Казахстан, г. Алматы
Общеобразовательная школа №32
Учитель Английского языка
Сарсембаева К.А.
ЦЕЛЬ: Расширить знания учащихся о семейных традициях в Великобритании и в Казахстане..
Задачи :
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: интерактивная доска, плакаты, раздаточные материалы, канцелярские товары
Орг.момент :
Т.: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Before our lesson I`ll divide you into 3 groups. How do we do it? Choose one of that colours and take place at that colour`s table .It`s your seats at the plane. Today we will have funny competitions among these groups. Attention pleas today on the 18 th of Oktober we`re going to a trip to the UK.
Основнаячастьурока:Т.: So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language. We can't say: " we know English", if we do not know English traditions. Besides, they are very important in the life of English people. They are proud of their traditions and keep them up carefully. That's why we are going to know more about British holidays today, visiting that country.
1)А вы хотите поехать в Великобританию? Тогда для того что бы наше путешествие было интересным разгадайте этот ребус.
1 form` Ball` and Ball form` 1
T: One for all and all for one.If you are agree with that proverb, let`s go. Fasten your belts and have a nice trip! Shut your eyes, please.( на доске рисунок самолета).Plane will take off if you do that task. As we know there are several holidays in the year. And today we'll talk about only late-autumn, winter and early-spring holidays in Britain and traditions connected with them.
2) And, now, the first Task. Look at the blackboard, please, and find the right date for every holiday:
January, 1 |
Easter |
April — May |
New Year |
February, 14 |
Thanksgiving Day |
December, 25 |
St. Valentine's Day |
November,26 |
Hallowe'en |
October,31 |
Christmas |
PI: We celebrate New Year on the 1st of January.
P2: Easter is celebrated in April or May.
P3: We celebrate Thanksgiving day on the 26th of November.
Р2:. Hallowe'en. We celebrate this holiday on the 31st of October.
Т.: Thank you. By the way, Is the same holiday in our country?
P3: Yes, we have such holiday nowadays, It is Nauryz
P5 :St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February.
P6 :Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of december
Now our plane is on the air. Т.: Thank you. You are great as usual! We are in the UK. If you want that our plane borders there you will do that task.
3)And now we'll have our second task which is connected with your home task(Рекомендации для работы: необходимо разделить учащихся на 3 творческие группы, заранее приготовить белые бумаги формата А4 ,цветные бумаги раздать эти заготовки по одной на группу.)Prepare presentation one of family traditions connected with that holiday (Choose a card) On a card are:
Thanksgiving Day Easter Christmas
Let`s see :How do you mark yourself (points 1-3)
2.Additional information and using of vocabulary
3.Logical formation of speech
4.How many members took place in a discussion
4)T:The next station in our map is KAZAKHSTAN. What do you know about this country ? If you want that our plane stay here you will show your knowledges in knowing it`s traditions.
The 3rd Task: prepare the diagram (klaster) about national holiday traditions of Kazakh people.(5 min.)
5)Let`s we are in our Motherland. What kind of impressions do you have about our trip ?
«Basket with ideas» (every group has it`s own impression)
Our lesson is over. We've made so much today and as a conclusion of our lesson I wish you be always happy. And I extremely agree with Abraham Lincoln, who said "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be". Study foreign languages, not only English, and know traditions of foreign people because of it's very interesting. Your marks are excellent.
Let's say "Good-bye" to our guests.
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