link12099 link12100 link12101 link12102 link12103 link12104 link12105 link12106 link12107 link12108 link12109 link12110 link12111 link12112 link12113 link12114 link12115 link12116 link12117 link12118 link12119 link12120 link12121 link12122 link12123 link12124 link12125 link12126 link12127 link12128 link12129 link12130 link12131 link12132 link12133 link12134 link12135 link12136 link12137 link12138 link12139 link12140 link12141 link12142 link12143 link12144 link12145 link12146 link12147 link12148 link12149 link12150 link12151 link12152 link12153 link12154 link12155 link12156 link12157 link12158 link12159 link12160 link12161 link12162 link12163 link12164 link12165 link12166 link12167 link12168 link12169 link12170 link12171 link12172 link12173 link12174 link12175 link12176 link12177 link12178 link12179 link12180 link12181 link12182 link12183 link12184 link12185 link12186 link12187 link12188 link12189 link12190 link12191 link12192 link12193 link12194 link12195 link12196 link12197 link12198 link12199 link12200 link12201 link12202 link12203 link12204 link12205 link12206 link12207 link12208 link12209 link12210 link12211 link12212 link12213 link12214 link12215 link12216 link12217 link12218 link12219 link12220 link12221 link12222 link12223 link12224 link12225 link12226 link12227 link12228 link12229 link12230 link12231 link12232 link12233 link12234 link12235 link12236 link12237 link12238 link12239
Айнура Атагараева
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Регион:Мангистауская область
Викторина по английскому языку "Who wants to win?"

The theme of the competition : “ Who wants to win ”

The aim : To check knowledge of the pupils of the 5th classes. Teach them to respect each other . Teach them to learn to save their time and use it properly.

The organization moment :

T: Good morning , dear teachers and pupils . Welcome to our competition which is called ‘Who wants to win?’Let me introduce you the stages of our competition:


Who is faster?

Grammar part

Who is smarter?

Captains’ part

1) Introduction

T: In this part every team introduces themselves .

5th “A ” - “Super team”

5thӘ” — “Friendship”

5th Б” — “Flowers”

5th “B” — “ Friends”

2) Who is faster?

1) Назовите слово со звуком [aɪ].

A big C tiger

B take D giraffe

2) Какое слово лишнее?

A. pig

B. cat

3) В каком слове буква «е» не читается? C hen

B. pen D like

4) Укажите, где необходимо окончание «-s».

A.six pig_ C. a big pig _

B. a cat _ D. a fat cat_

3) Grammar

Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

1. I … fine.

2. You … from England.

3. He … very strong.

4. My sister … busy.

5. I have a cat. It … fat.

6. Trees … green in spring.

7. My brother … good at school.

8. They … not good friends.

9. I … in class five.

Make correct sentences

1There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the

2 There, toys, are, in, box, the.

3 Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the

4 nice you are.

5 you how old are?

6 is she where?

7 good they friends not are.

4) Who is smarter?

T: You should solve these rebuses.

M=h c=h

5) Сaptains’ part

T : Make as much words as you can from this word:


T: Let’s count our balls. So I’ll tell you the winners .

The 1st place 5thБ

The 2nd place 5th “B”

The 3rd place 5th “A”

The 4th place 5thӘ

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