link12384 link12385 link12386 link12387 link12388 link12389 link12390 link12391 link12392 link12393 link12394 link12395 link12396 link12397 link12398 link12399 link12400 link12401 link12402 link12403 link12404 link12405 link12406 link12407 link12408 link12409 link12410 link12411 link12412 link12413 link12414 link12415 link12416 link12417 link12418 link12419 link12420 link12421 link12422 link12423 link12424 link12425 link12426 link12427 link12428 link12429 link12430 link12431 link12432 link12433 link12434 link12435 link12436 link12437 link12438 link12439 link12440 link12441 link12442 link12443 link12444 link12445 link12446 link12447 link12448 link12449 link12450 link12451 link12452 link12453 link12454 link12455 link12456 link12457 link12458 link12459 link12460 link12461 link12462 link12463 link12464 link12465 link12466 link12467 link12468 link12469 link12470 link12471 link12472 link12473 link12474 link12475 link12476 link12477 link12478 link12479 link12480 link12481 link12482 link12483 link12484 link12485 link12486 link12487 link12488 link12489 link12490 link12491 link12492 link12493 link12494 link12495 link12496 link12497 link12498 link12499 link12500 link12501 link12502 link12503 link12504 link12505 link12506 link12507 link12508 link12509 link12510 link12511 link12512 link12513 link12514 link12515 link12516 link12517 link12518 link12519 link12520 link12521 link12522 link12523 link12524 link12525 link12526 link12527
Максимов Александр Сергеевич
Группа:Команда портала
A small business owner: saving money on group health insurance
Group health insurance premiums have been on a rise over the past 3 years. It is becoming difficult for group health insurance holders to save money on them. The worst part is that this situation may continue in the future as well. The small companies received the hardest blow due to this trend. The biggest concern of the small business owners in the present times is to provide health insurance to the employees. However, this harmful trend has compelled many employers to curb the benefit entirely or pass the hikes to their employees. However, when there is a problem, there is usually a solution as well. You can go through the following tips to offer health coverage and also save some cash.

The best way to get a low-cost group health insurance plan is to compare quotes from various insurance companies. You do not buy anything without checking out a few options; likewise, shop around for the best health insurance plan. Check the quotes from various companies and do not confine yourself to a single option. Online agencies help a lot in this regard. You will get a good overview of the options in your area from the online agencies. However, the agent must be licensed. A licensed agent can provide the most accurate information in terms of rates and benefits to a potential customer. The agent will help you to choose the best plan which will save you money
and cut off the extras redundant for your employees and you.

A good way to save cash is to opt for a plan which entails high deductibles. This is a good plan if your employees are fit and healthy and do not seek permission to visit doctors frequently. The employees have to bear the burden of paying the deductibles even before the coverage is used, but it will protect them from any unwanted incidents leading to personal injury or illness. Again, contact a licensed agent in your area and inquire about the plans that are suitable for you.

Be updated about tax incentives and take advantage of those incentives. It is important to keep yourself updated about the tax benefits that you can derive being a small business owner while offering group health insurance plans to your employees. You might be able to subtract the premiums from the group health insurance plan you have taken. Moreover, you can reduce the payroll tax by opting for a total compensation package of which health coverage is a significant part. The HSA or the Health Savings Account can also contribute to tax exemptions. Use these accounts with a combination of high deductible plans and you will reap the benefit of payroll tax exemption. Talk to your insurance agent properly to find out about such incentives.

Follow these steps to reduce your expenses of purchasing group health insurance plan for your employees. It is important that you shop around quite a bit and buy the most beneficial plan. Seeking professional help is always wise.
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