Шарипова Светлана Кенесовна
Должность:Учитель английского языка
Регион:Жамбылская область, Кордайский район, село Кордай
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему: "Appliance of science"

Тема урока: «Appliance of science»

Цель: To practice speaking/discussing the theme «Appliance of science»


· practice using the vocabulary;

· match the words with their definitions;

· explain the meaning of the words;

· match the inventions to the inventors;

· read the text and choose interesting information or some facts;

· find the paragraph best fits each summary;

· describe the pictures.

I Организационныймомент

1. Today we have the open lesson on the theme « Appliance of science ».

2. What we are going to talk about?

Today we are going to talk about the great inventors and their inventions, new technology, how new technology effects on our life and education if we live a day without technology it.

3. Is it actual to discuss?

II Лексика/ Vocabulary

Before reading and speaking let’s work with nouns and verbs

1. Now we start working with the verbs to use in your speaking. You know all these verbs try to guess their definitions.

Right answers:

charge — quantity of energy (to be) contained in an electrical battery

connect — join, to be joined by things as being related to each other

insert — put , fit, place ( in, into, between) /insert a key in a lock

plug in — device for making a connection with a supply of electric current/ put the plug in the socket

select — choose (as being the most suitable) a program, a present

switch — to turn electric current on/off the light /radio

press — use force or weight to get something smooth or flat

1. Charge

a) put , fit, place ( in, into, between) /insert a key in a lock

2. Connect

b) device for making a connection with a supply of electric current/ put the plug in the socket

3. Insert

c) use force or weight to get something smooth or flat

4. Plug in

d) quantity of energy (to be) contained in an electrical battery

5. Select

e) to turn electric current on/off the light /radio

6. Switch

f) choose (as being the most suitable) a program, a present

7. Press

g) join, to be joined by things as being related to each other

2. Look at the board you see some words of everyday inventions. Do you think all these items are essential? Let’s explain these words. The words on the left for the first group and the words on the right for the second group. Use the verbs from the previous task and give the definitions of the following words.

q home cinema system

q laptop

q satnav

q camcorder

q mobile phone

q DVD player

q digital camera

q remote control

q mp3 player

q computer

3. Can you live a day without technology? As you see it’s difficult and impossible.

II Аудирование/ Listening

Let’s learn the history of some inventions which played an important part in science.

1. Now we’ll watch the video about great inventors and their inventions. Listen to it attentively put down some information on your copy book.

2. What information was more interesting to you?

3. Match the invention to the inventor. Give some information using the passive voice.

Right answers:

Automobile- Henry Ford

Telephone, photo phone- Alexander Graham Bell

Punch card tabulation machine is a tool or machine for cutting hole in metal, paper; tool for stamping design or surface - Herman Hollerith

Printing press is a device which made pictures by printing on paper - Johannes Gutenberg

Milling machine is a tool designed to machine metal, wood and other solid materials -Eli Whitney

Light bulb-Thomas Edison

Odometer is an instrument that indicates distance traveled by a vehicle, such as a bicycle or automobile - Benjamin Franklin

4. Do you know other great inventions? Let’s talk about them. It was you home- task.

III Чтение/Reading

We’ve got much information about the great inventions. And now let’s learn the modern technology achievements, for instance using in cinema.

1. How filmmakers made the film.

2. What they use to encourage or attract people going to the cinema.

3. I’ll give you the text. Look throw the text and choose the parts with interesting information or some facts.

The third Dimension makes a comeback.

A 3D is returning — and not for the first time. Hollywood’s early experiments in 3D cinema started in 1915 but were not very successful. As more people bought televisions in the 1950s, cinema audiences fell and new 3d techniques were introduced to attract people back to the cinema.

B The first full — length 3d film was the horror The film The house of Wax. It came out in1953 and used a special technique where two separate projectors made a double image. Unfortunately, the images this produced were unsteady and made the audiences feel sick.

C Because of the increase in popularity of home video, cinema audience numbers fell again in the 1970s and 1980s. Filmmakers turned to 3d cinema again. This was the technique that could only be used in a cinema, which encourages people to leave their homes. For movies like Jaws, audiences used red and blue anaglyph glasses to see a huge shark attacking them. But the colours didn’t really work using that system, so the technology still needed more improvement.

D Today, cinema audience numbers are in danger again due to illegal movie downloads, so filmmakers are still working on3d technology. In the last decade , they have began to use digital projectors which produce images that have better colour and are stiller and clearer, so audiences do not feel sick watching them. Dual- lens digital cameras that film two things at the same time means that filming in 3d is now a real possibility.

E The latest film by director James Cameron is a perfect example of the future of3d. Cameron shot Avatar on his own Fusion Camera System, mixing live action with state- of-the-art technology.

Audiences use polarized glasses to watch blue skinned aliens jump through the screen. The virtual landscape is so realistic that viewers feel that they can actually step inside.

Lexical words

Double image — двойноеизображение

Unsteady — неустойчивый

Separate - отделять

Due to — из-за

state- of-the-art technology — уровеньразвития

dual-lens digital camera

virtual landscape

released — облегчить

encourage — поощрять

aliens — инопланетяне

4. Talk about the interesting information from text.

5. Which paragraph best fits each summary? There this one extra summary.

1) How 3D cinema developed in the 1970 and 1980s ___

2) The earliest days of 3D___

3) An example of the newest available 3D technology___

4) The first 3D cinema to be released was not satisfactory___

5) People’s reactions to state- -of-the-art cinema___

6) Modern improved techniques used in 3D cinema___

IV Говорение/ Speaking

1. Describing the pictures is an important part of speaking. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

· what/who is in the photo

· give a brief description (action, location)

· say what the pictures have in common

· say in what way the pictures are different

· which kind of the picture do you prefer

· explain why

2. Connect the pictures to our theme.

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.

2. You mentioned about the director James Cameron and his films. One of them is «Titanic» which was the technical achievement in water (ship) transport. Cameron created the film about the ship and made conversion on 3d. He is a perfect example of the future of 3D and digital technology. Watch the following video and talk about your expressions.

V Подведениеитогов/ Conclusion

What did we do at the lesson?

What interesting information did you get?

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